Disregard the words if and only if you don’t comprehend English, my father’s favorite quote
“Do you understand English, Rich?” Yep daddio, I did, majored in Philosophy, got your B.A. too
My pleasure to have served our country & our family at one and the same time, I’m way lucky
More than some & less than most, reality hits me every morning, first blink all day until dusky.
There is no grey area of clarity, it’s all black & white, easy to repeat ad infinitum, it’s a command
Not one of the ten but The Command from the commander of your soul, skippin’ up the middle
Between the life & death of the skin & bones, feelings of hopes & faded dreams dead, way gone
Nobody turned this world wrong-side down, it’s always been right-side up, come on man bones!
No duplication of the reality, you see, locked up in your skull, it’s all yours, shared or not, to be It
Necessary condition to be the essence, the essential argument is at the Origin & ends in a finale
You’ve got a burst, the heat is on high, radiating blown gas of many allstars, far away from us too
Ingested, digested, recycled matrix of filth polluted streams, rivers & lakes, God’s a son of a bee.
The tripping brain caused the mind to misinterpret the stimuli of reality, stillborn one day, funny
Fear of the mighty eater of everything we know & treasure, gold and family of One & the Many
Just you & me runnin’ the show we’re acting in, producing & directing the powers that be you(s)
On the flip side of the ignorance & the dawn of each of our purpose for living, there’s the blues.
Put in no more than you take and leave nothing on the table, let the losers believe they won it
When it comes to redistribution of wealth, we’re the experts who rob & pillage, too legit to quit
Sons of the people who drop drawers on the beaches of Malibu, Monterey and Mendocino sand
Property of the First Cause not the marauder or the crusader who died at the finale, every man.
Locked inside of the cage to keep the danger in check, nevermore is exactly what it sounds like
This is all we’re ever gonna get out of life, if we don’t get it now, there’s not going to be Again
One & done this Many times in a looping Deja Vous, climbed trees & stairs & thin air to Space
Time is a pace, fast or slow to get out of jail free, passing lane on the way lose my pretty face.
I am addicted to the breath & the happiness only some things I found could bring it, abundancy
Yes, she knows, my reality I got lost inside of, my first, my last, totally every God damned the sky
Off black & white, signs, lines in the sand or on cave walls, library shelved paperbooks’ dead sea
UNKNOWN SOLDIER blown to smithereens, locked & loaded, pie annihilation, immanent, open!
byDisregard the words if and only if you don’t comprehend English, my father’s favorite quote
“Do you understand English, Rich?” Yep daddio, I did, majored in Philosophy, got your B.A. too
My pleasure to have served our country & our family at one and the same time, I’m way lucky
More than some & less than most, reality hits me every morning, first blink all day until dusky.
There is no grey area of clarity, it’s all black & white, easy to repeat ad infinitum, it’s a command
Not one of the ten but The Command from the commander of your soul, skippin’ up the middle
Between the life & death of the skin & bones, feelings of hopes & faded dreams dead, way gone
Nobody turned this world wrong-side down, it’s always been right-side up, come on man bones!
No duplication of the reality, you see, locked up in your skull, it’s all yours, shared or not, to be It
Necessary condition to be the essence, the essential argument is at the Origin & ends in a finale
You’ve got a burst, the heat is on high, radiating blown gas of many allstars, far away from us too
Ingested, digested, recycled matrix of filth polluted streams, rivers & lakes, God’s a son of a bee.
The tripping brain caused the mind to misinterpret the stimuli of reality, stillborn one day, funny
Fear of the mighty eater of everything we know & treasure, gold and family of One & the Many
Just you & me runnin’ the show we’re acting in, producing & directing the powers that be you(s)
On the flip side of the ignorance & the dawn of each of our purpose for living, there’s the blues.
Put in no more than you take and leave nothing on the table, let the losers believe they won it
When it comes to redistribution of wealth, we’re the experts who rob & pillage, too legit to quit
Sons of the people who drop drawers on the beaches of Malibu, Monterey and Mendocino sand
Property of the First Cause not the marauder or the crusader who died at the finale, every man.
Locked inside of the cage to keep the danger in check, nevermore is exactly what it sounds like
This is all we’re ever gonna get out of life, if we don’t get it now, there’s not going to be Again
One & done this Many times in a looping Deja Vous, climbed trees & stairs & thin air to Space
Time is a pace, fast or slow to get out of jail free, passing lane on the way lose my pretty face.
I am addicted to the breath & the happiness only some things I found could bring it, abundancy
Yes, she knows, my reality I got lost inside of, my first, my last, totally every God damned the sky
Off black & white, signs, lines in the sand or on cave walls, library shelved paperbooks’ dead sea
UNKNOWN SOLDIER blown to smithereens, locked & loaded, pie annihilation, immanent, open!
r j j stephan
c. Dimanche,
1-7-2024 Anno Domini @ 409 AMPST
{ Cracked this nut while loopin’ @BarryWhite #MyFirstMyLastMyEverything link @ https://youtu.be/bGuHM-76BrI }
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