
Monday, September 03, 2018

#EyeGotMyHandsUp #YouGotTheWrongGuy #ItAintMyFault ....#TrueDat


Richard Joseph Stephan· 
Love grows where my @Rosemary goes and all I can do is follow the #Fengshui of #Zen
It is just a matter of time in space, my face and yours reflecting #Uber wonder and hunger
To kill and eat the meat from the bones of the living things that run from your raw power
Nobody wants to be eaten, dead or alive but if you’re killed by a cat, that’s almighty then.

Could have been a cancelled series, one of those 60’s or 70’s shows, reminisce among dead
Pictures and memories of things that used to be and are no more, due to the natural pothead
Blown away in a cloud of weed smoke, make Ala’s faded life completely obliterate brothers
Grace and prayers will have no effect on the stiffs’ ashes and skulls in graves and DJ lockers.

Lost and found in the same place everything always is, time and time again, it starts at zero
A timeline to the past and future at the moment you know that you are PRESENT, as a hero
Came to the planet’s surface through woman’s egg and man’s seed, absolute nonsense, hole
In this game, I didn’t know I was just a player, disposable diapers’ full of my golden #Soul.

Wild I know, I am and it is what it is, the nature of the beast, sneakin’ like a bat outta hell
Getting out of here alive is impossible for the ones I’ve seen, mouths agape, rigor mortis L
Do not pick me to see the light in the darkness and come back to let the world know, I’m in
In the back way or through the front door, up the side street to the dead end’s mortal sin.

FakeNews Revolution for the speck of dust we angels call home, the gist of it, we’re caput
Off with the heads of the Enjambments and Lincolns, Smith and Jones too, in a fake shootout
Between Good, Evil and the Live, only the Ugly can’t outlive what #Fake heaven too has done
A DNA manipulated by natural selection and astral projection of incorporeal rays of a sun.

In a cult of #RoseWine, a cherry blossom straddles the scent, aglow spice of an ordinary hand
Blame and responsibility for the possession and ingestion of the matrix’ sparkling moon sand
In a manner of speaking, it’s academic because in general, out-of-sight pretenders of #Nigh
Runnin’ the #dozens and engines of creation on empty, I’m immersion in a #MaryRose high.

r j j stephan, i
c. Sunday September 2, 2018 @ 11:11 PM PST
{ written while listenin’ to a cornucopia of #LynyrdSkynyrd HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/J4j7ggZqbiU }

 { HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MAMA, 9-3-1924 @SalvatreseAlfano }


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