Time out in Space, chug-a-lug causes of effects, conformity to scientific repetition of things
Danger zones from the start to the finish, the many attempting to steal your cool, hot air
As if you have the only air there is, they’ve got to have yours in particular, it just ain’t fair
But then nothing is ever fair when the will to power is in neutral with man-pony tail hair.
Either styled or straight razored bald, the head housing the brain and mind in free fall
Without the consciousness, with no perception, nothing remains in the being’s big ball
Being and Nothingness were always much closer than they seemed at my singular glance
Upon further introspection on the nature of this beast, my pop got in my mama’s pants.
In love they were for the moment that nature pulled the plug on extinction’s malfunction
Lost sleep that is a need for the dream to be staged can never be recovered, it’s a lost sin
Under an apple tree or just kin of the ape men left over from the flood of Earth’s junction
It’ll never be the same now that we know the Truth, shots’ candy-man comin’, a tooth siren.
A live thing reversed, an evil thing alive yesterday, today and tomorrow, just a sad scarab
Tale of the way of a soul at one with nothing but itself, identified as an entire cosmic blob
A beatle’s nest of smiling faces with or without the mindfulness of wisdom, a reason’s why
Hiding snakes in handshakes, mighty tough pats on the backside, Truth’s always on the fly.
Every picture tells a story to the one who’s ready to hear the words, comprehending love
In the middle of nowhere, a feeling pulled from deep down under the flow of fool’s gold
Covered up everything and still the day you were born was written all over your hot face
Fortune of the cash is one thing but the luck I had the day heaven dropped your mold.
Moonshine and sunshine are the only real things in heaven and on Earth, all of it is white
Fall in love if you’re lucky and get it reciprocated because it’s irresistible, cataleptic fight
Lookin’ in each others eyes, we can see whatever light’s within, sunk deep down, blue soul
On the way down, during the fall in love, I tried to cease and desist but fell in my sinkhole.
r j j stephan, i
c. Sunday ROCKTOBER 13th, 2019 A.D. @ 4:44 PM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Morganwallen #UpDown & HITS on youTube link @ }