
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

#SoylentGreenIsPeepo @DisinformationCampaign @LAPTOP-GATE #MOOKIE #BrooklynDodgers

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, October 21, 2020
===  RULES KILL PEOPLE (people don't kill rules) ===
Contents are unknown yet the fundamental system is in tact, it’s been an occult, #woke hole
Fear and loathing of the thing itself really creates a sheen of plexiglass around a rubber soul
Pork and beans is all we’ll eat if we’re not of a specific cultural blind faith in a Word in a Book
Ancient tomes and recent paperbacks are here and now but unread, they’re just fired penuche.

In reality there’s just sometimes when you’re in a position of disconnecting from the Origin
Complete sphere independent of gravity and centrifugal force in orbit about a burnt up God
If there is anything other than the sunshine keeping us safe from gravitational collapse spin
What could that be? An old man in white robes in the space outside of Earth’s Ford hotrod.

Putting the mystery into perspective, nobody knows who owns this thing called Life’s fuss
That is indeed the crux of the problem, there’s One problem to which there yields dooms day
Our mothers and fathers couldn’t tell Us either because they didn’t know or they saved Us
From worrying and hurting for the rest of your born days because you’ve got nothing to say.

I can’t wake up when my brothers and sisters remain in a somnambulistic stupor of idiots
Classically speaking, just an odd duck in the pond of immortal dimwits, y’all souls on fire
Revolution in essence is the revolving of matter’s wreckage, a pretender’s paradise of dots
Punks and intelligencia chronicling history until the cows come home to the funeral pyre.

In search of miracles that defy the cause and effect laws of nature, can’t even find the One
Not giving up just saying the end is coming soon for me and the rest of the genome, Done
Don’t stab the messenger just because you don’t like the Truth, it ain’t my fault so flip off
As an experiment, I’m goin’ for a ride in my Bugatti, eatin’ It, penuche like a flaky jaqoff.

Mooning on my friends back seat window to the girls in their father’s car, dad was in it
Kicked my arse when he saw me at church and forgave me afterward for trespass chit
Queers and malcontents who roam the sewer because they can’t afford a byte of a lot
On being on the right side, nobody else is with me, maybe I’m wrong? No, I am not!!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, ROCKTOBER 21st, 2020 A.D. @ 6:35 AMPST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to the mighty Armstrong & Getty on Talk 650 KSTE 6-10 AMPST & WAITING FOR THE END OF LIFE while listenin’ to AC/DC #TNT link @ https://youtu.be/fGDQ9IukMOc }

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