
Thursday, April 23, 2020

#BustedInAlCaponeTown1971 #OutOfControlSince1969AD #Dylan #Springsteen ##ZZTop

Richard Joseph Stephan  ·  Thursday, April 23, 2020
---- #MagicJokerMan #GonnaHaveToServeSomebody ----
Want Zimmerman to give me back my bullets, I’m out of range now, my spoiler flapper down
It is as incredible as the notion that somebody was smart enough to build this machine clown
If you go fast enough, you’ll exceed 200 MPH on a Jersey turnpike or on a German Autobahn
My eyes were on the prize as the velocity increased with my will to power then I took off, son.

Nothing to follow ‘cause you can’t catch a UFO you can’t even see, where’s the house of flop?
Did you see that? Optics outside are not the same like inside the hatch, Time slows to a stop
Wicked witches couldn’t hold a candle to the power of a Black Mama who got the upper hand
It’s not my choice it just happened the way it went, I willed it and coincidentally, it happened.

Shook a tree until all the unripened fruit fell to the ground, where I stood trying to be, a fool
I was bombed by the coconuts and pineapples, it hurt but it didn’t matter to priests & nuns
I ate more than I should have out of gluttony and I paid a very high price, espresso #TheRuns
High crimes and misdemeanors can be deceptive, things have changed from Honesty’s rule.

Flushed the wasted refuse away from you, underground or underwater, through my sewer pipe
Where the rats and roaches fear to go, stench of the carnivores and herbivores and omnivores
Only the monks who fast until they starve know the feeling of an act of Free Will, extinct type
I’ll take the blame and say that I don’t care what you think or who you are, broken #whores.

For the love of money for the love of survival in a hostile environment, requiring your will
To comply with the society, the civilization to which you’ve been immersed within, just chill
To pass through and don’t look back for long is all you need to do, that’s the narrow way, it is
There’s nothing more important than egg-ego realization, all roads are good, like a slogin fizz.

In love or just infatuated with the form of beauty and kind repartee, smiling and happy faced
Until the disappointment infiltrates the inter-coastal relationship, seven continents of fleece
All of the sheep don’t even know that they’re not the naked ape they thought was the big bone
Don’t shoot the messenger, just let all hell break loose on my symbiotic face, together, alone!

r j j stephan, i
c. Thursday, April 23rd, 2020 A.D. @ 5:55 PM PST
{ Drafted to the #JitterbugRag with Bob_Dylan drinkin’ champagne, “ water under the bridge...on the gallows, head in a noose, listenin’ to his #1 HIT #LockedInTight #OutOfRange #ThingsHaveChanged on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/L9EKqQWPjyo }

#ThisAintNoGodDanFarSide #IntenseYetSmoothAsGeorgiaPeaches #FarOut #Freaky #RightOnTheMoney @Bugatti

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, April 23, 2020
------  2020 YEARS AFTER A 3RD EYE BLINK ------
One more thing, I’ll count my money after I’m in my truck, y’all don’t even try, this’s no joke
There’s no need for violence since you’ve always got tomorrow to look forward to, yet broke
It ain’t my fault that your mamas didn’t teach y’all how to bluff when you’ve got a losin’ hand
I hope y’all learned a bit from my chivalry, mam, I tip my hat to you & sirs, I’ve gotta go man.

Conventional knowledge has led me to the fallacious reasoning and bogus conclusions of ilk
Furnished bungalo inherited from the best idea since #Fire, my pop’s theory, trumped fission
Drove his way around the Second City, as it used to be, back in The Day, hacked cab collision
That’s why I’m still alive seven decades later, papa was my Man, he showed me smooth silk.

To travel at a speed approaching the speed of light without punking a black hole’s singularity
Not that’s turnin’ neutrons into photons and electrons, added to the infinite volume of mass
Energy to move and cause the excitement of a thing that’s been at rest since Day 1, it’s a mess
Just because there was a siesta in the middle of a busy afternoon, you got nothin’, got diddly.

I’m sequestered, at home, alone, together because I’ve got it together, always did, #FakeUout4
Began at the end where there was nowhere else to go, not even down or up, throttle to go thru
These are the breaks like it or not, it’s not your choice and it’s not your intent, or is it? You?
Using the tool others overlook and wave that magic wand over the form of the thing, a score!

