
Sunday, August 11, 2024

#SkippingToMyLuLuCarolAnn #TheRollingStones #HappyEnding #DualingVPeeze #TakeAPillow #TakeAKnee

Certainty is a necessary condition for feeling complacent in one holy pew
Conversion of you and yours cannot be in church on Sunday, alive in a zoo
Private and behind closed, locked doors that nothing mortal can violate It
Original sins’ ancestral crimes against humanity, cold immersion of a teat.

Dreaming in living color of the cosmic fairy dust or rainbow disappearance
Fallen leaves from all plants grown from seedless grapes of wrath nonsense
Won the game I didn’t know was a sorry monopoly of winning a trophy wife
Clear skin in the game, blinded by dementia still full of perpetual woke jive.

Bums to bump the logs jammed to dam the river water for inertia Powerade
True honest work from one third to half of every day, unmade in the shade
Cause first and then effect, without the primary there’s nothing but hot fog
From periodic bleeding of the womb, we become these boys & girls in a bog.

Swamped or deleted moisture in the hip hop, bee bop means you’re immersed
Within the ice and fire down deep inside of the atoms’ molecules, God is dead
Nihilism of all dead philosophers to dine on, leftovers to become refused & shat
Blind faith in unknown, ineffable beings who cannot be seen or heard, all of that.

Skepticism can’t be denied although it cannot produce any absolute Truth in gas
Hydrogen, oxygen, nitro glycerin cause animation, Blow will kill your old jive arse
Beating you and winning the game we played with bent rules of regulation, sins
Against human and divine providence, I stand as one corpuscle of bloody sons.

You don’t know anything that can’t be known, that’s the Unknown, the mystery
Completed secret mission to nowhere is the place you are right now, pretwilight
In a zone afar, where you’ve never, ever been since you became woke, divine fool
Fabulously fantastic dreams of awakened consciousness fooling our two ears.

Free and loose atomic substances mixing their electrons up with the evil protons
Waking up you and I in the sleeping bags near the campfire, we were upwind scent
All of the things from microscopic subatomic substance to macroscopic essence
Each and every one of names we’ve attached to subjects of predicating photons.

Coming out of azure blue is never an option if you’ve not been conceived in darkness
As I think that’s the reason, I’ve gone daft, finding out all life is just a dream by the by
Here & now is the present Presence, recollect precognitive though forgotten density
Before any Big Bang, both personal & species-wide, empty tank void, ole ocean free.

Monkey business created to obfuscate the Truth from those who would lose, I sing
Others who might not lose sanity might be tempted to be inhumane, allow evil booty
Sewage drunk, filled up from head to toe, excrement left to grow the beast’s beauty
Beyond Earth’s atmosphere, far away from the Space Station, everything is Nothing.

Hermes full of Mercury’s hot dust to suck up Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, U, N & Pluto
End of the line where infinity appears nowhere in eyesight’s insight, lips together blow
Whistling Dixie or whatever punks on the corner blow fro the ‘hood, easy to be rough
Meant to be more or less an accident, as if there’s no intention of a higher power love.

Peers of punks who are either lone wolves from other brothers & sisters who fouled up
Need to know how to raise a baby boy and baby girl before you hook up the junk & hose
Pretenders like you & your grandmama get paid to desert the ship when it’s sinkin’ fast
It’s OK, I see Evil morality, the right & the wrong, good & bad bat scat ugly, you jackass.

Finely you get the hang of the movement, then a doctor says you’re dyin’ fast, it’ll end
Fear the reaper but even if you don’t you have a date one day or one night, do I offend?
Somebody like yo’ teachers, mothers or fathers should have downloaded the program
Brought you some love you would have never known if I didn’t conquer the hate, mam.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, 8-11-2024 AD @ 222 PMPST

{ Drafted while 3 sheets to the wind, #Sailing with @ChrisCross on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/MEO6gYCFbr0?si=i6QrECcP8EPI7ZAX }

Thursday, August 08, 2024

#GrotesqueBeauty #BeastInDNAcidHead


Schism split into a metauniverse without notice, Matter of Time’s deep, hot Space
Once in lifetime, we die in the end, shocked, unexpected, rigor mortis’ brute face
Feared no unexpected death, all good, either way I’ve got no fear of junkyard dogs
Hunger tastes well just like a full meal in the form of shapelessness polliwog frogs.

Pour the liquid Kool-Aid slowly in your cup before it runneth over, drink deeply too
Gulp down the progressive ideas & liberal notions, regurgitate at will, it’ll become
As above as it is below, north of the border or down under as far as you can fall in
Death avoided a long time but not forever, it’s right over your right shoulder, Sin.

Bums and junkies fear nothing because they know it doesn’t matter after you die
Cut off the junk & the bums disappear; they ran out of junk, couldn’t pay the tide
Bills and invoices all resolved with a zero balance, close the casket lid, seal the fly
Nothing gets out alive, it’s the way it is because it’s intended to be the white lie.

