Nothing is all my fault, nothing is all your fault, it's nobody's fault but your ol' mother
It's all there is though besides this rocky dirt underneath our souls, our soles' rubber
Met the road & lasted temporarily forever, all in the mind & in the 6 feet deep graves
Ashes in the water, in the wind, in the woods ready to catch on fire with bitter slaves.
Color of the envelope has no bearing on the matter, your species is identical as god's
Nothing on the skull but a skinny face, shaped like a receded rat's mug, DNA's all set
Funk & the fear of pain and death will corral the monkeys into the cage of the planet
Continental drift & species extinction should quell the UFO alien fears of our hot rods.
This solar system of our star, the sun is safe, humanity has an ability to split ALL atoms
To fuse them, to move them and cause a universal motion of the galaxy's matrix SIMS
No alien wants to be the food of the carnivorous BBQers, their flesh burned, cut & ate
Turned into the wonderful refuse of the pitiful, defective genome, it's defective RNA.
Nobody's fault, just a random accident of nature's collisions into each other, innocent
Highly unlikely & improbable this is a dream within a dream of one, old sleeping giant
Beaming the molecules into the mothers' eggs to cause mitosis, no Man needed a roll
Makin' hay or tokin' leaf that changes a theater of the mind, hallucinating a god hole.
Ask the astronauts and cosmonauts if there's anything other than Earth in Our World
We did, they said there's a reason but nobody finds one, it's for them to go, full stop
Nothing other than this life on Earth in the universe of Earthlings, ain't no cielo, pop
Down or sideways, remember and never forget, live life, ain't no tomorrow, oh girl!
r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, Janvier XXVIIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 555 AMPST
{ Drafted in the middle of being #Woke by @Armstrong_GettyRadio on iHeart, waitin' for #COW (clips of the week) right here, right now or podcast @ https://www.iheart.com/podcast/the-armstrong-and-getty-show-20474616/?cmp=web_share&embed=true & #StepOnTheBrakes #OhGirl @Chi-Lites on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/iaBC5BUh3BM }