A best man and the bride’s groom both shook their tailfeathers at the bachelor party fun time
All gettin’ tired of drinkin’ and comin’ down from the brothers’ and sisters’ highs, it’s a rhyme
Everybody knows it’s all gonna be an inaccessible mirage to us, just like fish in the Dead Sea
And philosophers and politicians and professors, laborers and managers of the irrationality.

Bums and junkies are all in the hotels, with foodstamps and #Newsome cellphones to go
What is hip? Somethin’ in Oakland drinkin’ some moonshine, eatin’ catfish and stew flu
I think I’ve been exposed and ate the hunks of #HerdImmunity, to be or not to be, #Bro
I dug the sisters, hung out with the brothers, white, black, yellow, in a mind power flow.

Sudden impact of all things growing old together, healthy & in a good mood, Chicago heights
Burials were way down, cremations way cool. in the funky heat of God’s knuckleduster fights
Who knew you could work like a dog or a fruit of the loom and still get here and now, caput
Stay with me, pre-historic was what it was but this here and that there ain’t all it is, a Root.

A minute or two after the hour, first or the twenty fourth, your Will becomes extinct scat aps
Important to the culture or the herd as some may be, kings, queens, priests identical, ill Fate
Played like a concerto from the First Cause to the final Super Nova and gravitational collapse
Bring it on in now brothers and sisters, mind numbing raw deal by the dead #GetHigh date.

r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi 23 avril, vingt-vingt, dans l'année du Seigneur (2020 après J.-C.) @ 1:11 Post Meridiem {PM}, heure normale du Pacifique {PST}
c. Thursday, April Twenty-Third, Twenty Twenty Year of the Lord (2020 A.D.) @ 1:11 Post Meridiem {PM}, Pacific Standard Time {PST}
#GravitationalCollapse #BringItOn #YouMotherEarth



Wednesday, April 22, 2020

#ChineseBuddah #ChineseLaoTzu #ChineseChecker

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, April 21, 2020
------------- #coronaRadar --------------
A dead man and dead woman were my ancestors who conceived the notion of me without you
Meaning of the substance that was mixed just before my presence became all that I am, a fool
Only because I have some modicum of blind faith, an inability to jump to a conclusion’s row
Maddening disagreement on an initial all too human assumptions of logic, reasoned just so..

If and only if the non-sequitur applies to everyone who will ever have been alive, here & now
Then and only then will I personally accept the notion and subsequent conclusion a cash cow
Old gold and property of the Crusaders of the entire Middle Age era is the thing itself, papal
Pretending to be a subservient pawn, bishop or queen to the king on the game board’s stable.

In due time in this space, right here and now moves the unmoved mover to drop a thin dime
On the In and Out of the baby boy who grew from two cells of a good, evil specimen sublime
Created from what came after the Void, what never came at all, that’s why y’all can’t siesta
No rest for mighty gods, sisters all confided in me, a low price philosopher, a fakedass fiesta.

Begin, eyes wide open, ears turned on to the linguistics, scents to whiff and smells too tasty
Nothing like an indeterminate principle like what came first, the birds or the yokes of a bee
Of course money doesn’t grow on trees but it is a tree before it is money or rock & roll cream
Fool’s gold and quicksilver to distract your soul from the Truth, apes are men in a wet dream.

Last day alive, I’m cuttin’ to the chase with you, regardless of consequence, oh I’m a bad dude
Descendant of your great, great, great, great grandparents, we cousins of Texas T, oily crude
In this conscious awareness we make a move toward the buzz, lettin’ it all be my blown mind
It won’t be as long as it might seem watchin’ the old folks encounter corpses of the third kind.

You can rest in peace or you can stay inside of the divine unrest of One, unfit to bow or kneel
It’s a gun or a sward, a knife flashin’ before somebody’s eyes wondering about that Viral feel
Apparently a bat or rat or armadillo or bear or wolf or lion are never responsible for DNA acts
They don’t want to be secondary cosmic slop/scum fauna to be eaten humanely, #FakeFacts.

r j j stephan, i
c. Tuesday, 4-21-2020 A.D. @ 5:33 PM PST
{ Drafted listenin’ to #YouCantAlwaysGetWhatYouWant & #HITS by The Rolling Stones on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/krxU5Y9lCS8 }