
Thursday, September 28, 2023


High up upon the altar is the sacrifice to the gods, but why Man? Fear & loathing
Donald Duck and Mick the Mouse went hand in hand on the B & W test tube thing
To program good boys & the bad girls to reproduce the species’ at genome strength
DNA of God, the son & the holy ghosts, all of the wasted funk’s cosmic wavelengths.

Serious yet incompetent princes, sons of fools ordained kings & queens on board
Prosecution of the cheaters on rules & regulations of the Law, society can’t afford
Irrational thought and practical application of the gods’ full-Joker attitude, cheese
A mouse trap built to capture mice, except for @MightyMouse, y’all will do today.

Brewing the contents liquid and solid, mutating them into gas, thrown to the curb
By and large, dream within a dream is highly probably the case to be or not to be
It’s the question with a trumped-up answer that may or may not become proverb
Hysterically ending in a gasp, disappearance of it all, it’s all out of sight, y’all see?

Beer for my horses and Black Jack for my brothers & sisters from other mothers
We all paid, what needed to be done when nobody would do a thing for fathers
Could keep the emptiness in mind for more than a moment but you’ll be trippin’
Cut with the knife & scissors, sword and dagger, honor, justice, true love sippin’.

Period between conception and dissolution of mind & soul essence, that’s Life
All we know is all there is for everyone who has ever been here, love is strife
To wait for the time to tangle with the humans all around you is a good idea
An infinite progression of abstract numbers from zero to the Singularity’s GA.

Your repetition of sounds and meanings of the string theory merge into Space
Disappearing form and matter leaving Nothing, absolute absence of it all, Face
Saving it, no reflective feeling at all, right or wrong, good or evil, all that I am
Sincere because deception is the end of peace in everyday life, lying a scam.

Guts in the field after the game has been dressed for the process of saving it
Meat for the tribe, familia of the many who claim distant family names to fit
Lemonade ‘cause there were lemons to squeeze, it’s a matter of Time’s spice
Faith used to hope was a path to the love you didn’t receive from mom’s ice.

Deception is fine if it’s used for the good of the few or the many, make it good
No need to try to deceive if you try at all in the first place, it will return a mood
All the time you thought you’d escape from the murder and idiotic fools
Who inhabit everywhere you look outside of your cabin’s safety, my Rules

I served the masses & secured my entry into the home of sweet Gypsy Rose
Open the door longhair said the G-man at my door, bangin’ at my hard wood
Spic & span healthy, immuned to viral & bacterial invasion, salty sea’s sewn
I run the show, I’ll end e=Mc2 too, nothing personal, it’s alpha showdown.

Kidding you not, meaning I would not cheat you since you’re my favorite
Last but not least, you’ll be the final friend I’ll have from now until infinity
My choice, I’m lovin’ the situation, dream within a dream, can’t get woke
In a deep pool of chlorine & H2O, you get sick from the water, you choke!

I will and I cannot animate the 208 bones I inherited from the ancestors
Theoretically they can move with the whole but the whole isn’t moving
Lucky to be still alive & providing the brain & mind with the juice to sing
Time is now, it was yesterday, flip the switch, let’s rock & roll outdoors.

Watch and see, listen and hear, touch and feel it like it’s your own body
Tender and smooth, curved with the structure of the mold, sweet lady
Oh man, imagination is rollin’ on a thin, blue line on the block’s corner
Dust, vapor, cocoa mesmerized, it’s all surreal, no more dreamin’ of her.

r j j stephan, i

c. Jeudi, September XXVIIIth MMXXIII Anno Domini @1111 AMPST

{ God ain’t here, gods ain’t anywhere, if I’m wrong my wings will fly my soul to Nirvana, but this will link you to the maker @ https://youtu.be/dTPnyfNBCzc?si=WMXMeL04mVsGBQlH }




Tuesday, September 26, 2023

#FreshOut #GodsOnThird but... #WhosOnSecond

In one way or another, a one-minded #will overcomes the multiplicity of schizophrenic citizenry
All of y’all humans protect nothing but death from God’s autocracy masquerade of bureaucracy
Then bury us if not burn us all to a crisp in ash dumps of Earth’s twirling swamp of bloody scans
Dropped cultured leaves into the salt water to float in the sea with glee, Life is your idiot bans.

Breathe in and out until you die in the swamp with or without a helpline from humanity’s lord
Either way you get to the final gasp, a termination releases a mind, a spirit, maybe a solid soul
Something to talk about when you’re somewhere in heaven, it’s not your mommy’s hot world
Words put into your ears, you heard & repeated the sound then learned the meaning’s chord.

