
Saturday, February 16, 2019

@CurtisMayfield #SATURDAY #PeopleDontGiveADam #PDGAD @ricoSacto #ricoSActo #BackToTheWords

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, February 16, 2019
Resting with the rest of our wicked species, it’s come to this #Mars #Time-#Space Blackstar
Try lookin’ at the sun directly for more than a second, blinded by light without a #Rockstar
Blinded by opaque lights that I see or not, in my blind spots, above my rear-end sighted envy
With the snakes and elephants, crocodiles, leeches, insects, bacteria and virus, all eyes see.

This is a journey of conscious mind evolution from utter ignorance into the bright light fares
Nobody is getting out of this plane of existence alive, nothing matters and if it did, who cares
Your mother and father, sisters and brothers, cousins, uncles, aunts, all undead at #Brexits
It means Words written by humans while alive are Alive when broadcasted, correlated myths.

On the other hand, even if you’re ambidextrous and you’ve got no grievance, oh hoodlum boy
Eventually the equation of conscious awareness runs into the holiness of the holy of the Void
Out in the heavens above and below, every direction, all 360 degrees around this #FlatOrb
Hoodlum girl without a compass, no North, South, West or East-side Bowery #ME2 absorb.

Galaxies of solar systems with dozens of planets from blown red giants and doomed pulsars
Motivation to become alive has nothing to do with Love, as we know it, it’s all accidental stars
From a #BigBang radiation from a massive compression explosion-implosion, super and holy
Black because all of the light is sucked into the consummation of the natural selection dolly.

Intelligence measured by an ability to become One with the nature’s universe, #NoCanDo
You cannot do it, it will kill your #SuperEgo and #Id and you’ll be just One Ego to offend
A purpose is a reason to be or if there is no purpose, no goal ahead, despair’s tragic end
Right where the pleasure of the original climax of neurons began, a womb’s void, a #Hole.

To the salute of the darkness, I say right on for it, the darkness is only my blindness’ vile scat
There is a spectrum of Infrared to Ultraviolet waves and frequencies, blinded by this and that
I can’t see anything that is not in my own, personal bandwidth, fractional abstraction bends
There really is no justice, you and I and everything in the Petridish of awareness, it all ends.

On the keyboard with an eye on the cursor and hand near the mouse, I-Ching, therefore I am
Or I must be rather than the #flipside which is not experiencing the occult nature, #SamIam
Building dirty towers from bones of ground fake ancestors, two poles’ magnetics of #Glasgow
Imagine people, spinning around, gravitated, empty souls, deleting Nothing, #ItIsDone now.

r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, February 16, 2019 A.D. @ 8:20 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to #TheEarthIsNotAlone again, it’s an infinite loop of a cornucopia of imaginary photon functions, in an infinite loop on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/VymuQC0o7yQ }
W.W.A.R.D. ?

Friday, February 15, 2019

#AllTheWickedRestRightHereHarve #ricoSacto @ricoSacto #FrankSinatra #TonyBennett #MorganWallen


Richard Joseph Stephan, I


What I saw in the corner of my eye when I looked into the mirror and saw a vampire reflect
Nothing there, no body to reflect the light of the incandescent, burning the Word, live Evil
Or and either One or two, split down the middle of the creeps in the Orwellian well of dank
Smoked the mold and the weeds until they came out of my seven holes of exit, I’m so drunk!

I wish I could rest but I can’t until the last breath I take, sooner or later, it happens to us all
Money needed to complete the circle of the Wicked, Freedom is not Free, say it again Sam!
Try to get off of the ground, escape the gravity, no way and no how cowboy, impossible ball
Rolling star dirt in rock balls and being the First Cause of the evolution of man and woman.

Father, mother, sister, brother, orphaned in a cosmic whip of acid menudo, it’s all up to me
Now and then you get the power that you can’t use or don’t know how to use it, give it here
I will take every bit of energy you have and absorb it into my genome, my DNA will survive
Dollar bills and debits on the screen don’t grow on trees either, labor, blood, sweat, hand jive.

Perfection to the holy burn, consumed into hot ash, forms of beauty broken and melted down
Bones and blood disintegrate into the shadow of the night, memories recollected in a vacuum
I gotta to ask and I know you won’t answer since it’s rhetorical, satisfy the idiot and I’m a One
I’ll whistle for you to come home and eat supper, if you don’t come home, starve like a bum.

Perfect shadow, not one of the minions who follow leaders who don’t know my crucified guns
Power in my head, in my arms, in my legs and that’s all I get for certain, fortune of hot buns
“Pick me, pick me!” she said and she meant it, so I did and here I am with the cream of crop
Beauty picked the beast and what I am is what I am and I can’t lose it, I’m fightin’, can’t stop!

r j j stephan, i { dedicated to #JoJoDomico RIP & the #Shadows that follow me! }
c. Friday February 15, 2017 AD @ 5:55 AM PST
{ nuclear fusion occurred as I rested with the wicked, @CagedElephant and avoided closin’ my eyes for good! Hot link to the inspiration @ https://youtu.be/HKtsdZs9LJo }

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

#FightThePowerThatBe @ricoSacto #ricoSacto

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Saint Valentine was a guy in Rome, Italy in the 200’s A.D., a Christian priest of the ‘ville’
Blackmail and silly ways to keep the love of your life in love with you, Happy Val day spree
Dreaming that you’re living in a dream world, a dream’s dream, doing whatever you will
Just because you think you’re so pretty and think you’re so smart, I agree but that’s all me.

Picnic with the people and insects who are hungry for the fools to masticate cows and hogs
Not that that means anything to anybody other than my mama, she’d chide me dearly for it
Brilliant to wait until mother and father became extinct before giving the lowdown on dogs
Phenomenon of the appearances of the causes which generate the effects of mental shytfits.

Normally in the continuity of acceptance of the incredible, historical events of Earth’s life
From an original bit of spew-age from an exploding gas star to the evolved husband’s wife
Mythological creation from rock dust and dirt, the nothingness becomes something’s void
Me, myself and I are rarely involved in the messy business but then again, I’m a mandroid.

Here is a bit of everything you’ll ever need to know about it, from A to Z, translate me fool
Talkin’ to myself not you, don’t take this personally, you know you are the pool of my cool
Coming from your fathers into your mothers becomes what I’ve become, not silly or wise
Able to laugh because the joke is always on me, no matter if intended or not, a witch flies.

A priest was martyred by heathens who stopped him from attending the souls of a brother
Healing their hearts with the care and love of an immortal heart, all saints had a mother
Heated heart in love, full of the life’s blood to keep the body and mind alive in the hive
Knowing nothing, pretending to be an epitome of survival of the fit, extraordinary jive.

A need and a want to know is not a need to be God because that is what “know-it-all” means
Who wants to know it all? Not me but maybe you do, good luck to your mates and you, cuz
When you find out everything and don’t know what to do with that data, you’ll know beans
Meaning nothing at all, how many are One, a shaped foo-fighter tailspin and a UFO buzz.

r j j stephan, i
c. Wednesday February 13, 2019 A.D. @ 3:03 PM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to some Leonard Cohen on youTube link @ & https://youtu.be/IVJImYNGqwk & his Greatest Hits link @ https://youtu.be/GC7lDw-FKi0 & #OneOfUsCannotBeWrong link @ https://youtu.be/lBxNxdkbP6E }
 W.W.A.R.D. ?