
Monday, September 02, 2024

R I C H A R D ? Is that you? Knock, Knock, Who's there? Richard? Dick? No, you're a dick! I meant that is your nickname right Richie? Dick! You are one like it or not! #GetOverIt

Mix up your mind with your head wrapped around an invisible idea concoction of menudo
Choices between dirty water soup from wrung out rags left on a hot tin roof, you said “I do”
Too late or too early is right on time, presence in the present circumstances, you all get it on
Puns divulged to the Twilight Zone’s Outer Limits, no way to tell the Truth, it is all a #PutOn.

Anti-matter and sweet energy that created it from nothing special is All the omnipotent Void
Your 9 step-children or at least your mothers and fathers would all agree, this is all B.S. boys!
The rich, hard civilization is in ruins, Life goes on without it, language and culture be damned
Inside force, the Cell of the states of being, coast to coast, border to border, it’s a WWF slam.

Mine full of coal, gold rock, diamonds, rubies, sapphires & emeralds procure a jolly good time
Bleed and pull the scab off in time, wait for the scar to remind you what happened and when
Illegals and legals will all die, like it or not, naturally a challenge for pure water, knock knock…
Who’s there, you won’t believe your eyes, you’re being invaded by a Trojan Horse on the block.

Remember the Jets and the Sharks from the West Side Story, there is no comparison with NOW
Knowledge and Wisdom in the infinite set of extinction, you’re all in and out of the menudo mix
Crimes and the punishment for committing those crimes, It’s the end of enlightenment’s blow
No border is secure for Humpty Dumpty who sat on a wall to have great fall, scramble egg trick.

Tastes of your bon-bons I shared out of your good-hearted offer, remain ingrained inside me
At least in my own mind, I’m a legend, that’s all that counts, the others don’t qualify to be
As they were they still are, nothing to do with me, maybe not even with you, we are in tune
On the Marconi, AM or FM all wave or amplitude-frequency modulation of vibrato picayune.

Creeps know other creeps as they are from the same origin, offspring of horrid DNA’s RNA
Imagine Evil is Live spelled backward for some unknown reason, living in evil with the ugly
Peers of the punks just past thirteen years old, mentally the top of their games in perpetuity
Insurrection is denying the resurrection of a dead human being after rigor mortis sees today.

Expecting nothing more than whatever you deserve based on Karma’s sentence to get even
If you’ve harmed the genome, there is payment due upon death, purgatory or hell, I’m sayin’
No free will after you turn “corpse” and whomever is in charge will burn or bury the bones
Think your thoughts survive? A recollection of Life as you know it, becomes defunct stone.

Ask your dead amigos & amigas, ask your dead kin folk, maybe I’m wrong but I’m a zygote
Something happened and blew me to this surface of mud, blood & beer, that’s all she wrote
Whatever you say, burdened by what has been, you pay the karma for chit you didn’t do too
Finale & that encore curtain’s fall means just this, “You got lucky to be here, now just blow!”

Harm nobody, no one, nothing at all that behooves your facility on a narrow path’s breaches
Democracy manifest Jack Carlson put’s your head into the squad car, know a bunch of bitches
Head lock and hand on my penis, people, what is the charge, eating a succulent Chinese meal
I can’t stop choking up my cheerios & chocolate milk, I stay alive after my two hands don’t feel.

Pawns to Newcastle’s with bishops & knights in between them guarding the Kings of Queens
Harmful to your health, like smoking on your gums’ breath, inhaled divas on the play’s scenes
Charm sub atomics on being nucleic, molecular and the evolved form forced by lust and love
Extinction is the only option other than the Fit’s survival, mortality will come, below, above.

r j j stephan, i
c. MotherMonday, 9-2-2024 A.D. @ 911 AMPST

{ Copped a sneak & blasted this unedited blather out while jammin’ to:  @TrafficBand concert link @ https://youtu.be/N0tf8FIPZsw?si=60Ieg0MTyc5hfqn2 }


Sunday, September 01, 2024

#ImHalfCrazy #HardToHandle #NeverLeaveYouCold #BringYouBackSomeGold AFTER I #StealYourDiamonds #MamaDoneToldMe #FlyingCars #ElonMusk #BillyJoel @GregAllman @CHICAGOtheBand @Springsteen #InTHEMood #JokerSattiva

Blood in the scab form after it leaks into Space in Timing of all the chit
Keep the secret close to your vestments, in the bath or shower I sting it
Numbers I played in the game were always wrong, it’s no Bingo in here
You got legs and they’re runnin’ a 9 in the dash, completely lost in Fear.