You don’t appreciate your appearance here and now to your peril, you have a mission to locate
It’s not a secret sentence, paragraph, page, chapter or volume of any old tome gods all create
They are all immortal and there’s evidence to recommend that their advice is for certified idiots
Consider this, that invisible entities created streams of data to Earth’s galaxy Nothing but divots.

Daughter of our #AI which stands for everything artificial you can glean from stealth intelligence
Among the whole shebang of thoughts humanity has had since cavemen became all too human
Jumps in Spirit Lake, just go & understand that I can’t believe you, you lie as like a rug on a fence
Fill up your reserve tanks with cool, empty promises just like the #Longknives calvary nonsense.

Ending in a bribe to look the other ways, bad guys do evil and find no punishment from a judge
May the final day on Earth be a surprise for the Evil who were Live, hope the Good know, nudge
Appearance of the anti-bodies of culture means that the End is near, extinction ahead of a cart
Woes of the hungry, the wild, whether innocent or guilty of bad behavior, onto extinction’s part.

Outrage as gold bullion doubloons from a pirate ship’s treasure chest, sin in Davy Jones’ locker
All of the treasure chest full of stolen valuables gleaned from the blood of the dreamin’ phuqr
You know everything and I know nothing about anything at all, remakes the counter revolution
East or West, North or South, there’s nowhere else to go except Up & Out of One de-evolution.

Holy scat or Holy Spirit, that’s holy for you and a sacrilege for the holier than thou, all three sons
All in all, it’s three musketeers until each one dies a natural death of an immortal, I’ll take a bow
Father, Spirit & Son of a mythological Trinity, mental floss for the infested blind faith in pro cons
Gold, Silver, leftover Big Bang Blown Space dusted, atomic hearts, #Beats, divinity’s job to blow.

Made women & made men, all making out in closets with all their parents’ overcoats’ mothballs
Bones buried with or without the bloody life, by those who don’t care or the careless screwballs
Flight in a fog when taxes need to be accumulated, go to work, pay taxes, alive in a radio wave
Stay with me, acumen fine tunes, I play every game on Earth, I never lose, I always win, “Dave!”

Platform of the ‘L’’s A’ train up above Harlem to Wabash, took liberty around a 2nd city of angels
On the tops of the hills at the tips of the mountains, spontaneous combustion of gravity’s spells
Hypershakin’ curved moneymakers bringin’ home scratch-jack home to papa, even with a pimp
Free-for-all for anyone needing desires of artificial intelligence, be soul’s thrills, gotta git, jump!

Hut, one, two, three so the little schoolgirls can march off to school, in uniform with bookbags
Tight as a sixty-year-old, sixteen- or twenty-six-year-old goin’ in and out of view, I like #hashtags
With or without my movements in this here solar system, the gong remains the same, y’all see
Mystery’s a Good Night, guilty verdict rose & the innocent got killed without the help of Irene.

If you dig deep enough you can get to the core, center of the microdot before it implodes One
No fear of anything here and now, it can’t eat me until I’m dead & I’m gonna fight to stay alive
With or without you, I can bow down to no one, I play hardball, you can bet your bottom dollar
Cows tow the cart but put the cart before the horses & we never move a step, stuck in a holler.

I dug my grave like I dug my life, it was all an illusionary function, to kill the dream in a deadpan
Trucks and jets all stopped, everything right is wrong and vice versa, ad infinitum Buddha’s Zen
Fungible & logical in end, walked and ran at first, now it’s a steady dredge l groove into dirt cells
Mother Earth is all there is man, we all know, we believe, I’m seeing what blind-men see, insight.

Shakedown and turnin’ y’all upside down to get the change out your pockets, you will cooperate
You owe me from labor you haven’t been paid for yet, rolling stone gets paid just like all the rest
Mississippi from Illinois to New Orleans, pulled the Finn-Sawyer trip but it wasn’t my frozen fate
Lake Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes leftover by Stone Ages, old Great Lake dried up, here’s Big’s best.

Red rooster cock-a-doodle-doodling in the barnyard all day & all night long, nobody knows why
In a cage or tortured by clipped wings and howling hound dogs with the stray cat prowlers, sigh
Drafted to read the treble & bass of the concertos and pop pieces of the fifties & sixties so high
Then the skirmish of the Air Force scooped up my youth and dreams, mutated into ABC reality.

Inside of your mother’s face, behind her skin and bone, there’s the one spirit runnin’ the show
Day one until the end of days it’s always all about how the nurture got the nature’s wind blow
Up above or down below, it’s all the same as it’s always been, it’ll get worse until the extinction
Then it will return to the sacrosanct substance of it’s almighty source, Singularity black, holy sin.