Inner spaces on a board of sixty-four squares, places to move into check mates
Now, remind me again, I forgot the foreplay & went directly into main act finale
I do eat everything on my plate whether I’m hungry or not, annihilated live food
Satiation of thirst with water, wine & holy spirits within barrels of oak tree wood.

Taken aback once the drive downtown got too fast for my slow ride attitude
Low rider or street hot rod makes no difference as long as you got the girl too
Sittin’ shotgun & using only as much gas as it takes for pickups & rides for a fan
Like it or not, the way it is can only be the way it is, there’s no other way, man.

Brothers put the squeeze on my style, tried to be short & long-term friends too
Been around a long time and if I’m not mistaken, I’ll increase the menudo-stew
In harmony or unsynchronized puts you & I into the positions we’ve gleaned out
In the drive thru or the result of a succulent cooked meal from the chef, no doubt.

Mind is out beyond the trees, can’t see a forest because there’s so many branches
Mind over matter as if you’ve the power to will things to be or annihilate The Way
Beating cymbals and drums, clickin’ wood to the heavy metal, horns blow, I’d say
Stars searched to find far off dots you can’t get to in human form, noose cinches.

Peace of mind and paradise in a conceptual analysis situation, cancel culture clubs
Prehistoric & post-civilized entertaining the minions with salty peanuts out a can
A tiny, two-bit piece of metal left over, symbiotic 25 cent, two by two-penny rub
You’re out of your element, flyin’ by the seat of your pants, only yo’ mama’s a fan.

Blankets in the sand by Malibu Beach, watchin’ the surfers subdue the ocean dew
Never see a beginner, either you stay away from the surf or you hang 10 on a few
Summer lasts forever here and now, more or less, the fix is in again, ad infinitum
Ask me tomorrow if it was a good idea, today I’ve no educated guess of the bum.

Delayed enlistment program to capture your signature before you complete a deal
Not knowing what it meant to load & fire weaponry to kill men, twerk, I’m a SEAL
Green Berets, Pararescue, Seabees, special forces to eliminate threats ad infinitum
Amigas made from teens to the rattled, elder bones & sinews, Slip Up empty void.

Divine Will failed at perfection & out of the hot mess of this black hole, we thrive
Before the Big Bang sound and before the Big Hush-up, we’re smoggy eyed, alive
Over easy we search for a place weary eyed and crying tears of a clown uptown
Relative theories of paradise and it’s flipside of happiness, sadness and renown.

Truth about what a ghetto is and that what it is can be no more nor less than IT
Funk of fun, kicks of happiness and laughter with friends and friendly family chit
Nobody gets mad at each other for jealousy or revenge for imaginary suffering
Pinned down until the ghost gets loose from gravitational collapse, gringo sing! 

r j j stephan, i

c. Jeudi, August 8th MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 666 PMPST

{ Crystal clear drafted while jammin’ to @WarTheBand – #GypsyMan #MeAndBabyBrother & #GreatestHITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo }



Wednesday, August 07, 2024

#SuckinHindTeat #BeachBoysBestLIVE25 @Springsteen #TunnelOfLoveLive w/PattiScialfa #FailureToCommunicate

What you don’t know won’t kill you, watch out for what you do know or you’ll see the stars
Not the stars above or below the Earth, I’m referring to the end of your Times in Space, face it
There’s fortune & faith involved in the whole shebang, it’s all punditry since it’s all wizard of Oz
Impossible without an alternative to the complexity of special creation in the center of chaos.

Bring your mothers and sisters to the party, their ova will be extracted for the fishers of the Men
All too human as suspected, superstitious beast with a shaky nature of being, god-fearing human
Nothing more than hairless, naked apes needing fashion to cover up all failures to communicate
Littering bugs all over the streets, litter cans for sloppy, uncultured welfare kids from a blind date.

I ate the food, defecated the high energy back into the shameless environment, home sweet home
All of the dead have left their excrement down an invisible government drain, diversification clone
Acting as if this is all normal, stuck in gravity, happy not to float in shallow or deep space’s holy hole
Capacity for acceptance of equity & inclusion are the inequality of the delusion, unbeaten by a pole.

Chaos runs out of energy to obfuscate & blends back into the seven seas, with Davy Jones’ T-bones
Illusion is not the dead guys underground but the LIVE guys above & below the upper crust iPhones
Programmed until deleted, if & only if there’s a scrub, then the original God of the Void steps upon it
I got a drone flyin’ over Skid Road in every city that allows homeless mankind to suck on a hot teat.

Who in the name of John Wayne do aliens who group into congresses believe they’re dealing with?
Are the Executive, Legislative & Judicial branches all under the thumb of @ChinaTheCommissioner
You love nothing & nobody and you’ll never be disappointed by feeling disappointed by a frequency
Wavelengths’ highly fallacious arguments, illogical conclusions, blind faith belief in low bandwidth.

