
Saturday, February 16, 2019

@CurtisMayfield #SATURDAY #PeopleDontGiveADam #PDGAD @ricoSacto #ricoSActo #BackToTheWords

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, February 16, 2019
Resting with the rest of our wicked species, it’s come to this #Mars #Time-#Space Blackstar
Try lookin’ at the sun directly for more than a second, blinded by light without a #Rockstar
Blinded by opaque lights that I see or not, in my blind spots, above my rear-end sighted envy
With the snakes and elephants, crocodiles, leeches, insects, bacteria and virus, all eyes see.

This is a journey of conscious mind evolution from utter ignorance into the bright light fares
Nobody is getting out of this plane of existence alive, nothing matters and if it did, who cares
Your mother and father, sisters and brothers, cousins, uncles, aunts, all undead at #Brexits
It means Words written by humans while alive are Alive when broadcasted, correlated myths.

On the other hand, even if you’re ambidextrous and you’ve got no grievance, oh hoodlum boy
Eventually the equation of conscious awareness runs into the holiness of the holy of the Void
Out in the heavens above and below, every direction, all 360 degrees around this #FlatOrb
Hoodlum girl without a compass, no North, South, West or East-side Bowery #ME2 absorb.

Galaxies of solar systems with dozens of planets from blown red giants and doomed pulsars
Motivation to become alive has nothing to do with Love, as we know it, it’s all accidental stars
From a #BigBang radiation from a massive compression explosion-implosion, super and holy
Black because all of the light is sucked into the consummation of the natural selection dolly.

Intelligence measured by an ability to become One with the nature’s universe, #NoCanDo
You cannot do it, it will kill your #SuperEgo and #Id and you’ll be just One Ego to offend
A purpose is a reason to be or if there is no purpose, no goal ahead, despair’s tragic end
Right where the pleasure of the original climax of neurons began, a womb’s void, a #Hole.

To the salute of the darkness, I say right on for it, the darkness is only my blindness’ vile scat
There is a spectrum of Infrared to Ultraviolet waves and frequencies, blinded by this and that
I can’t see anything that is not in my own, personal bandwidth, fractional abstraction bends
There really is no justice, you and I and everything in the Petridish of awareness, it all ends.

On the keyboard with an eye on the cursor and hand near the mouse, I-Ching, therefore I am
Or I must be rather than the #flipside which is not experiencing the occult nature, #SamIam
Building dirty towers from bones of ground fake ancestors, two poles’ magnetics of #Glasgow
Imagine people, spinning around, gravitated, empty souls, deleting Nothing, #ItIsDone now.

r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, February 16, 2019 A.D. @ 8:20 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to #TheEarthIsNotAlone again, it’s an infinite loop of a cornucopia of imaginary photon functions, in an infinite loop on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/VymuQC0o7yQ }
W.W.A.R.D. ?

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