
Friday, October 11, 2024

#ShipAhoy etc, etc, etc ad infinitum . . .

From the first day that Earth was captured around the Sun’s magnetic field of dreams
There have been a number of conundrums and without being specific yet, this is the One
Which cannot be fixed with any reasonable, logical solution other than extinction of Man
Knowing and understanding the fact of Earth Life is all you need to survive momentum.

Just as your own ancestors and not yet living descendants will discover, This Is It, done
Nothing you can do about it other than be upset that you & your teachers were deceived
By the wonder of being alive, as if in a dream of gargantuan proportions, follow and lead
Into the fire pit of the ending, the supernova and singularity of being this thing itself, son.

Now then, here & right this very moment you’ve had a come to sweet Jesus-Buddha sin
Blind faith that you’re related to the divinity that’s been invisible since Day One, my spin
In an elliptical revolution like #9, the one The Beatles scratched into my Marantz T-table
Blasted the pioneer speakers with amplified injection of electric venom, ‘X’ on the label.

Prickin’ your ears up like you’ve heard some predator making noise to warn of a coming
Out of the darkness or the light, it depends on the hunger and thirst of the jungle bungler
Fear and trust depending on the things coalescing into a cohesive group of misfit tricks
Paid injections of venom to get the kid’s paychecks & loan notes for 4-wheel drive kicks.

Moron apes have no idea why they're hungry-mad at one another, illiterate illegitimates
How they survive without a modicum of resourcefulness is beyond the pale of high crimes
Now, misdemeanors are wrong but out of the perpetrator’s control, it is a causeless fate
Like it or not, you’ll die & be blamed or credited with “the nonsense,” ergo, a raider rate.

Persuasive argument to justify the ends and the means of production, on the scale tips
Educated in deep diving down under the sea-surface to get to the bottom silt of the GIFs
Coming in and out of the woodwork, in or out of the cave, a hut or condo, above & below
Having the Time in this Space to be consciously aware of your nature, that’s a gift, AHO!

The jets are made for the Jetsons and the Jeffersons, future and past times are unreality
Only the Present which is so fleeting that it’s gone an instant after its arrival, so, so silly
Yet here we go again, a situational comedy on a stage with dialogues between the things
Languages of all humans included, first, last, everything is all about the queens & kings.

Tricks of the magicians who could show you, so what disappears before your very eyes?
Nothing, just like the stuff that was there before your folks conceived you between thighs
Reason’s why the One is chosen because there’s only One asleep & dreaming this truce
Can’t call it fiction because it’s unprovable, Blind Faith, Clapton, Baker & Bruce.

Prehistoric without narrative, boneyards pictographic scribble on cave walls above doubt
Which rain flooded up lowlands up to the foothills, in time dried up nearly into a drought
Continued to be you and me when we’ve bit the dust millennia ago, we’re mere statistics
Compelled by an RNA program to survive to be the most efficient forms' bones & sticks.

#1 We were here, this is our scribbled memory of being alive 'fore we died, above all fear
Scared of nothing but a stronger being attempting to kill & eat my knife arms are eclectic
For a hunter who thinks I am prey, hope you can pray before you find an unholy Maker
Called The One who existed before the sun’s planets followed electrolyte paths, Navy pier.

No hints about your secrets that you’ll never, ever disclose, even if I nailed it exactly right
What happened when you were too young to know better, you had blind faith outta sight
Removed with stolen valor pretending to be a hero when really you may be a villain ho
Deserve nothing more nor less than dire straits y'all immersed within, whistle & blow.

r j j stephan, i

c.  Vendredi, ROCKTOBER ONE-ONE, MMXXIV Anno Domini 911 AMPST

{ Infinity monitored as this piece was drafted while jammin’ to #FJBIDO @Ted_Nugent LIVE link @ https://youtu.be/nAATgDrb45k }


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