Coming from bitter ends of the beginning that never happened, in a theoretical silkSmooth words, phraseology, sentences, paragraphs, chapters of the mothers’ milk
First Cause moved the matter’s atoms into a syllogistic frenzy of fruit loops of Floyd
Far away than the furthest an atom can move from one space to the next, it a Void.
Tip of the top as far as anything can go, there’s a fight for an all too human species
Straight out the box, there’s a thin line between knowing the Truth & Wisdom fees
Nobody gets something for nothing, you’ve got to pay the price, pay the piper cash
Only high dives allow the fear to come and go to no avail, smacked in a door dash.
Now then, here’s the brass tacks you’ll require to annihilate the facts of life as above
So below Earth’s mud, dirt, liquid & hard rock of the planet, down to a liquidic love
Flight of the Dodo and the Vulture for the function of hunting to eat the dead carcass
Even Steven's sisters’ brothers, the whole brood of mothers at large, rock razzmatazz.
Rumors and propaganda you believed was the Truth was always False, I knew I knew
Here’s the return of the moronic idiocy I received when I thought & said, CoVid19’s BS
All of the masked-up humans, like the naked apes who follow leaders off a ledge-slew
Here’s the infection needing the antiseptic concentration of minions’ yellow and blue.
Beyond the battles and wars that alter the Earth’s rotation & position in the galactic
There is postulated an emptiness beyond regular boredom’s ennui, it’s divinely sick
Exaggerated enthusiasm for your data filing in digital mode, accessible to the minions
How many humans will it take to put Humpty Dumpty together, love God’s mortal sins.
Don’t shoot the messenger with your popgun corks, there’s no way to pivot fearlessly
Stick to your guns, you know right from wrong, good from bad, be excellence endlessly
Highlights of my game from the first day I noticed I was in charge of me, not available
Just trust me when you find the incredible so unbelievable, oh my Lottie, oh boy Mabel.
Freaks, hobos, junkies and the other children who were raised by welfare states of being
Baby boys and baby girls who required the human male influence got old without the Man
Just the men in their neighborhoods, schools & stores to meet for limited time, not to death
Thinking that you exist because you think is the thought you’ve been taught under breath.
You have a pathetic dream that won’t end, it’s called your life on Earth, being Live in Time
Space is the place it’s happening but it’s the causes & effects you ceased on a thin dime
Poverty’s wealth bought no immortal soul in my 208 bones & ligaments, worked for dough
Who I am, what I am, you’ll likely never know since it’s like a dream within a dream, a Poe.
Function of your calculus’ calculations can’t be figured out on your Texas instrumentation
Hell is above you to the nines from the frontal lobotomy to the back 9 of the 36-hole golfin’
Cream of the crops was the figment of an all too human imagination, fear is always healthy
To trigger your courage to fight to the death for your life & those you protect from a salt sea.
Fools aren’t as foolish as the wise asses who corral the wild & innocent for the love of Eve
Adam just as dumb as a bump on a log, not as innocent as just genetically devoid of skills
To deflect the blame for negative results coming from anywhere in the solar system, my job
Spent intelligence on disappearing fate, fading into darkness, cause of the corn on the cob.
Sunlight, star light beams stimulating seeds of growing atoms of molecular malfunctions
These are our brothers, sisters and friendly enemies who require gods to forgive mortal sins
Pimps and the junk they use to hook the malcontents into the life of idiots between alleys
A double sawbuck or a fin, it will give you nothing but the guilty pleasure of skeleton keys.
Zen priests blessed the body & blood, bread & wine from the golden table without any legs
Killed the inner scent for survival, killing no more animals or plants for food, a beggar begs
To allow mercy on the unfortunate, the less than able to survive, all alone without a cowboy
Given a .38 caliber shot in the dark, there’s a gun & a bullet, a finger is on an apolitical ploy.
It’s OK, it’s alright, alright, alright whether you like it or not, it’s a mental case without booze
Twelve bottles of Jack would’ve been much more conducive to end my failure to schmooze
With the successful who live anonymously in the pond scum of the cesspool of easy rivers
Coast to coast, border to border, pole to pole, all we have is here and now, all Indian givers.
Time ticks off your allotment and you have no need to keep track, it’s the will that’s so batty
To be or not to be this or that human being, that’s one question, the other is, are you ready?
To die after you’ve lived and loved the things that had a deposit without a return, IT to chase
Around in counter-clockwise races of miles or kilometers onto white finished lines of grace.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, 1-17-2024 AD @ 1111 AMPST
{ Cracked this nut out the shell while jammin’ to #ATasteOfHoney #OogieOogie on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/PhD58dP9kq8?si=muvB6AyyKfjgXNL9 _ }F I N I S
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