
Monday, October 19, 2020

#FungusAmongUs #WhatItIs #TheWho @JimmyBuffett #Cheeseburger #ShootToThrill

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, October 19, 2020 
------------------ #DivinityDamnsItAll ------------------

Not much you can do when magic perpetual motion ceases to function, except to git buried
On the tongue Saturday morning waiting for a sip of the highball I left on the 88 piano keys
Left the glass drippin’ down in my ivories and I think it flattened the C into a B sharp breed
Afloat with the chords and arpeggios that nobody ever hears anymore, in deep Space freeze.

Gravitational collapse will always be the last resort you can depend on, expansion’s split
We’re goin’ back down into the Singularity and maybe never comin’ back for another hit
Big Bang’s may only happen once and that’s it, it’s not an infinite series of 1’s and 0’s dive
It ends just like everything else with an origin, nothing lives forever, we can’t get out alive.

Perfectly quiet in the vacuum and no movement in static oneness without a contender
For the good, bad and ugly everything other than them is supernatural chit in the hood
Without subjects, objects or predicates, no adjectives or adverbs to modify a pretender
Common core is The Teaching that man Is created live, an evil woman created all of it.

In absolute synchronicity things happen the way they’re intended to happen, as thy wilt
A matter of application of the intense intent to make something be that was not before
Either materialize the invisible or create a scenario of a First Cause and the high score
Days and nights, an observation from the ground of a spinning ball of dead ashen silt.

Change is constant and what is static is a tick from being dead and gone, unmoved me
We means all of us without exception, all will die someday, sooner or later, who will see?
Not much you can do when the heart and brain cease to function, other than git so blue
For some there’s enough and others get too much or none at all, I get drunk and screw!

Apologies for the foul, intrepid word play of the subtle name calling and a gold Cuervo cabal
You can’t hear it but you know exactly what I think about you, stealing my girlfriend’s zazen
She absorbs the beauty and exhibits the same as I steal away as much as she’ll allow all men
Notre Dame of the Eagle found a cheeseburger in paradise on a 10-20-20 & out, free radical.

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, 10-20-2020 @ 11:11 PMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to some Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefers #CheeseburgerInParadise & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/yizU-P8HdFs }

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