
Friday, October 11, 2024

#ShipAhoy etc, etc, etc ad infinitum . . .

From the first day that Earth was captured around the Sun’s magnetic field of dreams
There have been a number of conundrums and without being specific yet, this is the One
Which cannot be fixed with any reasonable, logical solution other than extinction of Man
Knowing and understanding the fact of Earth Life is all you need to survive momentum.

Just as your own ancestors and not yet living descendants will discover, This Is It, done
Nothing you can do about it other than be upset that you & your teachers were deceived
By the wonder of being alive, as if in a dream of gargantuan proportions, follow and lead
Into the fire pit of the ending, the supernova and singularity of being this thing itself, son.

Now then, here & right this very moment you’ve had a come to sweet Jesus-Buddha sin
Blind faith that you’re related to the divinity that’s been invisible since Day One, my spin
In an elliptical revolution like #9, the one The Beatles scratched into my Marantz T-table
Blasted the pioneer speakers with amplified injection of electric venom, ‘X’ on the label.

Prickin’ your ears up like you’ve heard some predator making noise to warn of a coming
Out of the darkness or the light, it depends on the hunger and thirst of the jungle bungler
Fear and trust depending on the things coalescing into a cohesive group of misfit tricks
Paid injections of venom to get the kid’s paychecks & loan notes for 4-wheel drive kicks.

Moron apes have no idea why they're hungry-mad at one another, illiterate illegitimates
How they survive without a modicum of resourcefulness is beyond the pale of high crimes
Now, misdemeanors are wrong but out of the perpetrator’s control, it is a causeless fate
Like it or not, you’ll die & be blamed or credited with “the nonsense,” ergo, a raider rate.

Persuasive argument to justify the ends and the means of production, on the scale tips
Educated in deep diving down under the sea-surface to get to the bottom silt of the GIFs
Coming in and out of the woodwork, in or out of the cave, a hut or condo, above & below
Having the Time in this Space to be consciously aware of your nature, that’s a gift, AHO!

The jets are made for the Jetsons and the Jeffersons, future and past times are unreality
Only the Present which is so fleeting that it’s gone an instant after its arrival, so, so silly
Yet here we go again, a situational comedy on a stage with dialogues between the things
Languages of all humans included, first, last, everything is all about the queens & kings.

Tricks of the magicians who could show you, so what disappears before your very eyes?
Nothing, just like the stuff that was there before your folks conceived you between thighs
Reason’s why the One is chosen because there’s only One asleep & dreaming this truce
Can’t call it fiction because it’s unprovable, Blind Faith, Clapton, Baker & Bruce.

Prehistoric without narrative, boneyards pictographic scribble on cave walls above doubt
Which rain flooded up lowlands up to the foothills, in time dried up nearly into a drought
Continued to be you and me when we’ve bit the dust millennia ago, we’re mere statistics
Compelled by an RNA program to survive to be the most efficient forms' bones & sticks.

#1 We were here, this is our scribbled memory of being alive 'fore we died, above all fear
Scared of nothing but a stronger being attempting to kill & eat my knife arms are eclectic
For a hunter who thinks I am prey, hope you can pray before you find an unholy Maker
Called The One who existed before the sun’s planets followed electrolyte paths, Navy pier.

No hints about your secrets that you’ll never, ever disclose, even if I nailed it exactly right
What happened when you were too young to know better, you had blind faith outta sight
Removed with stolen valor pretending to be a hero when really you may be a villain ho
Deserve nothing more nor less than dire straits y'all immersed within, whistle & blow.

r j j stephan, i

c.  Vendredi, ROCKTOBER ONE-ONE, MMXXIV Anno Domini 911 AMPST

{ Infinity monitored as this piece was drafted while jammin’ to #FJBIDO @Ted_Nugent LIVE link @ https://youtu.be/nAATgDrb45k }


Thursday, October 10, 2024

#GhostedMachine #LOCOMOTION #RichGirl


Are you experiencing deja-vous or complete atheistic catharsis of your deep immersion
Down deep into the psyche of the ones among us who follow fools’ missions well known
If you don’t mind, there’s only nothing left after life in skin and bones, man that blows
All of the time you’ve spent on diving in on the blind faith of ancestors and the crows.

