
Sunday, September 06, 2020

#RearAdmirals #FrontGrunts

----------------------   A O K ---------------------
Your guess is as good as mine, I’ve no idea, two out of the three of us know, a bleed we feared
Grandpa and pop both got to the pearly gates, so to speak and either winked and disappeared
Else they entered and discovered that all communication nets with Earth’s last gasp of breath
Since the age of reason and the extreme unction blessing of wounded soul mending to death.

From zero to ninety nine, days either begin to move quicker or else, I’m havin’ too much fun
So many things to do, from playing chess games to grooming frozen souls for knockin’ boots
Of suffering good, bad and ugly feelings for family and friends, lovers and enemies I’ve spun
All of the many are innocent pleaders for the mercy they’ll never get when payback is afoot.

Dug for gold and got the oil that runs the land, air and sea, all in the deep pocket of kings
Queens take what they can and poison the ilk that would prevent their domination of things
Hearts broke to pieces and buried under the wound’s jagged scar, to recollect the scenario
Inseminated conception, gestation, mutation of the generation to be or not to be a cheerio!

Feed the pigs and kill the Nazis so that the Chosen Ones may flip-off the holy bird’s N-word
In this dream or the one you’ll know when you die, color and noise are unseen by a wild herd
Comfortable without feeling a thing, nothing but empty darkness, sliver of light in a blue iris
In another flash of alternating, spinning whirl of confusion, it dawns on you, know what it is?

Adore y’all but before I bid adieu, it’s incumbent upon me to atrophy my genome DNA son
For all the right reasons you will be rewarded with good vibrations, vibes from the heavens
Florida keys or Hawaiian isles are my destination with or without you, no never without me
Kokomo and Montego, Kauai dreamin’ of the flower contact high, blown far out to the sea.

Blinded faith in the knowledge and the power to be wise and aware that death is in the wings
I didn’t make it up, don’t shoot the messenger, get your affairs in order before fat lady sings
Many guys have loved you baby, I’m just one of the many but I am the One you’ve waited for
Here and now, then over there, whatever it takes, even if I’m a stiff, I win, got the high score!

I swung along with the sing a-longs just to get a date and see if your sugar needed stirrin’
Or down the road knockin’ boots, just me and you, doors shut, cut lights, boots knockin’
Whiskey and smokin’ Lucky Strikes until midnight brought us between the silken sheets
Reasonable yet irrational at one and the same time, impossible to contradict the 6 shots.

I roamed the roads ‘til dawn just drivin’ around the lake, lookin’ for trouble in a holy bubble
Taking it all down with me, I never wanted to do it but I did, I moved first, I drew and I shot
He forgot to lock and load his piece so I helped him out with that when I buried him in rubble
No sheriff, no Jesus H down at the bottom of It, 5. 4. 3. 2. 1, devil’s drink in my hand, it’s hot!

r j j stephan, i * Header is me, my pops Albert & his pops my grampa #BigAL! #BootsNeedKnockin
c. Dimanche, Septembre 6th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 8:88 PM PST
{ Jammed while listenin’ to #GoodVibes & HITS of Chris Janson #FullCupUnspillable on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/hNRJjDm2sQE }

Saturday, September 05, 2020

#GodsTime #MansSpace #WorldBeEmpty #KnockinBoots #UnderThatPaleMoon #SugarStirring #ShadesNeedDrawin' #KnockinBoots #MeAndThee

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, September 5, 2020·
------------------  #LetUsRock ------------------
Rednecker with a fake love-line, one of my limbs came up lame but for now, it’s Magic I said
Now out to the pasture where they groom my seeds, steal my force out my awesome vigor size
What do you want me to do? If I resist they cause pains and suffering even to 3 lit-up fireflies
On the wall for a rest until it’s time to find a safe place, taxi to the unburied, asleep in my bed.

Whiskey, wine and beer even if you don’t have the White Lightening, Gin and Vodka squeeze
Years down the road with or without the Truth, just found it to forget about it, you better bow
In a manner of speaking, we all need to get busy with knockin’ boots soon, so looky here now
Needs, desire the same things, like water and air, knockin’ boots, stayin’ alive, livin’ to please.

