
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

#OneAndDone #SurfsUP #CoronaVirus #Wormhole & @SteelyDan #SurfingSaltWater

** #EyeGotYourCompassion **
Hunger kills the life to transform the darkness into their delightful DNA fantasy, the big hurt
Need it for the blubber of that blather comin’ out of the all too humane punks, weasels today
From brothers and sisters to haters and enemy-mine, there’s a reason for being alive on dirt
Because being the food for the swimming slitherers who are hungry, is Not the narrow way.

My father was there at the conception of what I turned out to be, hand job in a incubator jar
If I’m not stricken dead by the time the imaginary clock strikes 12, any moment is way gone
Set in your ways and you don’t like my personal set of ways, incompatible psyches to duel
Until the final climax which may be a SuperNova or a BlackHole, either way, run outta fuel.

This is no company picnic, there’s no family and there’s no friends, it’s you & #FakeBlues
Really as happy as a human can be living beyond the childhood & ‘bout a million #BirdFlus
Like you never thought that you’d be an orphan, some folks actually were with no li’l mamas
They know who they are, they’ve been taught to read the tea leaves and hearts of the papas.

On it or back stage won’t matter in the front row, the vino-alcohol in my bode bags, so old
Pushed buttons and kept all of the keys to the locks in a safe without a combination, cold!
In a frozen place near the south pole’s tundra, smack on top of a phantom axis’ topped tip
You’d think a UFO flyby in that day or night would disqualify Earth from God’s cosmic flip.

Romance with the rocks that roll down the mountain sides, it’s the duels of distracted gods
Who roam around as if they’ve got more than 1 life to acknowledge their gaze, signify frauds
If and only if you’re lucky ways get you get aged enough to climax in being’s fake embrace
Home sweet home, a memory of One or less comfort, safety and divine protection’s face.

Heretofore, a hashtag of #Blues gets you some with or without the rhythm, it’s the goods
Some people got them goods and others weren’t lucky enough to be fortunate sons & kin
Busy, too busy to strike up a dialogue so there’s a monologue sprouting to be the foods
All three square meals every day, 24/7/365, known for gettin’ it on, I’m like, yo, is It in?

Coming to know what the ultimate reason is for being alive is crucial to your future funk
A mood that will come when you get closer to death, at least if you get old enough, punk
I am not casting aspersions, punk is a student looking for the Ends, the Way of a warrior
Beware of Platonic Truth and realize that you’re alone on It, it end’s by yourself, savior!

r j j stephan, i * I ain’t braggin’ but this sheet’s gittin’ for reals! So, #LetsRoll!
c. Aprile 28th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AM PST

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