Don’t overlook the things right there in front of your eyes, blind or not, all living die, dead
Meaning that no one alive should be one of the many, it’s the ol’ boogie man jump-up fun
Dancin’ when the sunshine of the star 93 million miles away goes dark in rotation? None
Quicker than white cow milk turns brown & the peanut butter & jelly spread white bread.

Invest your Time in Space spending Money on everything under the sun, like an insect, son
Pretend if only you knew what the truth is about life on this planet’s surface & hard rock on
Ghosts’ Ids are not outside the skin & bones, all knuckleheads know that life is but a dream
It appears to be the essence of DNA malfunction to double-speak like a 2nd rate mule team.

Creative spirits flyin’ around the seven continents, goin’ in and out of love, perpetrating 3.14
Why pi? It’s because something had to be a constant in the vast sea of the unknown, a score
Like first love in teenage years, embedded the awkward & remain in the middle way’s path
Couples and their immediate and extended families from coast to coast, sea to sea’s wrath.

My university granted my degree without ceremony, it’s still the diploma’s diplomatic mark
Flag of confidence waving both near & far, symbolizing the jolly Roger in stealth of the dark
Lower than when you’re too high on alcohol and plant chemistry, as you waste The Precious
 Time as it was promised form Utah sand dune to snowcapped Mt. Ranier Washington prize.

Desire to be free to be, anywhere, anyplace on Earth isn’t possible, absolutely improbable
More chance to be a ghost in a machine that is immortally intelligent, impervious as Hehl
No question that there is something obvious to the child who isn’t a POTUS with hairy legs
#Woke blind or 20/20 hindsight, final gasp fogs a mirror one more time in dire strait’s dregs.

Beer money to pay for the stein or three on the bar, two of ‘em empty in 5 minutes, payday
Clowns can’t be happy or sad, their job is to be or not to be sad or funny to all the others’ day
Oasis or the final ending of the novella written under duress to pay the mortgage & car note
I do what has been done before I arrived, the ones finished are dead, I’ll be too, all she wrote.

Wish three of the triad in the mix, this is it for the last call of the night, it’s 2 AM shouted out
File the tree’s tea leaves in an alpha-numeric file based upon inherited tongue, with no doubt
The Truth will either impale you upon a sword or set you free as a dove into the sky’s blues
Between rain in solid form, clouds of hydrogen and oxygen in an infinite dance of God’s jews.

Party for One, alone in the corner with the pointed hat showing you’ve clowned for naught
Pins stuck into your cushion reminding me that you’ve had nothing else to do for the robot
What your 208 bones are in DNA/RNA acid for the caring and uncaring to survive extinction
Before your parents met, you all were nobody, no one knew you would be the original Sin.

More or less in the linear phase of the angles given, point to point on trajectory to the toke
Where else can we go? This holy and divine offspring of a virgin human is a poppycock too
Fairy tale of a green giant, tom thumb, jack and the beanstalk and hot three pigs in a poke
Lessons taught and learned for the sake of science and one enculturated savage corkscrew.

Kickin’ in the stall just like the good mules who’ve been neutered and abused by mankind
Who is frankly? It’s not a man or a woman, neither a plant nor an animal, yet you crow Sin
The gist of this comes down to this, you don’t know like I know, well you didn’t, now you do
Prior to our conceptions, we ain’t here, after death, we ain’t here, explain that is royal blue.

No light without burning hydrogen, no water without hydrogen & oxygen collisions, at all
Deep under the overcoat of the undercoating, a smoke screen invisible to eyesight’s vision
That is the way to avert the panic once the population is aspirated by the indoctrinated fan
On both sides of the barrier is an empty Void which has nothing to do with any God or Man.

Now, where was you at when the band stopped playin’ the rock and the blues? Funky daddy
Rocked the house five or six times, kids all runnin’ the streets at some of ‘em are, others ain’t
Frequency of the wavelength is the same whether you look at it from inside or outside folk
Either way only the devil can replace the lived, livers of lovers, lone dreamers who got woke.

You could have relied on the old man’s money, but he died and left it to his second CIA cover
You know none of this matters anyways, in or out of the system, when it’s over, it’s all over
Nothing you nor I can do about it, just live until you can’t anymore, no other choices, Fan
Steeplechase me around the corral and you’ll experience why Dick and Jane quickly ran.

