
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

#RollTheRocksAwayFromTheStones #SeeNothingClearly #FatMan @SteveWinwood @Sting #BIKINI @Funkadelic #DukeAndGonzo


Richard Joseph Stephan  ·  Tuesday, April 28, 2020
--  #SeekAndYouProbablyWontFindIt --
It’s always bad business to play one that you wanna bloviate for a long hit on a bamboo wong
You know the right ways and wrongs ways to act by the time you’re about thirteen, a beauty
After that, karma sets in to create something out of nothing, even up on a solo flight’s eternity
It is not for me to say or guess that your atheism or monotheism is moral or dead as a wrong.

I always wondered if my girlfriends ever came to see me play ball, then I recalled the Truth
I quit playing organized ball for the girls when I was 15 and watched the boys all fade away
With the women we married & shared DNA genes with, foul balls all gone, ball-less Chicago
Bruised ego that never was real, out of the CONUS on military orders, quashed paradise, HO!

From an historical record before I lose my touch to recollect the true feats, I thank you please
Some I had to tell myself just to make it to the next day, playin’ the music on or off the keys
Flats and sharps were as good as gooey honey comin’ from my lips to your ears, head shakin’
It’s all good either way you cut it, you and I have moments and if we don’t cash ‘em, it’s a sin!

I’ve got nothing new under this star, the sun that keeps me warm and above the ground zero
I know I’ve no choice in the matter, tryin’ to be careful may be gloom’s doom None can avoid
The happening is the way it goes, the way it’s always been, accidental appearance of intention
Will to Power to cause the effects of ones’ own prejudiced preferences, to be a King’s Queen!

It probably should not have taken this long to let the cat out of the bag but it’s a captive gig
All of the poor and rich get together whether they’re down and out or on the way to a shindig
Notes A thru G on the sharps and flats, majors, minors and sevenths, even holy diminished
Melodies from the top, high heels, short skirts, silk tops, short sweaters, PG & barefooted!

It’s not that complex my friends who are of the same ilk, this Dow Jones up for grabs, OMG
Can you see past the next evening? I cannot and I bet you cannot either, talkin’ to myself
If it happens that someone has to entertain this notion of being near the end of Ma Earth, aw!
Sadly, mankind doesn’t have the power to split the planet into smithereens, just a man phart.

Tweet sorrow, this was the paradise you thought you were waiting for, so let’s roll it all today
Wasted a century of air, impossible to recall, lost a fake magic touch to BlackJack & Mary J
#Cash & #Carried the wicked, bad business to the angels, long sweaters upon a shorter skirt
Matter alone is all there is, Nothing’s always been along for a joy ride, in the mind, holy s#it!!

r j j stephan, i { #CC is my pen-name! My muse #Roxanne’s #Facemasked GIF is below, }
c. Tuesday @2:22 PM PST o April 28th, 2020 Anno Domini
{ Drafted on a #2FER day, but inspiration came from Steve Winwood #RollWithIt in an infinite loop/link @ https://youtu.be/u_vkKozA8OI }

#NoTimeLikeThePresent  #GoFigure


#OneAndDone #SurfsUP #CoronaVirus #Wormhole & @SteelyDan #SurfingSaltWater

** #EyeGotYourCompassion **
Hunger kills the life to transform the darkness into their delightful DNA fantasy, the big hurt
Need it for the blubber of that blather comin’ out of the all too humane punks, weasels today
From brothers and sisters to haters and enemy-mine, there’s a reason for being alive on dirt
Because being the food for the swimming slitherers who are hungry, is Not the narrow way.

My father was there at the conception of what I turned out to be, hand job in a incubator jar
If I’m not stricken dead by the time the imaginary clock strikes 12, any moment is way gone
Set in your ways and you don’t like my personal set of ways, incompatible psyches to duel
Until the final climax which may be a SuperNova or a BlackHole, either way, run outta fuel.

