
Monday, September 03, 2018

#Adventureland @WelcomeAboard



For the alpha test of the journey between here, there, now and then, we’re a liquid black hole
Moving the Unmoved Mover from East to West, clockwise if observed from a northern pole
Counter clockwise below the equator in the Southern Hemisphere’s point of below, as above
My spirit, my consciousness, my memory, my imaginary self, non-existent prior to #Love.

Featureless and without motion, the #BigBang produces the distance between dusk & dawn
Musk of my odoriferous scent embalmed in my RNA, mitochondrion hypochondriac of dirt
Boredom, ennui of my father’s labor, creative urge to animate the given tabernacle of spawn
Recently awakened from the pretenders’ who hawk the blind faith, become extinct, to abort.

In the field of this matrix, you die in the middle of liking the being you’ve become, a #Hitman
Taking care of other people’s business that they cannot engage, elimination of denominators
Uncommon numerators and diminished sevenths in a hodgepodge of muddy blood of a bird
Drunken women and men, more than I need, more than you can imagine, downshift to 3rd.

Dam behind the wall of empty rocks and jagged rolls, it’s all you need to get wet and cold
In and out of the current, flowing like soft silk, currents and eddys below the pebbled beach
For the sake of the California dreamer, I become silent at the climax of the ORIGIN’s mold
Needles and spoons left for the ones who can’t survive in the strangling strangeness, I teach.

Burning and freezing here for a sort of repayment for disobedience or impudence of who?
Distant relative way beck in the day when everything was cool, no Jesus, just man’s booze
Nothing and nobody in between, to save us from our natural feelings and actions, fake news
I got some and you want a little bit, we can scratch one another’s back and lick our fuzzballs.

r j j stephan, i
c. September 3, 2018 @ 2:44 PM Monday
{ drafted listenin’ to # BozScaggs on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/5wNKQ7RRXfk


#EyeGotMyHandsUp #YouGotTheWrongGuy #ItAintMyFault ....#TrueDat


Richard Joseph Stephan· 
Love grows where my @Rosemary goes and all I can do is follow the #Fengshui of #Zen
It is just a matter of time in space, my face and yours reflecting #Uber wonder and hunger
To kill and eat the meat from the bones of the living things that run from your raw power
Nobody wants to be eaten, dead or alive but if you’re killed by a cat, that’s almighty then.

Could have been a cancelled series, one of those 60’s or 70’s shows, reminisce among dead
Pictures and memories of things that used to be and are no more, due to the natural pothead
Blown away in a cloud of weed smoke, make Ala’s faded life completely obliterate brothers
Grace and prayers will have no effect on the stiffs’ ashes and skulls in graves and DJ lockers.

Lost and found in the same place everything always is, time and time again, it starts at zero
A timeline to the past and future at the moment you know that you are PRESENT, as a hero
Came to the planet’s surface through woman’s egg and man’s seed, absolute nonsense, hole
In this game, I didn’t know I was just a player, disposable diapers’ full of my golden #Soul.

Wild I know, I am and it is what it is, the nature of the beast, sneakin’ like a bat outta hell
Getting out of here alive is impossible for the ones I’ve seen, mouths agape, rigor mortis L
Do not pick me to see the light in the darkness and come back to let the world know, I’m in
In the back way or through the front door, up the side street to the dead end’s mortal sin.

FakeNews Revolution for the speck of dust we angels call home, the gist of it, we’re caput
Off with the heads of the Enjambments and Lincolns, Smith and Jones too, in a fake shootout
Between Good, Evil and the Live, only the Ugly can’t outlive what #Fake heaven too has done
A DNA manipulated by natural selection and astral projection of incorporeal rays of a sun.

In a cult of #RoseWine, a cherry blossom straddles the scent, aglow spice of an ordinary hand
Blame and responsibility for the possession and ingestion of the matrix’ sparkling moon sand
In a manner of speaking, it’s academic because in general, out-of-sight pretenders of #Nigh
Runnin’ the #dozens and engines of creation on empty, I’m immersion in a #MaryRose high.

r j j stephan, i
c. Sunday September 2, 2018 @ 11:11 PM PST
{ written while listenin’ to a cornucopia of #LynyrdSkynyrd HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/J4j7ggZqbiU }

 { HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MAMA, 9-3-1924 @SalvatreseAlfano }


Saturday, September 01, 2018

#TheyDontCallMeTheBreeze #ricoSacto @ricoSacto


Richard Joseph Stephan @5:55 AM PST
Cuddle up baby, I’ve got some old news for you and I ain’t got no time like the H & N present
It’s alright if you don’t listen but I am required by contract to fulfill the #HillbillyDeluxe floss
Sweet inheritance of mothers and fathers, daughters and sons of Adam that’s #HeavenSent
From me to you and all of the species here and now, folks present in a revolving spin of Eros.

Small town to the coast’s ocean of salty liquid gas of hydrogen and oxygen, All One, the same
From alleys in Chicago to the bayou in the swamps, to the everglades, backwoods in a holler
I wait for the rest of y’all to catch up to the place we hang, clickin’ longnecks around sundown
Lookin’ for nothin’ but a way to forget you gotta work ten hour days, for a coon smile frown.

Sendin’ me debits to give to the credits just because I loaned you 23 years of my living it up
Boy and girl that was worth it, forgot about all of the childhood and adulthood faux pas cup
With or without the sugar it came and went quicker than gravity’ll suck y’all six feet under it
Underground or ashes mixed-bone and homegrown smoked in a peace pipe’s bowl of #Chit.

Got a hotrod tuned up Saturday night, hillbilly pickup, race ‘round sundown, edge ain’t evens
Smellin’ that black, burned rubber, noxious fumes of the high test injection, coon smile, hens
Didn’t last long until the smokies came cherry-tops blazin’ red and blue, emergency is down
How much can a #hillbilly take? #Homegrown outta Memphis or the ‘sippi, #NASCAR bone.

Alright, alright, it’s alright now because there’s nothing you can do, nobody is The Root, see
Everybody is here and now chiefly due to the smoke and mirrors of the oratorical ancestry
Those who are dead, here and now, they have no stature other than their thoughts of #Hehl
Displaced souls headless because their Origin is Thimphu-like, faux-amoeba in a jar’s #Bell.

Hillbillies from #NorthPole to #SouthPole agree, you and I need to chill in the gods’ foothills
Keepin’ the reins tight, spurs sharp and @Skynyrd ready #McFly so y’all ‘do what thou wilt’
It’s time to move the party from the woods to the river, so the girls can skinny dip our thrills
From #ACDC to #Zeppelin small town bones, big time #DeluxeHillbillies, #Freedom is a kilt.

r j j stephan, i {#GunnedDownRoundSundown }
c. 9-1-2018 #Dawn #Sunup Saturday @ 5:55 AM PST
{ drafted while cruisin’ to the #TasteeFreeze listenin’ to #BrooksAndDunn on youTube #HillbillyDeluxe & HITS link @ https://youtu.be/H3QEKT2mk_Q }