
Thursday, August 08, 2024

#GrotesqueBeauty #BeastInDNAcidHead


Schism split into a metauniverse without notice, Matter of Time’s deep, hot Space
Once in lifetime, we die in the end, shocked, unexpected, rigor mortis’ brute face
Feared no unexpected death, all good, either way I’ve got no fear of junkyard dogs
Hunger tastes well just like a full meal in the form of shapelessness polliwog frogs.

Pour the liquid Kool-Aid slowly in your cup before it runneth over, drink deeply too
Gulp down the progressive ideas & liberal notions, regurgitate at will, it’ll become
As above as it is below, north of the border or down under as far as you can fall in
Death avoided a long time but not forever, it’s right over your right shoulder, Sin.

Bums and junkies fear nothing because they know it doesn’t matter after you die
Cut off the junk & the bums disappear; they ran out of junk, couldn’t pay the tide
Bills and invoices all resolved with a zero balance, close the casket lid, seal the fly
Nothing gets out alive, it’s the way it is because it’s intended to be the white lie.

Inner spaces on a board of sixty-four squares, places to move into check mates
Now, remind me again, I forgot the foreplay & went directly into main act finale
I do eat everything on my plate whether I’m hungry or not, annihilated live food
Satiation of thirst with water, wine & holy spirits within barrels of oak tree wood.

Taken aback once the drive downtown got too fast for my slow ride attitude
Low rider or street hot rod makes no difference as long as you got the girl too
Sittin’ shotgun & using only as much gas as it takes for pickups & rides for a fan
Like it or not, the way it is can only be the way it is, there’s no other way, man.

Brothers put the squeeze on my style, tried to be short & long-term friends too
Been around a long time and if I’m not mistaken, I’ll increase the menudo-stew
In harmony or unsynchronized puts you & I into the positions we’ve gleaned out
In the drive thru or the result of a succulent cooked meal from the chef, no doubt.

Mind is out beyond the trees, can’t see a forest because there’s so many branches
Mind over matter as if you’ve the power to will things to be or annihilate The Way
Beating cymbals and drums, clickin’ wood to the heavy metal, horns blow, I’d say
Stars searched to find far off dots you can’t get to in human form, noose cinches.

Peace of mind and paradise in a conceptual analysis situation, cancel culture clubs
Prehistoric & post-civilized entertaining the minions with salty peanuts out a can
A tiny, two-bit piece of metal left over, symbiotic 25 cent, two by two-penny rub
You’re out of your element, flyin’ by the seat of your pants, only yo’ mama’s a fan.

Blankets in the sand by Malibu Beach, watchin’ the surfers subdue the ocean dew
Never see a beginner, either you stay away from the surf or you hang 10 on a few
Summer lasts forever here and now, more or less, the fix is in again, ad infinitum
Ask me tomorrow if it was a good idea, today I’ve no educated guess of the bum.

Delayed enlistment program to capture your signature before you complete a deal
Not knowing what it meant to load & fire weaponry to kill men, twerk, I’m a SEAL
Green Berets, Pararescue, Seabees, special forces to eliminate threats ad infinitum
Amigas made from teens to the rattled, elder bones & sinews, Slip Up empty void.

Divine Will failed at perfection & out of the hot mess of this black hole, we thrive
Before the Big Bang sound and before the Big Hush-up, we’re smoggy eyed, alive
Over easy we search for a place weary eyed and crying tears of a clown uptown
Relative theories of paradise and it’s flipside of happiness, sadness and renown.

Truth about what a ghetto is and that what it is can be no more nor less than IT
Funk of fun, kicks of happiness and laughter with friends and friendly family chit
Nobody gets mad at each other for jealousy or revenge for imaginary suffering
Pinned down until the ghost gets loose from gravitational collapse, gringo sing! 

r j j stephan, i

c. Jeudi, August 8th MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 666 PMPST

{ Crystal clear drafted while jammin’ to @WarTheBand – #GypsyMan #MeAndBabyBrother & #GreatestHITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo }



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