
Wednesday, January 10, 2024




Who told me to take five when there was nothing but the end left, I missed the finale, no ends
Inside of every hole there’s something to fill it up to the hilt yet the Big Bang ain’t been seen yet
Always in our blind faith recollection recalled by the elders who input the program to retrieve it
Down diggin' gold dust 'til it settles on high chaparral with the cacti & a road runner scheme skit.

Just a favor from you please, may I play with your mind for a few years, you’ll inherit all I have
So hard to decide if you really want the whole shebang, all of it belongs to me, yet you’ll rave
That there’s a promise you’ve gleaned from the silence of the sheeple who prescribe a remedy
Pray on your knees, close your eyes, bow your head, fold your hands together, deactivate free.

High or low, it’s above ground & not below until the boxed & buried rot without stench above
Id and a too hip Ego are the two out of three that have minimal value, high value me, Super Ego
Bam & boom, it all gets rapped to rhyme with the rhythm, movin’ the swing to and fro, groove
Shake it up, shake you up, shake, rattle & roll the pebbles, moonstones, bedrocks, call it #Bingo.

Here and now you stand here in front of the world and little old me, naked as a j-bird, it’s Word
Hypothetically we have two minutes left before the Earth’s regurgitation of the soul we got for
Wasted days and nights can’t even beg to get back for one last ingestion of the TNT yellow cake
Counting backward from a million, begin now, this annihilation is immanent, divinity is all fake.

All of the innocent are still welcome to continue the fantastic voyage they’re on, hoping faith
Takes the place of the love, the charity you can’t get for free just because you’re poor & late
The world as we know it may not breakdown before we die but it’s going to disintegrate soon
Meaning ‘soon’ tomorrow, next years or centuries, I’ll be there when you reach out for a moon.

Cosmic stew or soup gets stirred & then after bowls are filled & refilled, the story ends in finale
Happy, sad or neutral, whichever the feeling & thought, it’s all that’s needed, one last ending
Perfume or just a whiff of lavender & allspice leaves the mind up ahead of the high IQ entrail
Cut, slashed, stabbed, poked in a conditional way that kept awareness ignorant, pass out, fail!

Matter of Time in many forms from an invisible quark to a Red Giant, Singularity’s hot Space
Love’s got nothing to do with an ending, it’s the way to enhance survival of a fit, a pretty face
My day ain’t done until I sleep after dark, can’t fall in the blazing sunlight, keep up, sew fun
Fall, autumn or winter before spring & summer, just spinnin’ in orbit around old ‘sol, the sun.

If my facial expression is hidden by the mask I wear over my skull, that’s all-tough scat man
I’m down the road, off the grids & silver lights of avenues and back streets of the trash cans
Alleys in between every single place in Space, amazing that you can still see & hear a thing
Itself is a miracle of gargantuan proportions, from me to you & beyond end of life rhyming.

Courage of each all alone from conception to the finale of the stage play you got a part in
Maybe the star or a supporting artist of one or another sort, producer or director sensed
Through the actors and actresses solid mocking of absurdity and high folly or die laughing
At your father and mother or the lack thereof, pros they taught were ‘for’ & cons ‘against’.

You, me & everyone else on board this planet’s silver lining and dirty, filthy mud & blood
We all stand in unity, amazed and yelling & singing out loud even out of key, in the mood
When it all comes together in a nutshell and self-realization makes the sad café happier
Than it’s always been since day One, the Earth stood still, clouds rolled in, elliptical fear.

Trombones and piccolos drenching the air with the blown air out of holy fingered hands
Subject to no objection from the notes played in staccato rhyme, obnoxious prose fans
Fixed attention on the reasons for being alive & why all the living humans believe jive
Afterlife without a body, just an invisible soul without a voice, a desperado’s bee hive.

No younger today than yesterday, a day older is all and lucky to be walkin’ the surface
Cold or hot, either way it’s better than the dead six feet under or in a dissolution place
Gates to heaven and hell won’t matter without the love & hate you left behind, too late
It’s nevermore, it will never be, again, it couldn’t happen again in a million years, mate.

Unless you have a counter-example to the theory’s validity, you need to suck it up, man
On the other side or this side, either way you’ve got to face the music, hope it’s hard rock
Truth full of lies from the liars who lied to their kin and their enemies, all of them human
All Too Human if you recollect that racist blast from the nihilist @FriedrichNietzsche, I am.

