
Sunday, February 06, 2022

#NeedAFifthOnTheSixthToo #GTH #OutOfDodge #FOGHAT #LetsRide #LetsRock #LetsRoll #DrinksInMyHand #JackedUp4X4

Sent o'er here to evaluate the status of this leftover marketplace, empty hue, Milky's Way
Final critique of pure reason to get you started, One's terrestrial journey, star singularity
With what stands for the above and below, this and that, opposite of mortality, an infinity
Children and adults, every culture of every continent, all of the dead ain't out of my today.

Indoctrination to One mind bent by 7 spins around a Star, yields aerodynamic backspins
As a twirling @Top or a @YoYo spins, all things go in circles because there's holy skins
Innocent when my parents conceived me, now inherited, Garden of Eden Guilt, Jet sons
A long time ago, it was done, before I was born, a hundred thousand bangs of shot guns.

As if there's a reason for no reason at all, continue ad infinitum for the miraculous search
Of being a baby boy or a baby girl, alive until in decrepit mode, as a flower or any atom
All in and all out of the system, down or up, it's a matter of Time in Space, This is It, Now
You cannot make this scat up!  It's a natural progression of the Calculus, drunk on a cow.

Chocolate or white as a pure, colorless mix trick in blanks, 12 gauge's L&L, hold your fire
Live & die by the sword, the knife or just jumping off of garage rooftops on a funeral pyre
Ain't my fault, stop the guilt trips, I ain't the one who was here 'fore I came, dad's godson
Deny until the cows come home, the Truth remains, #WhoMadeWho, that's the question!

Puppets or call them the dummies of the ventriloquist, move the Ways & Means garbage
Around in a circular jerking of their private parts that a fig leaf could hide, high stoneage
Birds of feathers flocked together, have-nots wanted what the haves got first, it's a War
Battles on the Front and the Rear of every coast, border to border, gunsmoke risen far.

Over & done, Man's population's been immobilized, neutralized ala #COVid19's batmen
Out of control, boys & girls mutated into citizen kings, queens & pontiffs who raise rents
Crusaders carried a Holy Grail from an original place, a Space to an unknown X's Zen
Married to mobs or a loner on a trip's bumpy road, lunar landing Void to Stone Silence.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, February VIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 8:88 AMPST
{ #JammedOutMyHead in #StoneSilence internet is down, will reboot & play some #StoneBlue by @Foghat link ...  #ThereYouGo link @  https://youtu.be/c0McO4sY8pA }

Saturday, February 05, 2022

#GotALittleSomethinForYAll #SuperBowl #LVI #56 #GTFOOH #Prince #MichaelJackson



Beer in the keg if not inside of a holy pony for my horses
Jack Daniels' jigger down on the bar, double barrel curses
Mamas & papas super bowling us all one way, my behind
Race ahead of the game, away drunk skunk, a third kind.

Civilian or military progress from an entrance with no exit
Mortality on the right or the left of the bones' smell, a debit
Morons from the bowels of the Tomb of Folly, a hot One Two
Therefore, idiots win a two-headed coin toss, guzzle the brew.

Mercy for the monsters & gluttons for punishments' buzzes
Guilty consciousness, all my fault even if it's not & never was
Blame me, I'm responsible, it's my obligation, I've got it boys
Cut my ties, can't push a rope, gotta pull it, ain't a free choice.

Points scored, penalties declined, goals on or off the field's dream
I go forth, I get back then rest a spell only to repeat, ad infinitum
Common or rare, art is all there is, it's a matter of energy's tides
Space black and blue, bright as the glory hole on your backsides.

Bones to be picked around my own 208, skull to toe, jolly roger
Monks and monkeys look and feel the same way, hand it to her
She always knew the way to the mind of man is through Fear
Scare the scat out of God, conquer It, kill a Word, not a BEAR!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, February Vth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1030 AMPST

{ Produced with kid gloves afoot, jammin' to 3 hours of #SpanishGuitar jams @ https://youtu.be/YDhUMt0aDEQ  & a multitude of @SuperBowl 1/2 time shows, #RapidoOrder! }

Friday, February 04, 2022

#MindWideOpen #ImAlreadyGoneToo #SimpleComplexity #InvolvedDetachment

You can lead a horse to the river but you can't make her drink while you're on her back, take a note
It's the same old song whether you sing it or listen to another wale and flail about, it is all she wrote
Provoke my spirit that's in charge of law, order, being in line, in lock-step with the humanity of gods
You know, the ones who all wear clothes without style, puns and sarcasm should disguise the roads.

The forks ahead with the right and the wrong way to follow until you get to the end of days, all yours!
Everybody has One, yours & mine haven't arrived, well, maybe mine has by now, a century is hence
Punks and the junkies addicted to the free will of getting loaded, getting drunk, getting it up so high
Kung Fu I have & you don't, regardless of the absolute truth, misinformation is the ticket to the sky.

Straight up to the top of the atmosphere that stops 8 miles higher than the underground rock & stone
Nothing nor less than the whole shebang in a nutshell, dropped as if a gift from an absolute power one
Performing on The Stage from #ActOne to the #Finale, in ignorance, bliss or wide #Woke, enlightened
Come over to my place, it will be over before you know it but at least you'll have me, I'm not offended.

Miracles in the essence of this globule in the solar system, embedded in a surreality of a demigod's eye
Many & the One are exactly, precisely identical to The Plethora, before words of a bonified Good Guy
Caves empty of holy water, all evaporated as if it was never here in the first place, gas leak into a Void
Perfection & the lack of it are a gain of the functions of calculus, signs & cosigns mediate the androids.

Bats flew around, birds & people flew around the entire planet for years, now surprised by pure Science
Dialogue regarding the nature of this beast and the relationship to the bums, junkies, jokers & the Fool
You know who the Fool is, you've met the Fool, you hope you ain't the Fool, Time & Space will tell all
On the border of logic and reason, the argument's conclusion deduced is rational, why's Autumn a Fall?

Puns and plays with the linguistic permutations of syllogisms and plagiaristic facsimiles of Things I am
Mummies and the corpses with or without the formaldehyde preservation, skulls' & bones' flim flam
Monkeys, cats, homeless camps up and down the thoroughfare, vagrants high on meth & heroin died
All of them have been poisoned by the water, the food & the black plague rat bites because God lied.

Said he, she or it would take care of this random creation of a Sun's black hole, a loaf of life, drink beer
Enjoy it or not, it doesn't matter, you're lucky to have gotten a shot at the breath of air, in or out Here
Being and nothingness will get into the lexicon eventually, probably your last gasp of breath, what it is
Move on, carry on, eyes wide open, embrace the unknown as a long lost friend, man dead, woman kiss.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, February IVth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 711 #AnteMeridien #PacificStandardTime
{ Gods dropped in to see the condition of my condition & I drafted this while listenin' to #Armstrong_GettyRadio @ArmstrongAndGetty.com @kste650AM & jammin' on @KennyRogersAndTheFirstEdition #JustDroppedIn link @ https://youtu.be/AULOC--qUOI }