This is no company picnic, there’s no family and there’s no friends, it’s you & #FakeBlues
Really as happy as a human can be living beyond the childhood & ‘bout a million #BirdFlus
Like you never thought that you’d be an orphan, some folks actually were with no li’l mamas
They know who they are, they’ve been taught to read the tea leaves and hearts of the papas.

On it or back stage won’t matter in the front row, the vino-alcohol in my bode bags, so old
Pushed buttons and kept all of the keys to the locks in a safe without a combination, cold!
In a frozen place near the south pole’s tundra, smack on top of a phantom axis’ topped tip
You’d think a UFO flyby in that day or night would disqualify Earth from God’s cosmic flip.

Romance with the rocks that roll down the mountain sides, it’s the duels of distracted gods
Who roam around as if they’ve got more than 1 life to acknowledge their gaze, signify frauds
If and only if you’re lucky ways get you get aged enough to climax in being’s fake embrace
Home sweet home, a memory of One or less comfort, safety and divine protection’s face.

Heretofore, a hashtag of #Blues gets you some with or without the rhythm, it’s the goods
Some people got them goods and others weren’t lucky enough to be fortunate sons & kin
Busy, too busy to strike up a dialogue so there’s a monologue sprouting to be the foods
All three square meals every day, 24/7/365, known for gettin’ it on, I’m like, yo, is It in?

Coming to know what the ultimate reason is for being alive is crucial to your future funk
A mood that will come when you get closer to death, at least if you get old enough, punk
I am not casting aspersions, punk is a student looking for the Ends, the Way of a warrior
Beware of Platonic Truth and realize that you’re alone on It, it end’s by yourself, savior!

r j j stephan, i * I ain’t braggin’ but this sheet’s gittin’ for reals! So, #LetsRoll!
c. Aprile 28th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AM PST

Monday, April 27, 2020

#EyesDontGiveAHoot @Blondie #WidowsAreWeeping right here in this #LivingInAGhostTown @TheRollingStones #NoFakeGhosts @BruceSpringsteen @TheRollingStones #PartyOfONE

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, April 27, 2020
----  #WidowsAreWeepin' & #CreepsAreCreepin #BeAwareOfNow -----
Party over here at the end of the line, end of the road where all you can do is twist & shout
Well you know, the dirty low down truth about the whole shebang, it’s a wet market of porn
In the depth of your wild mind, there’s no food to eat so there’s nothing to trash a whiteout
Pure puff pieces of the mid-life crisis meaning you didn’t die on a day you & ma were born.

Are we hidden in plain sight of empty Space and Time in eternity, mining for the gold
In a theoretical experiment in the menudo of stew from the ancestral power of the One
I am positing some premises and deducing a logical conclusion, I glean the Truth’s foal
Claiming that both I know nothing for certain and just as certain, I’m alive havin’ fun!

There’s pain and suffering everywhere on this load of star dust, dirt of wasted hors d'oeuvres
Grandmothers allowed this to happen, they had control over #Fake swingers, luscious curves
Most if not all of them dead now, all gone but they’ve left their moron children, the unlearned
Now wisdom within the genome has dissipated into the ether, this wisdom won’t be returned.

You need to leave your mommy & daddy, fly overseas to defend your country? What the hay?
It’s an expanded electrocution of your nervous system’s itch to attempt patricidal matricide!
Ain’t this a peculiar manner of speaking? All of this is peculiar yet a thing itself is too. Seek!
Know who you are or why you’re alive today, on planet Earth’s Supernova extinction? Hide!

Any ghost’s town is where you want to go, nobody there but you, all 208 demonic anklebones
It’s not because you think you’re so pretty or you deserve it, because it’s the way of the rubes
You are not what you’ve accepted as being true about you, dead & gone, under the headstones
Dream trippin’ party, last day of Vegas-Tahoe foreplay, The Meadows’ last roll of dye cubes!

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, Aprile 27th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 4:44 AM PST
{ Drafted in a #DripDripDrip of reason ‘round 5:05 AM PST while injected into an infinite loop of The Rolling Stones #GhostLivinInAGhostTown @ https://youtu.be/RdhENdBYqdo }