Retired, excreted gold into the dispensary for the traded return of the labor’s blood, sweat & tears
Smoked in flavors, in and out of the bags of gas transforming organs, until DNA/RNA killed peers
One left without anyone else, nothing else in a sentient mode, kind of like the One before the Many
Exactly like the One before the Many, come to think about it, I think, therefore you are so, so funny.

Human beings are nowhere else in this solar system’s galaxy cluster, Time is nowhere in the cosmos
Yet, the People of these continents have no belief in Wisdom’s perennial Truth, you live & you’ll die
You won’t know why, so you gotta have love for enlightenment of the ignorance inherited from Eve
She bit red apple core fruit, got the sleeping #Woke knowledge but a mere accidental #FaceFeeze.

Bombs away from TNT dynamite via flying carpets & other UFO’s out of remote control, cyborgs
In charge of the good, bad & especially the GD ugly, defective DNA in unfettered reproduction bergs
Full tank of electricity’s battery packs, infinite charge reunited with the immortal, empty Void of zero
Halls empty, full of the scat, burning rubber tires’ poison fumes, up your nose with a rubber hose, yo.

High crimes & misdemeanors can be avoided if you’re a divine son of God, life in prison for the rest
Impeachment just a funny joke, justice is a ham sandwich and capitol punishment remedy’s the beast
If you or I cannot control our adherence to the Golden Rule, our destiny is extinction, rational bones
No holiness in Italy or anywhere on any continent, Asia to America, the devil made me do it, homes!

I arrest your attention at this very moment, a microcosm of the whole shebang stopped in its tracks
Conclude your own propositional logic, deduced, untenable premises & irrational inductive lifehacks
Bones over two hundred in a single form, a shape of what animated gas when left alone in the dark
All there is, you are, what I am, this is it right here, no sounds in sight, tasteless stench, do not park.

Broke your back & closed your mind before your Time was up in Space, Life happens downlow high
Sweet taste turns bitter once the mind’s eye breaks through to the crystal clear presence, I am so fly
Higher than stratosphere’s pulpit where absolutely Nothing has a shape of being a thing, royalty to be
King’s Queen can’t be promoted or demoted since they’re pranks of paupers, get high, let’s have Tea!

#SnoopyDogs moves back & forth to & fro, I work and play with the same power, mission complete
Space inside Earth’s core, from ground to stratosphere, I know nothing intimately, it’s so GD sweet
Roaring and screaming in the middle of nowhere, I see what you mean, I’ve allowed you to be wrong
Packed the saved souls into pews for reaping the fallow wheat to be ground in a dusty chaffe song.

More or less it’s neither here nor there, meaning nothing to anyone other than the nonexistent RNA
Above mean streets you’re no Karl Marx or Lenin or Trotsky, even Obama & Clinton leftover DNA
In the vault of the secret of the men and women at the top of the food chain, appointed or anointed
It’s the morons following the perfect idiot who fools even his triplet sister, his amigos alive and dead.

Speak and comprehend the meaning of language in different tongues, a fluent brain in grey matter
No blood up in there in the cranial cavity, whether you eat it or burn or bury it, Love from Mother
Earth wobbles, spins, revolves, expands from the contraction one moment after the Big Bang doom
Still looking at it in retrospect, for the sake of foresight and afterbirth during the divine resurrection.

Nothing less than a myth can explain the incredible consciousness we share between our holy ears
Out of the thin air’s stratospheric protection, God awful, empty dark space is really the end of years
Whether you get less than one or more than a hundred, it’s the same old song, you see blind sides
All in your mind, a construct of old men and old women who talk without being wobbling sea tides.

Pens writing on paper if & only if you’ve learned that art of incursive or printing ABC’s & grammar
Predication of the subjects and objects you perceive outside of your outer perimeter of skin & bones
Old man yellin’ at kids to get off the lawn but there’s no green lawn, all asphalt & cement-tar spread
Tons of fun, all done, finished at the Start Line, broke a broken record, got #Woke & dropped dead.

Fill up our cups with thin air, pay your taxes & someone that doesn’t pay taxes will spend your cash
Truth and Justice come in handy when they enhance your position, if not you’ll be destroyed as trash
Dumber than dirt, intelligence of the many is limited by the genetic interaction, that’s random luck
Chances are that mother and father of you & everyone else on Earth, dead or alive, Nothing, #uck!

r j j stephan, i

c.  Mercredi, August VIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST

{ Drafted while my blood circulated head to toe, several hundred times, who are you a minute after you die?  I thought so, you didn’t know you’re not even a ghost, no soul, you’re absolutely nothing at all.  No cells to go to he#ls and none for the reward of the master for the slave to commands, trippin’ the thing itself all over the regurgitation of dead skulls’ spunk, listenin’ to #TheBeachBoysBest on youTube link LOOK OUT BELOW...  } 