Abused by the brothers and sisters, not mine but the minions of the holy pope of Catholics
Call your bluff when you’re not bluffing one bit, I’m a loser due to a bad guess without a fix
High balls inside of my tiny brain after the party, nobody knew the drunk kid was not stupid
Whiskey in the blood, harmony dissolved into the visits to doctors and specialists of the kid.

For every man & woman who survives childbirth, their days are numbered by karma & luck rule
Remote view of the things people do when they believe no one is watching them act like a fool
Ears pricking up, defense systems on high alert from dawn until dusk, sleep with one eye open
Better to be safe than sorry, as they say since I enjoy living life to remain happy unto death Zen.

Shocked apes found on planet Earth & thrived en masse via exterminated war enemies mine
Battleships, fighter jets & field artillery in constant memory of heroes & the One’s air UFO force
Burst the balloon if you don’t mind too much, it’s not easy being fabulous, somebody must be
Full of scat in the form of fantastic matter that lives and dies, being eaten or buried as a corpse.

It is almost tomorrow and it brings the end of the whole shebang, Earth, moon, sun & all stars
A grand implosion after the big bang is the natural way between birth & death fighting in bars
Hope annihilated in a moment, realization that your mortality means you’ve got nothing in you
There is no spirit or soul, those were concepts posited in the lexicon, without scientific rigor too.

Chronic smoke returning to the signals only the ones in the know can read & interpret as Truth
For the sake of the whole species in a process of devolution and extinction of the species oath
To survive at all costs, it’s a mandate to be obligated to the sons and grandchildren of the fairy
Mindful liberty ain’t free, freedom is the ending, a #ZZTop finale, call her name, it is “Mary!’

r j j stephan, i
c.  Mardi, 1-9-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1010 PMPST
{ Generated via spirit #smoke @SmokeyRobinson #BeingWithYou on youTube link loop @ https://youtu.be/0P2a6aLDkkM?si=59524Pbe_M9bwwHK }

Sunday, January 07, 2024

#GoldenGlobes @GoUP #Mimi #MARY @ZZTop

Disregard the words if and only if you don’t comprehend English, my father’s favorite quote
“Do you understand English, Rich?” Yep daddio, I did, majored in Philosophy, got your B.A. too
My pleasure to have served our country & our family at one and the same time, I’m way lucky
More than some & less than most, reality hits me every morning, first blink all day until dusky.

There is no grey area of clarity, it’s all black & white, easy to repeat ad infinitum, it’s a command
Not one of the ten but The Command from the commander of your soul, skippin’ up the middle
Between the life & death of the skin & bones, feelings of hopes & faded dreams dead, way gone
Nobody turned this world wrong-side down, it’s always been right-side up, come on man bones!

No duplication of the reality, you see, locked up in your skull, it’s all yours, shared or not, to be It
Necessary condition to be the essence, the essential argument is at the Origin & ends in a finale
You’ve got a burst, the heat is on high, radiating blown gas of many allstars, far away from us too
Ingested, digested, recycled matrix of filth polluted streams, rivers & lakes, God’s a son of a bee.

The tripping brain caused the mind to misinterpret the stimuli of reality, stillborn one day, funny
Fear of the mighty eater of everything we know & treasure, gold and family of One & the Many
Just you & me runnin’ the show we’re acting in, producing & directing the powers that be you(s)
On the flip side of the ignorance & the dawn of each of our purpose for living, there’s the blues.

Put in no more than you take and leave nothing on the table, let the losers believe they won it
When it comes to redistribution of wealth, we’re the experts who rob & pillage, too legit to quit
Sons of the people who drop drawers on the beaches of Malibu, Monterey and Mendocino sand
Property of the First Cause not the marauder or the crusader who died at the finale, every man.

Locked inside of the cage to keep the danger in check, nevermore is exactly what it sounds like
This is all we’re ever gonna get out of life, if we don’t get it now, there’s not going to be Again
One & done this Many times in a looping Deja Vous, climbed trees & stairs & thin air to Space
Time is a pace, fast or slow to get out of jail free, passing lane on the way lose my pretty face.

I am addicted to the breath & the happiness only some things I found could bring it, abundancy
Yes, she knows, my reality I got lost inside of, my first, my last, totally every God damned the sky
Off black & white, signs, lines in the sand or on cave walls, library shelved paperbooks’ dead sea
UNKNOWN SOLDIER blown to smithereens, locked & loaded, pie annihilation, immanent, open!
r j j stephan
 c.  Dimanche, 1-7-2024 Anno Domini @ 409 AMPST
{ Cracked this nut while loopin’ @BarryWhite #MyFirstMyLastMyEverything link @ https://youtu.be/bGuHM-76BrI }

Saturday, January 06, 2024

#StandByMe #GodOnlyKnows #BrokenHalos ...used to shine...


