
Saturday, April 29, 2023


Just like every other day and night of our lives, this day & night will be gone to hell
We will all meet that identical fate of our predeceased ancestral inheritance gold
Silver bullets inside and outside of the body of the men, they’re all just so GD old
Mothers left those soldiers in the pits with the idiots & morons they love so well.

Identification of the unknown is the first step to the knowledge of the power in It
Unknown to the idiots and morons, if you’re not one then forget about it, bet chit
On the pot, raise the bets, all in for the final call, it’s a royal flush or four aces’ GIN
Rummy or a dummy playin’ the 52 or a 48 card deck, keepin’ the score of Shogun.

Warriors with swords, knifes, gunpowder, poison and firearms of antibody troops
Sons and daughters of men and women who follow the law, all facts of life’s stoop
Mugs of your head, containers of your liquid, flavor colored teat milk or water too
All concocted for the thirst of being all too humane, a funk of airless, drought goo.

One to the Many, All for One & One for All, a musketeer candy bar, smooth as silk
Strict mother and father got me ready for the days after they left the planet alive
Stronger than death, they are awake with live angels and immortal do-rag gangs
Taking what you can’t, clothes, friends, mates, charge park cars, boys’ overhang.

Bills & the payments due are all paid in full, got no debt to any except the reaper
Tried to deal with the devil but the invisible spirits appear as the dead do, to me
Yet to you, you pray to dead ancestors and saviors of your ilk but it ain’t my thing
Hey man, hold on to your hats, it’s all about Women, how they feel, good lookin’.

All in your own due time, it’s a spatial neglect requirement to waterfall at the dam
Giving and taking everything in eyesight, all you can handle and keep safe at home
Without weapons, all you’ve got is feet & hands, so Evil life is here to cut ‘em off
Guillotine heads, just the basket cases to be buried, perishing the thoughts, I am.

I ran with bulls and the scat of mankind, memorized the empty, holy vacuum hole
Slipped into that darkness both before and after @WAR, a thing, my thing, my role
To see inside of the hole, at the center where nothing is, drank bad whiskey & rye
Smoked Mary, she let me pet her slowly, she jumped my bones, man, that’s no lie.

Here’s the rest of the word salad before the entrĂ©e and desert you’ve never tasted
Junk in the rear end or backside of the trailer park, city suburban blast of the dead
Going and gone nowhere, came out of nowhere so there’s an understanding there
You can’t go somewhere with nowhere to go, I know, you know it, God don’t care!

r j j stephan, i

c. Samedhi, April XXIX (29th) MMXXiii Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Grass grown high, it’s a 1969 graduation, 1974 discharge, a UFO in flight, #ToGo …Jacked this up while jammin’ to @WARtheBand #SpillTheWine LIVE LINK @ https://youtu.be/NCn7uXElnH0 }


Friday, April 28, 2023

OUTER LIMITS OF THE TWILIGHT ZONE'S PLETHORA, #TajMahal #MedicineMan @Keb'Mo Killed it last night in @Napa, California

Y’all can’t ever do what is impossible to be done by Man, eyes closed, way gone, too far
All 8’s in the side or corner of the four-sided table in a four cornered room, perpendicular
See saw what blinded men & tone-deaf women hear, silly geese laid golden eggs’ shells
Here, now, fireside effects of DNA-injected germs are neither dysphoria nor dumbbells.

Holy Word snaps, all easy on the ears when you’re starved for devil’s food, cupcake!
Yellow or birthday, maybe just a celebration of Life or a final anniversary for the fake
At bottom, I was sunk and drunk on the salty far & away, above the top of holy way
Artificial kitty litter for the cats too cool to squat, bow to the master makin’ the hay.

One woman’s doom is another man’s mother, sister and daughter in high Woke-smoke
On the sixty-sixth route across formless states from D.C. to Lake Washington state’s gun
Coast to coast, we flows north to south, as deep rivers do above the equator’s arc-flock
Rain came down, evaporated back up, no home of the brave, all pretty girls are so fun.

Beauty is as beauty does, from mitosis to corpses, it’s the circle of life’s fairy dusted saga
Gods all immortal and mortals all a bastard of the thing itself, a bitch dog’s stud, lady gaga
Pain, suffering, pleasure, enjoy the day, the night & the leftovers fading into the woodwork
Braided hair, scalp to the split ends, it’s shorter than a longhair but longer than a bald dork.

It ain’t your fault that nobody’s in charge, no obligation to lie but if you don’t, you’ll then die
On the spot, a singularity without equal, presence remains even without being One good guy
What your wives and girlfriends said, yes they know you but you only y’all know cyber ghosts
Spirits confession in a Dark-Net box, kneeling, praying to be forgiven being One, Holy’s posts.

