
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

#SoylentGreenIsPeepo @DisinformationCampaign @LAPTOP-GATE #MOOKIE #BrooklynDodgers

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, October 21, 2020
===  RULES KILL PEOPLE (people don't kill rules) ===
Contents are unknown yet the fundamental system is in tact, it’s been an occult, #woke hole
Fear and loathing of the thing itself really creates a sheen of plexiglass around a rubber soul
Pork and beans is all we’ll eat if we’re not of a specific cultural blind faith in a Word in a Book
Ancient tomes and recent paperbacks are here and now but unread, they’re just fired penuche.

In reality there’s just sometimes when you’re in a position of disconnecting from the Origin
Complete sphere independent of gravity and centrifugal force in orbit about a burnt up God
If there is anything other than the sunshine keeping us safe from gravitational collapse spin
What could that be? An old man in white robes in the space outside of Earth’s Ford hotrod.

Putting the mystery into perspective, nobody knows who owns this thing called Life’s fuss
That is indeed the crux of the problem, there’s One problem to which there yields dooms day
Our mothers and fathers couldn’t tell Us either because they didn’t know or they saved Us
From worrying and hurting for the rest of your born days because you’ve got nothing to say.

I can’t wake up when my brothers and sisters remain in a somnambulistic stupor of idiots
Classically speaking, just an odd duck in the pond of immortal dimwits, y’all souls on fire
Revolution in essence is the revolving of matter’s wreckage, a pretender’s paradise of dots
Punks and intelligencia chronicling history until the cows come home to the funeral pyre.

In search of miracles that defy the cause and effect laws of nature, can’t even find the One
Not giving up just saying the end is coming soon for me and the rest of the genome, Done
Don’t stab the messenger just because you don’t like the Truth, it ain’t my fault so flip off
As an experiment, I’m goin’ for a ride in my Bugatti, eatin’ It, penuche like a flaky jaqoff.

Mooning on my friends back seat window to the girls in their father’s car, dad was in it
Kicked my arse when he saw me at church and forgave me afterward for trespass chit
Queers and malcontents who roam the sewer because they can’t afford a byte of a lot
On being on the right side, nobody else is with me, maybe I’m wrong? No, I am not!!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, ROCKTOBER 21st, 2020 A.D. @ 6:35 AMPST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to the mighty Armstrong & Getty on Talk 650 KSTE 6-10 AMPST & WAITING FOR THE END OF LIFE while listenin’ to AC/DC #TNT link @ https://youtu.be/fGDQ9IukMOc }

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

#NoBidenism @CancelKickbacksToTheHunterCrew #LockedAndLoaded

Richard Joseph Stephan· Tuesday, October 20, 2020
--------------- #SickAndTiredOfOpines --------------
It’s such an old song that hardly anyone recollects it but I do, your lips still kissin’ a false start
It’s a #QuestionMark for the Mysterio Questionmark too many tear drops for the broke heart
Coming out of nowhere there’s a potion full of magic that nobody knows even exists, kills you
Destroys your ego and any other contrived personality aberrations you’ve adopted to be blue.

Pink or red, purple or blue all of it is without any shade or hue when it’s the sun of a Big Bang
It’s neither here not there twenty four hours every day, seven days every week, month twelves
In an infinite loop, repeating the life and death cycle of animals, food and our personal selves
Nobody knows when we’re going to stop breath and the beat of the blood pump, OMG dang.

Punks, my sisters and brothers winding up way on top of the heap with no dumbell to ring
All of them on their own without leash, with no encumbrance in the mind’s eye, nirvana sin
Commonly complex as if this collapse of matter is anything but an interview with a Big Bang
No will to be or to become and certainly not to will to be dead and buried, burned or eaten.

Stop the roll of the rocks for the moment it takes to snatch a glimpse at the image I tendered
Devoid of the energy of exploding atoms’ inner light, vacuum of nothing, a Void of It and Us
There can be no other conclusion deduced or induced from the propositional premise fuss
Flowing deep down into the grim reaper’s secret, occult spells to rise from death, rendered.

Fire, ice, spinnin’ rocks in a centrifuge of scalded, baked, melted stone, a Pacific-Atlantic fate
Out of oxygen and hydrogen, the liquid coalesced from the state of gas, to be all too humane
Accident or the only other alternative, it’s hidden and has a knack for failing to communicate
Disintegrate the rock, the nature of the beast and you’ve achieved extinction, who left Man?

#Trump2020 is #WordUp because nobody can soar above the wings of America’s magicbus
On the 97th tear, the sun comes up and dawn opens the middle path for being tread upon it
Reruns of the whole routine from the waking to the fading to black, 95th tear gettin’ on a bus
On it’s way to someone lucky or not, dead, a naturally occurring product of the big hurt’s spit.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, ROCKTOBER 20, 2020 A.D. @ 12:12 PMPST
{ Crafted while cryin’ to #96Tears Question Mark and the Mysterians on youTube in an infinite loop, link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7uC5m-IRns&feature=youtu.be }


Monday, October 19, 2020

#FungusAmongUs #WhatItIs #TheWho @JimmyBuffett #Cheeseburger #ShootToThrill

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, October 19, 2020 
------------------ #DivinityDamnsItAll ------------------

Not much you can do when magic perpetual motion ceases to function, except to git buried
On the tongue Saturday morning waiting for a sip of the highball I left on the 88 piano keys
Left the glass drippin’ down in my ivories and I think it flattened the C into a B sharp breed
Afloat with the chords and arpeggios that nobody ever hears anymore, in deep Space freeze.

Gravitational collapse will always be the last resort you can depend on, expansion’s split
We’re goin’ back down into the Singularity and maybe never comin’ back for another hit
Big Bang’s may only happen once and that’s it, it’s not an infinite series of 1’s and 0’s dive
It ends just like everything else with an origin, nothing lives forever, we can’t get out alive.

Perfectly quiet in the vacuum and no movement in static oneness without a contender
For the good, bad and ugly everything other than them is supernatural chit in the hood
Without subjects, objects or predicates, no adjectives or adverbs to modify a pretender
Common core is The Teaching that man Is created live, an evil woman created all of it.

In absolute synchronicity things happen the way they’re intended to happen, as thy wilt
A matter of application of the intense intent to make something be that was not before
Either materialize the invisible or create a scenario of a First Cause and the high score
Days and nights, an observation from the ground of a spinning ball of dead ashen silt.

Change is constant and what is static is a tick from being dead and gone, unmoved me
We means all of us without exception, all will die someday, sooner or later, who will see?
Not much you can do when the heart and brain cease to function, other than git so blue
For some there’s enough and others get too much or none at all, I get drunk and screw!

Apologies for the foul, intrepid word play of the subtle name calling and a gold Cuervo cabal
You can’t hear it but you know exactly what I think about you, stealing my girlfriend’s zazen
She absorbs the beauty and exhibits the same as I steal away as much as she’ll allow all men
Notre Dame of the Eagle found a cheeseburger in paradise on a 10-20-20 & out, free radical.

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, 10-20-2020 @ 11:11 PMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to some Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefers #CheeseburgerInParadise & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/yizU-P8HdFs }