Concerts come on when the darkness descends leavin’ the full or pale moon, I swoon for It
Pumped up days and nights before the amplifiers got plugged in and the metal and wind fit
Moving the old boys and girls and stirring the blood in the good ol’ boys’ hearts and minds
Sung along, played along, paid for the whole shebang with my whole paycheck, a gold mine.

Here and now and then, space and time put their mark on the Darkness with ultraviolet dots
Making the waves of particles that confuse the Science with the Religion, a philosophical err
Ice melted before I got here to the hot heat that stirred my inner thrust to reproduce the Ilk
Needed the mothers, a lot of mothers, so many they turned into One big teat of mama’s milk.

Trending historical record for the recollection of the absolute, fishin’ in the dark for One zero
Fishin’ under or above, just beyond the stratosphere, all the same, knockin’ boots with a hero
Sweet rolls and sauerkraut to make the cuisine a throwback, spoiled cabbage spiced up waste
Knockin’ boots when there’s nothing to do, I’m all in sugar, let’s beat those sweet bees knees.

Party and last call down by the river under the Choctaw bridge over the Big Muddy, oh mama
Good times way back in 1969 before I had to #MakeWarNotLove, my mama cried & let me go
My papa knew I had to go and he was pretty proud that I got the hell out of dodge on my own
Well hung in the days and nights when the heart was thumpin’, undertaker cuts Truth down.

No mercy for anyone lucky to be alive, it’s a matter of being here and dealing with nothing
Y’all know the thing, we’re all adults now that we can read & write, God’s dead in Sing Sing
Many more bright minds than my dull and inferior tool, I’ve abused One accidental mortal
Innocent and holy, first day of FIRE outside, boots knockin’, house rockin’ a cold day in hell.

r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, September 5th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 4:10 PM PST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to faves like Nickelback playin’ #SharpDressedMan ZZ Top cover link @ https://youtu.be/Eh9Q6BGGU50 }

#CrumbledEarthMudBalls #WhereIComeFrom #WeRepresent

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, September 5, 2020
------------------ #INVARIABLE @Variable --------------
On the inevitable day or night that I personally exit this set of 208 bones, hold me close Boo
Hold your breath when that moment comes, I’ll send a signal from a netherworld so far away
From the miraculous search for your origin that you found before your last gasp/bump for air
To the ends of the dying star, Earth unqualified as a planet except to the pretty denizens of It.

In the middle of living in the reality we call the Earthly existence, we need gigs and holy digs
Without them we perish, unhappy and unhealthy, possibly murdered or left to dead buzzards
It never really mattered at all even before the civilized and modern left hostility to world war
Sundown or in the middle of the blazing golden dawn, this is our home sweet home, eh or...

It just can’t be all there is, this living and working for a living, semi-retiring or just expiring
But why, who cares? I fu-queen care and if you don’t I’ll make you care, you’re on, offspring
Not of the kings and queens, not of the fake leaders of the peaceful and violent packs of fags
I will always be what I want to be as will you, the rub is, you have no clue, your old belly sags.

Fortune’s what YOU make not what is given to you for free, even freedom isn’t free y’all know
Come over to my place where the living is as good as gold, out in the foothills of Sierra’s snow
Opened up the gates just past the boulders up a hill and around back, #Solocup mud hole off
Of me, me casa, you casa, put all of the fifths, gallons & flasks in the old plug’s horse trough.

It’s darker than a hangover you get every weekend, kids grew up and left town, likability split
Now it’s the way it was down by the riverside when we got carried away, it was a real #FitByte
On the tailgate ‘til morning light, sparkin’ up in a fixed Void, it’s all about mama’s good fight
Dixie plates and Solo cups, let good times roll, me casa, su casa, bonfire’s cold, so hot, ignite!

r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, September 5th, 2020 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ Drafted listenin’ to some TheRealBigSmo #DownINTheBackwoods & HITS cuz, I gotta get carried away ... link @  )