Nobody repeats the game’s rules more than once, ain’t no rules except no asking about rules
That means that there is only one golden rule to be or not to be here and now with the fools
Get to shut the Phuquin up, what’s the word except #WordUp, honey pot for the divined dead
Light don’t shine, stars don’t burn gas, you must be dead, there’s Earth dirt all over your head.
As the Brontosaurus growled at the Pterodactyl, I don’t care what day it is, you’re dead
I need the food for me & my kids, we’re gonna eat you like you’re going extinct today
It is what it is since it can’t be anything else, everything or nothing at all, it’s academics
Really, reality’s a form of mental hallucination appearing to be substantially cheap tricks.

Leaching the light, t-he firewater, East wind’s gas-air, it’s all here, right now like all of us, but
There’s no Mayday today but someday it may be the day you’ll always remember, say what?
The day you die, that’s right, you’ll remember that alright, so what you gonna do about Sins?
Direction everywhere challenged, E, W, N, S & between the latitude & longitude of meridians.

Formulate an argument quickly before I have to exit for my early grave before I turn a hundred
Dependents ain’t worried about you except for your cash & inheritance of your cache, you dead
Can’t see how it all goes down when you begin petrifying into a stiff, embalming, cremating, say
Absolutely certain that you’ll not remain alive in human form, live like gods or extinct DNA\RNA.

It is fair to shout in all silent rooms and it’s fine to be #NotNeutral & #NotNegative all mom teats
How high can your brain & mind be before it overloads into seizure of heart & hot, holy spirits?
It’s all coming to a deduced conclusion, no need to assume the facts of premises, just induction
Platonic or Socratic, perennial love of wisdom yields a oneness’ fortune, extinct Eve-Adam’s kin.

I am in whenever I am out, seriously folks, follow me wherever I may go & I’ll lead you to Hehl
Where no holy soul freezes in the middle of empty black holes in Space, @AC/DC ring a bell?
Does it go inside one deaf ear & come out the other deaf ear, it’s knockin’ on heavenly doors
Back inside into an open, mortal soul morph into preconception mode at New Jersey shores.

Backroad bodies in synch with divine harmony, function of the equation, a shadow of intellect
Doing the dozens means nothing if you don’t do the dozens, therefore you are due the neglect
As above, so below your & my own parents contributed to this pull of pure dread to extinction
All gone Desire, an inevitable drive to annihilate this here & that there, swarm of God, my son!

r j j stephan, i

c. Vendredi, April XXVIIIth, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST
{ Internet Down, drafted inside of a black hole, internet severed my cosmic rays; would have played #BodyLikeABackroad by @ChrisStapleton }


Thursday, April 27, 2023

I AM, YOU ARE, WE ARE, THEY ARE, NOBODY IS! #StayOffTheGrasse @NeildeGrasse

#C-Word Salads On The Kings Table
I believed in this, nothing, know nothing about anything and be certain about It forever
So be close to nothing as possible, close to the end of the metabolized germs holy fever
As above where your parents thrive or below where siblings high dove off the low boards
Bouncing up, down, up and down in a skeleton crunching spin, into jackknifed, red hordes.

I’ve no business or concern about the afterlife where nothing is, nothing goes or ever will be
Dreaming about the beating ear drums pounding the wisdom & knowledge in and out of me
Fair or not, this is the way it is, a social and economic slit to fit the unpondered, illegitimates
As apes, naked except for residual follicular activity of evolution & random natural selection.

Boredom will be the key, just move from one unfavorable space to another, invisible soul food
Interests atrophy, swirling down the spin into an echelon of dirty words, dirty jokes of the rude
Know it, remember, recall it, never forget the things that want your life out of a soft, tiny boner
Never inseminated eggs full of hormones in a petri dish, a virgin’s DNA, God’s myth, MAN losers.

Crowd is over there and I am over here, far, far away from the throng, I’m watchin’ the day go by
My compass’ direction is North, West or East…never, ever South, I ain’t goin’ down for anybody
On another hand, there’s the Truth afoot, it’s a rational deduction from the assumed word salad
Dreaming you’re awake, recollect no past life afore this One God Virgin birth, It’s All good? Egad!

Therefore, before I was alive and after I die, none of the Earth’s activity will mean anything at all
It ain’t my fault, I’m just observing the perceivable perceptions everyone perceives, havin’ a ball
Winning and losing are the Ends, playing the game is optional, you see your chance & you take it
If you are snoozing, you can count on losing, it’ll be too late before you know it, step up, #NoS#it!

r j j stephan, i

c. Jeudi, April 27th, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 0755 PST
{ Thumbs Up! Got down in the middle of chaos, jammin’ to @Sammy link https://youtu.be/Mdh2p03cRfw categories sorted into Order, you’re out of Order! }