It’s the mama of Mona Lisa, who had the same DNA 40 years ago at birth, love-slave wife
Sweeter honey generated by bees that fly between flights of wingless birds, living the life
As if you had another choice other than life or death, you denied the Truth, sceptic genius
Serious as the battles leading to the world wars before and after the atom split, extinct US.

All of the fault of the dead men who left us here with the tools of the species’ extinction, AH
I give them full credit for protecting their dead and buried bones, sunken or burned, riddance
Count backward from a hundred, lose track about thirty or forty & begin again, full of grace
Believe one thing if you blindly follow me, no skull & bones will ever save your pretty face.

r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, ROCKTOBER 10th MMXXIV Anno Domini 420 PMPST
{ Dropped from the scuffle while shuffling to Buffalo & jammin’ this scat to the flatline wall while listenin’ to @Santana #Abraxas on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/15SR2fRqKVU?si=zei4sH4NCKxoOS2G }


Monday, October 07, 2024



Holy snake blessed by One power that is above this dirt spheroid of empty linguistics
Taking the era periods, the commas, semi-colons, points of exclamation & questions
Putting red dot cue balls in worm holes, ill about a pastime leading to the Unknown
Branded future turning into past in a snap, a click, a blink, it’s here, then it’s all gone.

In my place in Space, you can’t see what that woman has done to me, any woman
From mother to sisters to aunts and great grandmothers of the centuries, I’m a man
Spelled with three letters in English which are a backward, reverse Nam, a Viet Nam
Assisting nobody but the tunnels of the rats who hid the food, women & kids, BAM!

Legs too tired to run, walk or crawl hence, found a corner where you see doom ahead
Ready and willing to repel the threat to my life and the lives of those that I always lead
Junk on the side of the road because there’s no place to leave the mess, It Is All Done
Nothing the aliens or the resident natural born genome of the homo herbalist to come.

Hot hurricanes blow us away, it’s The Earth twisting & wobbling the ocean in Death’s mix
Extinction is all ahead since the Origin is behind this & every other species’ goddess tricks
Notes are flat or sharp, there’s a few octaves with satisfaction guaranteed by ma and pop
Then they die and leave us all alone without a backstop or even a catcher or ump on top.

Anyway, wind blows are the forces of spinning and wobbling on the ecliptic, ad infinitum
Nothing more nor less than this, this is not a test, you’ll be annihilated unless you’re God
If you ain’t divine and immortal, then you’re all too human and mortal, I conceived to die
Nothing personal though, it’s the nature of the beast, natural selection’s extinction, I buy.

You have a flesh-eating disease that is like a carnivore without a form or body of work
It exists, it’s here and now and before you know it, you yourself are long gone, you jerk
Nothing you can do to change the nature of the beast, your parents’ coitus was spent
On your intelligence and perfect 208 bones and 58 organs within the thin robot dent.

Only one way to comprehend the facts of life, father & mother alike, orgasmic cause
Of me and you, every one of us except the clones of course, test-tube babies all pause
No hot spirit, no soul for the test-tube conceptions, need friction of organic, mortal sin
Guard your valuables and precious family stones, without the walking, no jive talking.

Hidden gems right there in front of everyone’s eyes, all cool oxygen that allows your verve
Check out life in a vacuum or anywhere in outer space without the photosynthesis worms
Abandon your notions you’ve gleaned from your K-12 & beyond up to your horde of PhD’s
Historical events may have been recorded in askew consciousnesses, thank you, please?

Higher than the lowdown, it’s a drag for Skaggs and the gold mine of the rhythm and beats
It’s all about me & Lido, my amigo from the hood, brother from another mother, good seats
Paid the premium to get close to the stage, where the performance comes and goes quick
Sound & fury over the trivial confidence games is a drag, but it’s either that or death, slick!

Think about this or that, therefore you prove you exist here & now, you’re not asleep in bed
This is not a dream that you’ll wake up from, when you die, ain’t no justice for God’s head
Lonely and all alone from the Big Bang to the Big Singularity, extra, extra, read all about it
Headlines and bylines for the powers that be you & me, doom in Space, we’re alone, s#it!

r j j stephan, i

c. Lundi, ROCKTOBER VIIth, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 0600 AMPST
#MAGA #AvatarChicksRock

{ Goddesses have left the room, it’s just a #SausagePart jammin’ to @TowerOfPower #SoVeryHardToGo on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/cbyKxiVvpaE?si=JZlzZm2rITSsJ6lM }