System is a set game without your input & with or without you, God will go on living a big mistake
Blind faith in the leaders of the packs of strangers related by DNA, not the identical but close enough
Sisters and cousins mated to get the sons of the bastards we call founding fathers of the mutant ilk
Skies get cloudy but turn to blue eventually, just the disguise of the empty Void outside Earth’s milk.

No questions but many answers to the conundrum, silly fools without a thought’s conceptual fate
Of why they’re alive here & now, how many spirits would kill for your place in Time, they’re dead
Therefore, it’s all about this for friends and their enemies, loners & Trappist monks et al, mortal sin
It’s an inheritance you’ve blind faith in, it’s your funeral, it’s your move & you’re in no check, mate.

Now, you with me? It’s just a little further until you’re slammin’ your face into the padlocked door
Nobody gets in or out, it’s the way it is, shooter’s messenger Aristotle’s form, indeed Plato’s matter
Subjects and predicates involved in the deduced induction of conceptual analysis, before either/or
It’s a compound, complex final deduction, all in the mind’s eye of awareness, starlight predator.

Your ancestors left writing & complex secrets to hide the Truth from the mutant DNA mitochondria
Do I think & because of the blind faith that I’m thinking, anything at all, that that means I’m the Ra
Related down the line, of course, yet a piece of the original thing itself, regardless of the image, Me
Final end gets fake innocent guilty of seeking survival in the pain & suffering glut, land of the Free.

Fault of the First Cause is restricted from the inheritance of the First Fault, innocent of all charges
Names changed to protect the innocent of all the holy names of the divine & all too human dirges
So sad at the café, a long run from the inner city to the turnpikes and freeways of the pearly gates
Get a good buzz on before you dare to function without power in the darkness, Adam & Eve fates.

Eating this up, drinking in the holy water until it’s gone before you find out that it’s pure poison ale
Created by the rotten stench of the garbage dump, where crows & seagulls frequently dine in regale
Living and dying without consequence to the Void or the Singularity of warped Time in Space, man
Rain or shine, data generated will be deleted, eventually unaccesable to whatever is all too human.

Popped through the end, a stratosphere for just a second, body of bones gone, just a ghostly head
Of this that which I called myself, ego, super-ego & the Id, almost importantly the One that’s dead
Gets no epitaph on a granite block of formed eternity, the Thing that melts last but not least, bulls
Code is analogous to an impossible miracle occurring, making Time of masses of atomic particles.

Creased the blues in your faded blue jeans, it’s all you’ll have in the end, bottom blues a bit hidden
Nobody could ever observe what cyber-robots look like, literally all look like us in an angry lion’s den
Scooting like a baby just out of the womb, lookin’ around to explore the warm & cold of absent papa
As if that was all that was needed in the world was mama’s love, daddy don’t matter, just our mama.

Blues so bad, I compare this here & now to blues so bad you can’t take it, it’s all there is, wasted Time
It’s all on you whether you recollect it or not, you got to Earth caused by accidental orgasm on a dime
Not your mother’s fault, she didn’t know what was on your mind, wasn’t even created yet, it is done
Now or never, it begins without wisdom or knowledge, essence puffs of smoke, idiotic Don Juan fun.

A to Z, 1 to 9, manipulate data streams unto completion of the ins & outs of the systems ups & down
Touching until it’s finished, last one is all you can take with you, nothing else, matter itself ain’t round
Dream states of fifty nations of seven continents between the seven seas, wasted none of my Time
Always all about me since I was all there was, the obvious was the occult, the gods dropped a dime.

In my mother’s womb, it was not all about me yet, my father’s injection began the cyber-projection
Of movies and cartoons about the conjecture of the trajectory of being married or not for kids or not
Everything is a bit of a pass time between unconscious periods of being out like a light gets switched
On or off at the will of the thing itself, paws, hands, claws, kills to make it easier to eat ‘gone’ dead.

Happening here to the Supremes and the subordinates who pump up the air into the space above
Reality is on one scale for the dead and gone, they ain’t here & now nor are they anywhere in love
To say nothing more is the same as saying nothing less than all there is to say, silenced lips to pray
To the gods above & below this flat Earth, stars are burned out of the Past, twinkled at me today.