Bleeding pure H2O without the rich iron from the Earth rock, clay may
Be formed into a shape that appears like nothing else in Alpha Centauri
Babies in prebirth like genies in bottles, magic spelled honey bumblebee
Shorted, a profitable enterprise once you get past aborted Christ & Tina.

Electrified by the Kool-Aid and it doesn’t hurt after circuits fry like pie
Eating and recycling the matter without regard for it’s leftover #BatScat fly
There’s no other man like me, you know it & I know it, anybody else flip off
Your signature's all I need for my social security; you know I swill Smirnoff.

Vodka shakin’ up my nerves, mind’s synapses fading into the background mud
Give it up, get it up, hurry up because I ain’t got forever, quit singing along bud
You could #STFU and it would be a gift from above & beyond all fire & smoke
Buds fired up for the next to the last time, in the finale, take a bow, bravo folk.

Height of your skull & bones, upright above or below 6 feet, Tom Thumb Thor
By the By, it’s so itchy when she sings the things she reads out the words’ core
Bent over like the east coast says to do, to get it, you got to have it or else, caput
Nothing you can do to amend common law, regulate yourself, STFU & stay put.

Nested birds jump out, fly away & repeat redundancy ad infinitum, a blessing
From a savior, a Buddha or Siddhartha in blue skin or just a pinch of candy I sing
I wanna blow me away in a whirlwind tornado, just fly around out of control too
Blast off into who-de-do, rollin’ over with Beethoven, rockin’ rhythm & blues.

It’s artificially intelligent bee's wax, man-made creation from a Time machine
Robots rule the roost all just because a deficiency of humanity was the end sign
Free will has nothing to do with it, all matter's expansion & implosion, that’s all
Nothing more nor less than holy truth & nothing but the truth, so help me Ala.

Pain & suffering are over last gasp, don’t worry about hurting forever, it’s moot
I remember every September from 1956 to 2024 & you know that’s a quite a hot hoot
Laughing & joking is not appreciated when it’s inappropriate but that’s hilarious
It ain’t the 3rd but it is the 1st of September, I need a 5th, Fall leaves it nefarious.

Begin after the summertime blues-filled, cloudy skies above & below wharves
Coast to coast & border to border, all encompassed within a cell’s holy up-burps
Remember unrecollected thoughts you never had, before your conception’s tiffs
Open eyes, opened mind but unopened mouth, in fact, keep it shut for the stiffs.

Mind set, distance is a parsec away from me now, probably be dyin’ to get all in
The kitty has my opening bet, got aces over queens full boat, full house, I Win
Go ahead & bluff with your 4 jacks, wild card to boot, got a one eyed jacks tip
Tickle your arse with a feather? Maybe fizzle with this burned out weather flip.

Down Fall, Winter, Spring & Summer adieu, as far as living bugs & thugs know
This life on the planet is all there is, no angels or devils hangin’ above or below
Searched for a rainbow after rain came down, it was a photon illusion of magic
Ultraviolet purple to fuscia blue to green to yellow-orange, crimson red plastic.

Words meant to mean a meaning hidden in spelling & grammatical manipulation
From disappearing H2O appearing to be sea to shining sea, a water dissolution
Land mass of sandman's blow by roving big bangs of the universe, sound asleep
Come on male, come female, A-Train come back from a final RIP, a low peep.

Broken in glove, my mit, pocket to catch the hardest balls, big, hard as a rock
Whipped & crushed into thin leather keepin' IT warm on frozen nights on block
Time is the mental illusion of passing Present into Past, leaking Time out & in
Beans began life Underground, seeds grown to recycle dead idiots’ DNA spin.

Once you see the light, after the blindness subsides, won’t be able to cop peace
Cream on top with my sugar please, I can’t handle burnt coffee bean, so cease
Do not pass go & don't collect 200 dollars, that’s for the wild & the innocent
Shuffled on the boardwalk off of E Street or Mississippi Avenue, what God sent.

You know it was nice & nothing that I could ever afford during this incarnation
Light as a feather in weight, light transparent film in size, celluloid hypertension
All I have is all you want, all you’ll get, opened gate to a repository of a Datum
It is & will always be an occult secret one devil knows, Satan’s God damn-dumb.

Try this one on for size, an extra small & a XXX regardless of form, fits so well
You may find nothing at bottom of a barrel once you drunk all the wine, ah hell
Who cares? Nobody. You or anyone else you care about, come on baby, let’s roll
On to a destination 'fore the next one, mid-ocean or high mountaintop my goal.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, September 1st MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST

{Drafted gem while jammin’ to #September by @EarthWindAndFire on youTube link @ https://t.co/zkK1lTTSru}

Saturday, August 31, 2024

#FriedGreyMatter #SheetFerBrains #GraduateInfinityFinite #HappyGraduationNiko @AssociateDegreed

You don’t know like I know or maybe you do, I don’t know for sure, it’s academic
Treat is on me, I’ve got more Jack than I can ever spend on myself & my loving ilk
Hence, this idea to give it away before I die because I’m no angel, man you know
No evil genius ever warned me that knowledge was impossible creative backflow.

Out the clouds & below the innards of the planet’s red mud & all too human blood
Rained down the manna to the men and women leftover from the whole world flood
Swimming until you felt the mud and blood losing liquidity, like your stock & Bondo
Hand out to me above fish in the sea, old man that I be, over seventy flies of a crow.

Sift through the hype and once the chafe falls & tumbles out of your grasp, that’s it
Half crazy with the love you had for the ones who left dead or alive, all you got is chit
Use it to buy stuff a la Bevis & Buthead after they laugh their empty heads off, aw hell
All time spent with or without you doesn’t count in eternity, still ringin’ my damn bell.

Beer, wine, spirits of the beauty and beast within my holy soul, altar boy Latino lingo
Forgive me for requesting raspberry ice tea but it’s all I can handle with bull’s chit
Too sweet to be true or false, being as is, sight & sound, smell & taste, feel it blow
Right on through a thing itself, deeper than I’ve gone since I found it was no Exit.

Be nice to me, honeybee, I’ll be your shade tree to hang a honeycomb upon, pleasure
It’s all mine and I hope you’ll go for a ride and a date at a dance and company picnic tour
Of my friends and family, you need to be one of the many, not braggin’ just that I’m sayin’
On this road, a narrow path, one clear light Way since a day I gasped O2, dream stoppin’.

Out of a womb into a grave or gold dust in the wind caught in soul-filled spirit, axe’s licks
Freedom was worth it from 1776 to the day I see it still in front of me, eyes don’t deceive
Trip on Light has been fantastic, above & beyond whatever was, it’ll be turned on forever
Microscopic tattoo, my spirit’s soul, consciousness’ recollection, naked ape kicks.

One force of one human means nothing to anybody but you, yourself and you know who
Hay is for horses, on a prairie or kickin’ in a stall, mix in some water & oats, manure
Run around in counter-clockwise circles for no reason but a bet that you’re a furlong better
Hens get inseminated by the roosters, it’s the way like the other plants & animals, so blue.

If I mastermind the conditional & then force the outcome, mandated by the spell, I am One
No need or want for anything else while on the surface of the planet, zero multiplied love-in
Wings or hands, feet or claws, teeth or poison injection of viral bacteria from a CoVid19 sin
Inside my glass, there’s shots of spirit, rum & coke to water my dehydration, come on son.

Chainsaw opened up cuts for the bloodletting, to eat leftover meat from the last first date
Minds cleared of clutter like the closets in your bath and barbecue, a farce’s pregnant doe
Stag function to become extinct as unicorns & australopithecine trope, mitosis in meiosis
For the sake of the universe, specks of invisibility are your super malfunctions, I annihilate.

Mountains behind & ahead of your present tense, gotta go up to get down, below & above
Searing in the frying pan, eating while it’s sizzling hot, a pig, cow, sheep or holy white dove
Communion with spirits invisibility, still thoughts in the mind of the living left-overs of gods
Reunification with the mud and blood once you’ve been dead & gone, a miracle, hotrods.

Simply less than zero to balance the more than One, wrong or right it’s the way it always is
Before the Big Bang, before anyone went to a church to celebrate the unseen grace of fizz’s
All bubbles bursting with joy of having too much to handle, all orphans know, alone at One
Nothing matters and if it ever mattered at all, it was a method to teach an idiot to have fun.

Bobbing up & down like a bobber 18 inches above the hook & bait, my rod’s sunk in weeds
Bringin’ the tangled mess into the shore for clarity’s clear path, trophy trout released deed
Still on the hook, alive and swimming back in the drink of freshwater, lease on life extended
Karma in return for the assistance on resistance to dissolution of the conditional, undead.

Once upon sometime in the Past, the Future became Present for a New York Minute too
No way to ever bring back the moment it all came down & went up back into the Void blue
Happiness or sadness just a measurement of memory that you’re just an atomic dip chit
There’s an essence of invisible what-not, it’s what gets rewarded or punished for being It.

