
Tuesday, November 08, 2022

#Wavelength #Cosmic #Infrared #GratefullyDead #ChristinaAguilera

I am one and the same as the baby zygote, I've been winning since day one
That night or some night up the road or downstream from dream to the sun
About as clear as a piece of lysergic acid on your tongue and into your mind
You're in the afterlife of trippin' to beat all Truths of priests and monks' kind.

A feature of the creature you know wants to annhilate your five senses in It
The black, holy emptiness of the Singularity, complete Oneness without hers
Bricks in the backyard where the rhubarb grows, near the white boy's allies
No longer a feature where the dollar bills don't fill up the grafters of coffers.

There's a rational explanation for the three stooges filling up Time in Space
Reacting to the absurd and the wasted apes who filled the sewer just in case
You never know when the need arises to fertilize the rice in the muddy place
Disbelieve your faith in the Ends, it's all about the sherbert pie, plastic & lace.

Danmed if I do and danmed if I don't, what you almost made me say, you tool
For the nails and the screws you twist and pound into the planed trees, I drool
Because I think my love is so pretty means nothing to eternity, I got the bends
Came up to the surface too quickly with & without a job, it's history, the Ends.

Dying to get a job when I'm 80, so I wrote a short story about publishing scat
Meaning just words strung in a row of sentences' phrases, paragraphs in spatz
You know what it's like, what I'm talkin' about, no need to reiterate the hash
Your mama told you about broken heart within, hide it all, snag the cold cash.

Games of Monopoly and Sorry to pass the time between the hearts & spades
Diamonds and Clubs of the deck of cards keep the secret in tact, it's the Chit
Empty within, cats still gots an empty hope to explode a void's empty pocket
As it all started droppin', breakin' it all down, we're out, pumped gattler fades.

Conscious realization of the true meaning of the cosmic soup you've mixed up
From an unwanted pregnancy that you are to the king of the planetary tea cup
Nerves calmed by the smoke and fire, in the light or the dark, holy ghosts show
All you thought, all you recollect, never forget about it, a boat to row, row, row.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER VIIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Jacked this out of the muse this AM while jammin' to some @EVERLAST #WhiteyFordSingsTheBlues on youTube link @https://youtu.be/z81jJKrZS10 }
my MUSE & ME

Monday, November 07, 2022

GOING FROM HERE TO THERE IN A BLINK . . . A COLD DAY BELOW THE CORE OF EARTH #SmokeRises #NewRadicals #SomedayWellKnow #BevisAndButthead



Dot your i's & cross your t's for the calculus' malfunction to solve a case
Of all animals and plants on Earth before the extinction of leather & lace
Saying grunts mean something more than the sound heard in a vacuum
Scratches painted inside cave walls, of hunters, fishers & God's scrotum.

That's a moot point that didn't need to be made, all spermatazoa & eggs
It's no bad thing, it's only evil if you think it's good not to posit one God
So, evil is alive only in the mind of the judge & jury who pulled our legs
Keep out of the yards with the devil dogs and rabid cats, all your blood.

Perfect to the mutation of the DNA, it is some acid evolved from gods
Nothing human was here at the beginning of this ol' solar world of hurt
Believe what you've been saying to yourself when you change to toads
You never were a prince, so never was a princess, all mama Earth dirt.

Bringing the highlights of the game whether it's a win or loss to bitchin'
That's what it's all about, put your right foot in & take it back with keys
To the padlock of the iron safe, without TNT you will need nitro glycerin
Glad to help you move from the end of the line, you belong in salt seas.

The shape of the planet appears to be a misshaped rock, on a roll, a spin
Around in an infinite trip of revolutions, a #two wood drive all out & in
Broom of the clean sweep is back in the closet 'til the next mess arrives
In the name of the holy trinity or the buddah or the grinch's hand jives.

More or less than the whole shebang, matter and energy swallow it all
Into a Singularity of all there is and will never be ever again, Humans fall
From out of an empty womb, a spark in an egg, you get into living the life
Good, bad and ugly in the mirror, I am what I got, I got saved by my wife.

On the streets without a home, where's your backpack?  It's empty too
Left it out in back of the railroad yard's engineer's office, by a dumpster
Nobody but rats and dogs to disturb it but it's protected by my cat crew
Feed them viddles & they watch my back, even steven, a redneck grew.

Both below and above the fray, mighty mice dig deeper common ground
Finding the holy hole at the end, gravity's airtight argument for a sound
Which screeches and hums in vibrato, as in atoms ready to kill your fear
Far, far away you see, above giraffes necks, buy you gin, buy me a beer.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER VIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 808 PMPST
{ Drafted while watchin' @TheEarlyYearsOfMAD on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/0CrHe7XI_uA & @Snoopy @Peanuts compilation link @ https://youtu.be/Dey1lmWM07U & the @NewRadicals #SomeDayWellKnow link @ https://youtu.be/K-0Yc668Kzw }

#TsunamiOfWokeness #WokeAwakeWicka #Smokey #JuniorWalker #SomeDayWellAllKnow

w o k e
Probably gun-shy and feeling like an undefended fort in foreign lands
Freedom never was free since day one of civilization's use of hands
To fashion the mounds and pyramids to bury the rotten, dead of us
Our kin and our friends as well as strangers and enemy ilk, all fools.

Not their fault that their ego-centric spirits ignore eternity of fools
That we're lucky to be here and now between the headlines to skip
Original big bang came before mankind's creative evolutionary pools
I doubt what I know from the first word out of my mind's mouth lip.

It's the scoop you've received before you knew it was a secret scree
Passed down from the secrets underground, in caves & now in Space
Humanity too much for the planet's rockin' & rollin' so soon, all I drip
Not bringing your bodies and minds along for the conscious acid trip.

Nefarious humans, as they too can be, hybrid implants on a top shelf
That we all will eat them to save our own living entity, it's gods to be
No language to express the experience, all offspring fends for it's Self
In a canoe or a submarine, flowing along liquid gas, parking like a flea.

Anywhere that won't drown or crush your conscous awareness is fine
It is what it is for a reason, accident of a random matter-collision line
Blood bled downward due to gravity, missiles shoot the sun's photons
Someday, we'll all know in a future day of God, who is yo mamas' sons.

I am postive more than negative but I am neutral in a dream within one
Presence is everything, to be aware & know your position under the sun
To be or not to be is a discussion for the atomic subatomics, of a quark
Invisible abstraction descended from the grunts and groans of god work.

No credit taken, none given in effigy, all for one and one for all, that's It
All I can do is cry just like a little baby that has no idea that God is Light
What I am is what I am, what I've become is not quite on target, it's tight
But not a bull's eye required to Know The Truth, it's enigmatic bull's chit.

For the last time, for all above & below right and left wings of The Eagle
It's the empty power of the wind that lifts the emptiness into the Regal
Kings and queens were made of the same as the paupers and scumbags
Atomic, neither ethical nor immorally yours, Big Bang accident on Rags.

r j j  stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER VIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST Lundi Lundi
{ Drafted while listenin' to @ArmstrongAndGetty on @kste650AM link @ https://kste.iheart.com/ & during commercial's jammin' to @TheCars #YouAreTheGirl (yes, you are!) on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/DmFdW1JyccA }