Sort the categories into their respective classes to identify their substantial shapes and forms
Just as you thought things would be once you died, those things are that way now in swarms
Astronauts have epistemological certainty that the Earth is All There Is for Mankind, holy soul
So fortunate to have arrived & survived for a moment or more, all for the One, I dig, a 6’ hole.

r j j stephan, i

c. Lundi, September XXVth, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to https://youtu.be/_JyTAS0xP8s?si=M_ObL8h33d7yRI5N & https://youtu.be/vAQ8k8BD9Tw }



Friday, September 22, 2023


How can you brand me with the burn marks of light when five will also get you ten
It’s alright where you belong, exactly where you don’t want to be, 20 years of blue
Locked up inside a cell with no way to escape other than death, poisons or beaten
Pins and needles to stick into the things that need to be sewn, without a machine.

All the best & worst of it al know this, it could be worse than it is or has ever been
If you live long enough over conception through miscarriage or abortion’s function
Unholy daughters & sons with agendas worth pursuing, whether in conflict or not
Looking for the ultimate grade-stud, straight A’s right to the moon, Ralph & Alice.

Gone across the backstreets and the diagonal avenues & boulevards of Windy City
They molded my judgement of this plane of existence upon which we live and die
Facts or illusions until further notice, hot fun in the city & sweet honey in the sea
Creeps a comin’ in throughout the crypt of lame boners who couldn’t get a squirt.

Celebrate a fact that you won’t awaken some day down the road, gotta be woke
As if your life depended on it, the air must be this Earth air, here & now, no choke
Ignorance ain’t our fault, random roll of the die on 2 dimensional nickels & dimes
Profits & losses yield the wildest empty shirts a creator ever imagined, stop signs.

It may be crazy or not but if I sound like I am, I probably am but the Words ain’t
Subjects predicating objects, abstract mode, gesticulating elusive understanding
Previous perfection of skin, bones, organs, mind consciousness, heads’ shoulders
In the casket, in the urn or lost anywhere in Space, rocks rollin’ into lava boulders.

Since day one all the way up to and including the beginning of the end’s vice versa
Obtuse and oblong for the whole shebang, microdot of termination’s polka salsa
You go your way & I’ll go your way too, there is no other way to go for the gusto
Only the paint makes a difference, colors other than black & whitey know to go.

Perform on the stage of fallen angels with their flappin’ wings that can’t fly a guy
Here and now from the origin, I am the final function of the schemes I’ve dreamed
Already gone in a flash, like my fires and policing did any good, it’s extinction, Man
All of it, atom to eternal function of the Void, it is what it is, it’s all made in Japan.
Fix of the problem is the final solution to everything surrounding every live star
Flying as high as One could while still able to breathe in & breathe out from afar
Neither in heaven nor in any netherworld, above or below will He ever recollect
Truth, as it were, as it’s always been before & after today, to disrespect God sect.

An imaginary divinity which seven continents of humanity smuggled out the Void
Fumbled upon each goal line so that nobody’s team scores a point, dead android
Yes, maybe no but probably highly probably certain that the Left is not the Right
Good is not Evil once you’re beyond the revolution of this star we call Sun, Light.

“Hey man,” there’s a song that begins just like that & I know it’s sung by the asses
It’ll go into one ear & come out of the other, in Egypt or Paraguay or El Paso Texas
Complete, utter ignorance of Wisdom gleaned by the dead men we revere so high
I could be wrong, it could be worse, Almighty Evil’s so bad that humans wanna die.

Why else would Men have the W.O.M.D.? No other reason for soul’s annihilation
Before your own mother & father met in the link of love, you were where you’ll be
Down yonder, over here or there, all of it’s the same imaginary plane’s conditional
Argument beginning with ‘If’ & ‘But’ as if it means anything, it means God IS silly.

Yet, here we are, we’re all alive & we’re all gonna die & try not to be disrespected
By the minions & the family left over once the last gasp is released, Living’s Dead
Proud of y’all, there’s One future you’re movin’ into the way gone way, Astra glide
Seeing it all, from day before we got here, here & now, hope you enjoyed the ride.

I loathe the fear that I had to annihilate but that’s the way it goes, kill the scat too
Recollection of some random memory between star-stuff ain’t gonna get me over
Whole wide world, royal blue sea from here and now to Hawaii’s volcanoes cover
One god or many more, commandments on stone age rock and roll that’s so blue.

r j j stephan, i

c.  Vendredi, IX-XXII, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST