
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Mining mines of minds gold, silver and platinum... #SwampThingsAndRichGirls @CarlosSantanaEssential #Almost911AGAIN


All in the game baby, l come to Jesus or Krishna or Buddah or Zoroaster paradise’s revival
Regarding the ecstasy you were conceived by, a momentary lapse of the fitness of survival
Intense as the sun is the closer you get, burning to ash & crumbled dusty bone, got skilled
On no cloud 9 or underground creation under the mud, blood & beer we spilled & swilled.

I am a sceptic, I believe that nothing can be proved absolutely without assumptions of fact
Facts are impressions and they may or may not be accurate, maybe distorted to be a redact
No worries about that, words were never meant to evolve, they merely appear & disappear
In myths of angels and devils, drums and trumpets playin’ the rock & roll for babies & deer.

I’m away and long gone, because I couldn’t handle the ignorance and fake incongruence too
Pretending to know it all, knowing no Truth at all about anything from why we live to why die
Laugh, it’s funny, you’re going to the same place all of the dead moms & dads already went to
Certain rigor mortis, ceasing the perp walk in the yard from water to snow peak, what a guy.

Dead air now, nothing sounds like this, quiet as the drop of a pin in a vacuum tube, it’s moot
Point that is useless to comprehend the miracle of sensation, the idea and thought of a rootb
Imagine, you’re asleep as I am, we’re in the same head dreaming a dream of me, yet this bites
It’s lying down appearing to be unconscious or dead, yet functioning as the host of the lights.

Virtually anything is possible, probability only limited to the impossibility of contradictions
Nothing’s neither created nor destroyed, it’s that, Nothing is Everything, could be worse sons
We or at least you & the others will get it on the best y’all can but it won’t be good 3.14 #pi
Ultimately, if you cannot disappear into thin air & transverse dimensions, you live & you die.

Score in matches and games where the competition is more skilled & lucky than you can be
Turns up high on your side, luck or bad night for the opposing team, ten to one, score to me
Holy gods ain’t here, we name them & scribe their existence and purpose for unveiling a face
In the end, the Call is for relaxing to the rhythm an rhyme displayed everywhere, every place.

Scored and nearly won the game, the match and the tournement, just high dreaming but alive
Wash the dirt off of my hands, invisible mud staying outside of me is fine, I’ll babble a deep dive
Royal blues I’ve had after the breakups & losses to the super ego my parents created one night
Innocent and ignorant, downloaded programmed philosophy of Life, makes everything alright.

Second guess my first one at my peril since I know my first guess is always right 100% of Time
Space Time reality, asleep, whistling in the dark, start to finish in all fifty states of inbred being
#44 like #4 accepted and rejected in one fell swoop, dead on arrival for the duration’s dime
Fourth dimensional chess without an opponent, I made rules that mutate an idea that I sing.

Maybe pre-predication cannot be eradicated after all is said & done, forgotten and annhilated
Bing Bang’s reversal is inevitable since there’s no other way to S#it, Shower & Shave, y’all dead
Formation of the shapes of substance is controlled by random chaos & occasional holy scree
In a gospel, in a parable to make an analog imprint of a little bit of this & that on me for free.

Froze my toes off literally, severed the black decrepit metatarsals with a butter knife, hold up
For the exchange of your wife if you give me all the cash in your pocket, you get my purple Tesla
Strong or weak, without the body, your mind can fill the vacuum by no relenting to the bullies
Peaceufui when sights & sounds are eternally terminated, Nothing’s in the mood, hot to freeze.

Mercy’s call of duty is the comfort of the stupid and clueless, method is the Word, coast to coast
Woke awakened for a peek at the future if they continue in anticipation of punishment’s reward
Taking it seriously so I gave every drop of blood and sacraficed my muscles and bones on toast
Kept my promise, let all of my blood out of my veins, freedom-free, at-One is a dead-ass ghost.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, 9-10-2024 (*911 EVE) @ 111 PMPST

Monday, September 09, 2024

@LynyrdSkynyrd #TooLegitToQuit Imagine Monday Is Friday Everyday... can't get to the weekend, ever, foreveer... #CocoaKissinFelixTheCat #BillionaireDollarBills @BozScaggs #LIDO @RobinTrower @MatthewPerry R.I.P. #TalentKnowsNoColor


A .44 mag, If and only if you follow the argumentative presentation, you’ll proceed
It’s always with me, caution of my elders warned me to utilize gods, as a plant seed
You all are out of my GD mind, deep into One out of body experience, as y’all must
In the finale’s end, no choice but to be buried or fried to the pulverized bone dust.

Fish incorporated in a & surreal presentation for the minions deep consumption
Re-admission into the hall’s leading to the sanctuary where the blessing is a sin
As this movie called reality moves from being awake to falling asleep again too
Keep your eyes peeled & watch your six, it’s a cruel, cruel world my girlfriend.

My mother done told me to wait until my father came home for discipline might
We died in a jet crash on #911, trying to save Time in Space from hosting a mutant
Recollection recalled, rerun ad infinitum, nobody ever saw this coming lightspeed
No parking jets on runways, tarmac or hangar anywhere on Earth, it’s all Godspeed.

Where you are right now is where you’ll stay, not a slim chance anything survives
Rocks and melted snow comin’ off of mountaintops from Rockies to Blue Appalachia
Backwoods forever until the bottom falls out, a gravitational collapse of my scribes
No more writers to subscribe to the blather, it’s malfunction in the junction of hives.

Bees or men, either or both, they consort with the queen & secure hive honeycomb
Full backs and quarterbacks without a full deck in the backfield, it’s in motion some
Penalty in absurdum for the duration of the 4th quarter, then it’s all sudden death
Yours, mine, everyone alive & all who have already succumbed to the last breath.

Spit and polish on your shine will last until someone steps on your toes, it’s fine
I’ll step on yours too when you don’t know it’s me, in the middle of a crowd’s line
Here before the judge, I plead not guilty of being guilty, I’m always the innocent 1
There’s neither hide nor hair on my buckskin pelt, dead Davey Crockett but I won!

Is this the mule of the government or am I sleeping in bed, still dreaming this is real
When it’s a tiny figment of overactive imagination & a drag on society’s scat steal
Out of the swamps and the frozen tundra, the game gets played until the end’s scoot
Happens that way, no other way to happen, a cause for every effect, then it’s caput.

Bouncing back down like a ball off of a backboard or a puck of a goalie’s facemask
I can’t get higher than a happy ending, when I win, I celebrate until I pass the flask
My Jack Daniels on my rowboat in the swamp, my iPhone fully charged & jack free
My girls ain’t around, it’s too harsh, huntin’ gators, I am, I did, they swallowed me.

Plans of the fools who never see the end of the dream when wide awake, too bad
Nothing you nor I can do about it, it’s the jive of the picayune punks on the corner
The block stays and the players fade & die with the plague or the accidental slap
Dead grim reapers who don’t care, material form in despair, y’all just phuqin’ rap.

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, 9-9-MMXXIV Anno Domini 911 AMPST
{ Drained the swamp & made souvenirs for fleecing of the flocks, drafted ditty jammin’ to #LynyrdSkynyrdsInnards on youTUBE  @ https://youtu.be/-qlzg5_hCXo }


Sunday, September 08, 2024

AC/DC by the #HaveADrinkRockBabies #YouDrunk? #BlackJackAndH2O #UhOh @EricChurch #BlackJackDaniels #DontPlayWithSticksAndStonesCuz may have to @WhipAMansAssSometimes

All jacked up to swap tires, on the road now coast to coast with H2O
No way in Norway or Baja can you find your bearings in a holy hole
Don’t try to cushion the blow, blow into the tube as hard as you can
I ain’t drunk on two beers at 2 AM, cherry top poppin’, slam, I’m in.

Hell, I’m parkin’ in the work place corral where angels fear to go
Under the freeway where the light rail train rolls to and fro, so low
Noise & nobody around, stolen and stripped until the gas run out
Always runnin’ on empty and today ain’t no different, yelled & shot.

Not guilty as charged, innocent as newborn babes born to teenagers
All the dirty dancin’ girls are retaken by bad boys, all in jail together
Material energy shock, this is all there is in a mindful, boneyard Void
By the time babies see the elders breakin’ code, it’s a matter of time.

Full time job goin’ back & forth to court & the penitentiary’s big flock
In the wall there aren’t any, just accordion-type wire & electric shock
Good behavior obedience 100% to The Man, you know it’s Peter Gun
Shooting for the heart & the stars, bulls have eyes you’ve S#it for fun.

Making up things that never really happened at all, lying about lies
It’s the boy who called wolf too many times on the last call, then rest
The body ain’t cold yet, no need to rush the meal, it’ll be butcher size
We’ll clean the muscles, BBQ them on the spit and pretend to civilize.

Bon fire after midnight, burning bright under stars & river flows’ fish
Steelhead, salmon more wise than your average angler, using the OIL
Wiser than an average angler, brighter than your clueless pal, it’s OK
Catching one cold after the other, I can but can’t land rainbow today.

Hours & years up to or more than a century, wise or dumb as a rock
You roll, you bounce back and eventually it’s full stop, power down
Keep it awake, you woke up so it’s OK to remain dreamless, I caress
Like others God blessed, I am lucky to be here, sins I don’t confess.

Care about what nobody else does, mortal souls die forever, a put-on
Go up to the mountain where the promised land used to be, all gone
Like freedom your blind faith trusted you had, stranger-paid robbery
Maybe your related cousins perform the theft, strangers I can’t see.

Mobs in the singularity see Nothing as something to detest & negate
My old father in heaven taught me the good, bad, ugly & I, all got ate
By hunger of Earth’s beings roaming virus & bacterium crucify INRI
We’re all somewhere in heaven with pops, he’s waiting for you & me.

Freedom is staying alive & avoiding being a meal for the hungry wolf
Or whichever varmint or bug consumes your equal opportunity loaf
Coming & going are the only two ways to get the job done, it’s so true
Last time you saw me, I saw you, attention wavered & targeted you.

Using the power of Intent, it works only if you know the magic Word
Like Tongues lingo, unheard by ears, by the mind of One’s own herd
Meant to populate love on the planet’s burnt out gas, here it is now
In front of your eyes and stabbing y’all in the backs, S.O.S.’s the flow.

Whisper or shout loudly to cause the deaf to hear the vibration of il
All y’all, @MonaLisa to @Ends of #911, a Picasso won’t buy pig milk
Falling out the top of the #WTC, I flew out the window, took 1 last hit
I ain’t here & now, if I were, I’d understand it’s the crescendo of s#it.

Known predication fills you up full, you can’t handle chit goin’ down
Irrational conclusions induced out of fear & loathing pressure sewn
Underground or above and below the cumulus & stratospheric H2O
All we can hope for is a century give or take, reincarnated down low.

You’re in or out, either way it’s OK, nobody gives you the time of day
As if that means anything other than it’s your dream, nobody cares
Revolutionary return to the original sin, eating the apple core’s puns
Tree of Knowledge blooming Tesla sedans & SUV’s for the ol’ Jetsons.

Admit that you know nothing about anything, you’re as wise as gods
Fortune and Karma mutating the DNA with angel dust & Mary buds
Offspring coming for you with their badges and stinger missile fizzes
Overhead whistles before your last blink’s gasp, no show’s show biz.

Behind your 2 eyes, you see what I mean, nothing there, you know it
There’s no secrets inside that cranium, I can’t fabricate human debt
Tried, failed, tried again, failed, tried, tried & also tried a mad hatter
Unknown is personal to me, an “x” variable between my ears’ matter.

Mankind before my birth & after my death, a conglomerate of not me
Either my ash and crumbled bone fragments in the cosmic cemetery
Or bled out carcass full of formaldehyde & a smirking skullduggery
Filmed by the ocean, the deep blue sea so blue it’s greyish-black, Me.

All of it I am, it’s a deva dip routine song about the supernatural star
Above and below, AKA the sun, the only way for life to exist on Earth
Come One, come all to the greatest show on Earth, my death & birth
Yours is what it is, your desires, your needs, out of my wheelhouse.

Rockin’ kid & the a deep purple Tesla hummin’ tunes ad infinitum
Future ain’t here, Past is all gone, memory fading into present scu
It’s the ooze from the X origin, potential RNA on my hot spot’s soot
Gone far, too far, way gone further past the point of no return, caput.

Drunk, higher than a box kite in an air fight, winning the battle wars
Losing sanity with every dying body’s scent of horror for prison bars
Nothing but toilet water to drink, food to keep alive incarcerated life
Payment to the people you don’t know & never will, sharpen a knife.

It’ll be a fight to the death, no choice since the opponent wants blood
Mine will do for him or her, it’s all the value I retain, got no fool gold
Your mistake was blind faith in the unknown, I didn’t get the memo
Slide into third, ball passes the 3rd basement, steal & slide home, GO!

r j j stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, 9-8-2024 AD @ 333 PMPST

{ Crafted with background noise & then @AllmanBros #HITS LINK @https://youtu.be/0M9edCPTvcY?si=3sJY0biN8ZjCDYex }

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3