Supply & demand with a choker on the supply of protection from the bad guys & bad girls It’s known as ‘curtains’ because the stage play that you’re in the middle of is all over, it’s FINIS
Pills and medicine won’t help the pain and suffering, swallow them all & you’ll make it come
Back to where it was a moment before you gave up on surviving, feeling unfit, drinkin’ 151 rum.
It’s from a pirate ship that used to park in Puerto Rico, ho, ho, ho the black rocks stay annihilated
Pirates buried the gold doubloon’s treasure and left a detailed map on how to find the booty head
Up on top of the well, the bucket hanging from the rope has it all within, in the wood’s cemented Id
No superego or minimal ego left over in the ice box, where angels leave their horns & winged teats.
How can you fly high with teats hangin’ off your frame of DNA? You can’t, all souls creep & crawl
Jot down copious notes on the following, YOU are all you must deal with, indeed, it’s All about You
Among Many there’s a One formulating this diatribe, a solo failure to succeed at survival, I’m insane
Daughters, more important than fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers, egg supply is all too humane.
According to the evil genius, what is left when nothing is right can be nothing more than zilch, nada
Zero from nothing equals itself, emptiness of your wallet, your purse, your pockets empty of mothers
All girls grow to shed blood without battles, with wars against their parents GOP scatological tripe
Apolitically Incorrect, not politically wrong, knocking out the palookas with a leftist’s cracked pipe.
Up country, way past my mother’s apron strings, some American-Euro-Chin svelte form of girl shape
Past the years of being a baby girl but still being a baby, having babies in rapid 9 month succession
On the welfare of the good, the bad & ugly orphans whose fathers didn’t imprint their motherlode
Hope you dream after you die, but you probably won’t be able to since your body has no brain mode.
On the nature of Time in this Space, go far & much further than the elders ever went into the Void
High & tight like a haircut from the barber who left a little on the top, pulled hair can’t be avoided
In the fight, in the heavens above & the hells below where we’re all gonna go, a Mayfield jingling
Curtis moved & is now unmoved but still a mover, resting until the supernova annihilation thing.
Mark the spot with an ‘X’ so you’ll be able to find it in the morass of inviolate mistakes by divine Ids
#Woke but not awake, no inkling that the dreaming state is the Reality, Life is but a Dream, so row
Boats or any raft to float upon the salted sea, above the liquidity of gas states, a hodgepodge of blow
Wind & dirty dust blown from ground cover, photosynthetic solar trash, dirty God of innocent kids.
Eat the meat, it means you die if you don’t, plantations of tobacco & paper keep the minions too high
They don’t work or play, they merely sit quietly, silent in the four cornered room, TV louder, Radio fly
I am, we all are the only thing we have, 208 bones walkin’, rollin’ or crawlin’ walls, as a cool drunkard
Meaning that the moment you die, get ready, get set & go do the do, you came & saw, you conquered.
There is no cyber-protection available for your valuables, nothing is safe so protect It, It is Nothing
This faux fact of life is the one you’ve waited for during the seven decades of hoity-toity air blowing
Filled honeypots with dirty water, filled the bottles with that Spirit & alcoholic frivolity unto death
How old can you get, so God forsaken foolish that you’ve forgotten the only reason you drew breath?
Truth is, you can die ignorant & devoid of wisdom, your matter of your form is starlight’s refused boots
Can’t knock the boots if there’s no boots to knock, booty is a foot cover & an arse, attractive as my toots
Just me & her, her & me, together until we begin the rotting process, then buried deep to cover it all up
As if your death wasn’t as important as your life, above & below the thing, you know the thing in a cup.
Wine and fermented grain will provide the narrow way for the minions to follow, so being the final end
It’s gonna happen, you have no power to alter the Present or the Past, but you can create the holy Future
Breathe in and out, it’s good and plenty like candy to a baby, suffocation is the way to the Void, so pure
Absolutely empty, no atoms or electrons, neutrons or protons, an Einsteinian theoretical incomprehension.
Get lucky right after you’re feelin’ lucky, that’s the result of direct intent of the Will, magic ultraviolet
Down below the Infrared & above that Ultraviolet radiation from the star, no gods, just s Space outlet
No big daddy or big mama to catch you as you fall from the Grace of being alive on Earth, cross boned
Skullcap over your mind, helps you forget being an idiot will cause your death, a genius body moaned.
Biology of the psycho-social evolution is a matter of random collisions of strange charges, goddess’ sins
Calling Mercury, Venus, Mars & Saturn in the middle between Uranus and far off Neptune, Pluto’s suns
Harder than the soft stuff, the blood is hot and flows up and down, head to toe in perpetuity, no ego, no I
Open up the sealed envelope, the Winner Is… Adam Doe & Eve Jones, kids are all stillborn, Gods all die.
This faux fact of life is the one you’ve waited for during the seven decades of hoity-toity air blowing
Filled honeypots with dirty water, filled the bottles with that Spirit & alcoholic frivolity unto death
How old can you get, so God forsaken foolish that you’ve forgotten the only reason you drew breath?
Truth is, you can die ignorant & devoid of wisdom, your matter of your form is starlight’s refused boots
Can’t knock the boots if there’s no boots to knock, booty is a foot cover & an arse, attractive as my toots
Just me & her, her & me, together until we begin the rotting process, then buried deep to cover it all up
As if your death wasn’t as important as your life, above & below the thing, you know the thing in a cup.
Wine and fermented grain will provide the narrow way for the minions to follow, so being the final end
It’s gonna happen, you have no power to alter the Present or the Past, but you can create the holy Future
Breathe in and out, it’s good and plenty like candy to a baby, suffocation is the way to the Void, so pure
Absolutely empty, no atoms or electrons, neutrons or protons, an Einsteinian theoretical incomprehension.
Get lucky right after you’re feelin’ lucky, that’s the result of direct intent of the Will, magic ultraviolet
Down below the Infrared & above that Ultraviolet radiation from the star, no gods, just s Space outlet
No big daddy or big mama to catch you as you fall from the Grace of being alive on Earth, cross boned
Skullcap over your mind, helps you forget being an idiot will cause your death, a genius body moaned.
Biology of the psycho-social evolution is a matter of random collisions of strange charges, goddess’ sins
Calling Mercury, Venus, Mars & Saturn in the middle between Uranus and far off Neptune, Pluto’s suns
Harder than the soft stuff, the blood is hot and flows up and down, head to toe in perpetuity, no ego, no I
Open up the sealed envelope, the Winner Is… Adam Doe & Eve Jones, kids are all stillborn, Gods all die.
r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, Janvier XIX, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 630 AMPST
F I N I SW.W.A.R.D.?