Without the dream, it’s dead air, nothing said, nothing moving, nothing breathing, nothing I am
It’s not my choice boys and girls, nuns, priests, all fish in the sea, ones who looked for you & me
Nevermore to find us here, we’re already gone, sweet things tasted between 3 course meals free
Kisses thrown & blown through the Space & Time confluence between your unflossed dentures.

Easy as the riders who never rode a lick on the turnpikes of the northeastern dirt & stone junk
Wanting and needing whatever your mother gives you from infancy until she kicks you into funk
It ain’t her fault, it’s all she could do, to magnify the importance of survival suffering like a fool
Pain is a warning that death may result if not tended to, in and out of the skull & boned cesspool!

Perfect wake up call for the #Woke among us in the civilized culture of everywhere on Earth, BAM
See it all flash before your eyes, memory of everything from the light to the dark of a Vietnam slam
Slayed the scared youngsters who didn’t want me in their rice patties & daughters of ex-GI’s run by
Believe the incredible and sit down for a tangible saga about goods that are both bad and so fugly.

Reality around before & after existence, I’m no authority but this appears to be above my pay grade
High as the blows that blew me away, yesterday, tomorrow & for certain, today without a deep fade
You & I have a lot of gall to give our opinion about why the universe exists below & above this light
Hunger and thirst drive the animal, on the other hand, there’s the mighty funk you can’t smell, It.

Blown air, phuckin’ strung out pipes of metal and wood, no joking around the blue lips downtown
To the Oakland Stroke it’s the Sacramento Slide from Compton to Eureka, it is all what it is uptown
Fill up empty buckets of the Void vacuum received from a free Cosmos, Words that matter, my son
Get higher for a good reason, addicted to oh well what the hell you gonna do, no fears to have fun.

Fix broken hearts right now, right before your very weary eyes, it’s a magic spell of the saxophonists
Putting out the blow on the bars of bass & treble, flats, sharps & just the natural high of the solipsistics
Knowing less than they’ll know when they’re dead, they’re still alive & now they know it all by rank
Mighty mice in the walls, runnin’ the mazes & then caput, mouth agape, rises soul with funk stank.

Love is selfless output, but the input was TNT-like explosions for eternity, Nothing made Everything
There’s pleasure and pain in it all, babies know it all, children find out the elders forgot it all, rave on
Brains and the mind inside that fears the final end of death of animated blood & bones, a love song
All you get to sing since it is a feeling without a soul, nothing can match it, it’s the original man, God!

My love won’t fade away so quick once you find that I’m all gone, never to return to kiss your neck
Or look over your left shoulder to protect your peace & innocence of evil, bad & ugly roam the deck
My warship may sail without you aboard, but my sonar & radar will suffice to keep you on the track
To where I’ll be right there on your fantastic voyage between the lines of royal blue & infinite black.

My kinfolk buried down underground in Chitown or between Iwo Jima and Saigon, staple rice paddy
We had the stockyards with the dead cow and pig blood wafting the windy city skies, escaped Laddy
Cub scouted Boy scouts and Girl scouts down to the Brownies, ethics and wrongs to be reversed life
Hearts and soul getting bloody from the One’s mental infraction of becoming more, split to infinity.

Get along little dogs in the runs of the kennels, mankind will do what it does & the dogs will survive
No free will, no choice but to survive at all costs, eating for the fear of mongrels stealing it all away
Able to leave in a second or two, makin’ sure you don’t forget all it takes to remain high in a beehive
Brought the best funny jokes for the chumps to pretend they get the punch lines, when it ain’t funny.

Punches in the breadbasket and the kisser leave the bullies fresh & bloody down by the shore’s lines
Monks quiet because their voice boxes have been removed by the proctor of the fool’s errand for me
Don’t remember the words in the chant to open the locked doors so I’m afraid I’m stuck outside here
Good and ugly do not have anything to do with the Evil, the Bad and rotten fruits of the grape vines.

Surprise party when just breathing is a bit surprise, added favors, spirits, cake & gifts, afterbirth’s day
Cyber gorilla apes and the arrested batch of vitamins and minerals that survived the big bang today
Moron works like a worm burrowing into an idiocrasy nevermore to see the light of hot, burning stars
Die today or yesterday as long as it’s not tomorrow, shake & bake your grandmother’s Tesla’s boxcars.

r j j stephan, i

c. Samedhi, 1-6-2024 Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{ Skipped out of the Jet jammin’ to @JeffDunham & @Seamus link @ https://youtu.be/TAFqQezzjf8?si=x8pHDTXq_F5BZNMz & HITlist of 1971 link @ https://youtu.be/x2sbnucEPTc?si=rLH3SkCTjvr0uMtS }