Fun is what you have to pass the time from future to present to past, it’s inevitability fun
Choice between absolute nothingness inside and outside of the body & a mental ill son
Vigorous diggin’ deep down for the grave’s dirty dust to bury the past in the freezing foam
Pride & the prejudice you put on the fools, keep it for yourself, me, king’s goin’ on home.

I cried when I was a boy, cried when I was a man, ain’t cryin’ a tear when I’m dead & gone
Neither will you, none of you, even ones who don’t read words written for dragon minions
Fighting in all shadows for whatever is leftover to eat & defecate, all there is is original sin
Disobey the boss, knowledge’s @Apple on the tree, innocent wisdom’s divine, clear skin.

Now you know it all, you let it slip your mind a moment but it’s the gift that keeps on giving
No regrets ever about anything, this is all your idea, to be awake & alive for a witch’s spell
Magic is all there ever was, spun a Big Bang far & wide, One’s animated dream in a dream
Chief at the apex, slave cylinder at absolute ground zero where Nothing’s never, ever at.

Busy bodies must encompass the strange and familiar to embrace the powers that be
You & I came from somewhere beyond the darkness of mothers’ wombs, deep blue sea
Way down to the bottom of the faulty cut in the planet’s crust, corresponding Randos
Fly in every direction without wings, not birds, neither angels nor bats, I know it blows.

You and I do what we need to do in order to survive among the fit, it’s a mandate of One
Here today, spin & wobble around the sun, I dreamed you died, and you were dead son
If you had the numbers you’d have the scores, the goals, the extra points of a hat trick
Three at a time, slap shot or a back hand around the rear of the net, shitz so GD slick.

Believe in the impossible, it’s highly improbable to a point of being king of man’s bone
Heart is broken in the center, live in a dream at your own peril, you can burn it all down
Ice Kool-Aid melted into my hot mouth at 98.6 degrees of separation from the i-phone
Hurry up & wait a minute, stand in a line, face to back of the class, last desk, last row.

Common ground is underfoot, you’re the only one that’s going to die when it’s Time
Space is wide-open to humanity for an entry back into the Void, where I come from
Hints to exercise exorcism have been ignored by the masses, observed by accident
On a routine basis, living things will die in less than century’s years, so heaven sent.

Bitten down hard, your last task as the grim reaper is to reap, corpse rigor mortis in
Rear back bone cracked into bits, snapped the spinal cord in two, repaired by the Ai
Full house and straight up four aces, I win the game with or without rules, I’m Simon
3.14 always the same, always what Simon says, we know the rules, it’s pi in the sky.

Hit me with your best shot or any shot of your best sharpshooting terminator of Man
Fear the forefront and backstage of the venue, blood flow backward out the oil can
Funny or not, jokers have no punch line, it’s all in the mind of the beholder’s behead
Evidence of who you are born to become & who you will be when you’re all undead.

By the hair of my chinny-chin-chin as the old saying goes in the fairy tale, three l’il pigs
They may have been little pigs but they were the smartest pigs in the deep woods’ digs
Divinity above your highest heads buried in dead star-stuff leftover from a Bigger Banger
Nuclei sorted in alphabetical, chronological order of all things, subatomic charm lover.

Swinging from limbs in the jungle is an activity of naked apes, it’s a miracle naturally
Why are you alive today and why were you alive since your conception in the womb?
Answers are catastrophic to the rhetorical questions, as they lay down mustang sally
She moved back & forth like a fish in a current upstream & downstream in a white room.

Period of the era is long like the speed of the Earth’s rotation and wobble on the ecliptic
Conspiracy of all bad guys like bacteria & viruses must be exterminated by magic Dick
Inside every angle of every shape of crooked, straight lines tweaking direction gone fun
Above & beyond this atmosphere to the Void between the moon, Venus, Mercury & Sun.

Lost your mind but you didn’t know where it was in the first place, so it’s no liability at all
Trouble is as trouble does in a prank on your mother and father, you weren’t on the ball
Just a passenger on the freight train, on the platform with my mother and father, cloud 9
We’re ready and we’re set, parallel universes merge, intersect circles, Gold’s God, fine.

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, 8-31-2024 Anno Domini @ 911 PMPST

{ Drafted while jammin’ to @RobinWilliams #WeaponsOfSelfDestruction
on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/at-LN8PXQGE?si=Ge_hZCXMreEmROUO }
