Blackhawks go down and the Nazi's & the Aryans move Ala of Islam to a Waikiki desert
Turned from sand into beads of glass beginning the blast of the glass bead games in dirt
A planet from surface to core, split & annhilated into an asteroid belt, stoned fool-blood
Circling the burning, glowing star of the universe we've been graced to come from, Bud!
Now and then you've got to cease and desist with an obfuscation of reality, Space glows
Periodic eras attempted to annhilate us all, failure was immanent, survival fitness blows
Out of your mind and deep into Ala's matrix where all creation's destroyed in holy holes
Save the Queen, save the stranded men & women from being fried in a desert of souls.
Obscene catastrophe written down in future history of the Past, which is right now, today's dots
A matrix of forms and a finite cumulation of matter from gold to lead, transmutating God's tots
Babies who learned the ethics & morality of the good, the bad and the ugly, a comin' Red Rover
Darkness just a blazing light, it puts out the dog-god starfire, on to the End & boom, it's all over!
All too human? Come on man, nobody knows like ancient rodents who procreated on dirt beds
Fear of being eaten by wild cats and dogs of the empire, the real planet's hungry, animated fish
Carries each and every one of the things themselves into the flow of Time, Space's deeper dish
Inside of the core, center of the dot where nothing leaves and nothing comes in God's infrareds.
Balls rolling on down the alleys to the ten pins set in rhythmic order, pick ups of 7-10 split tricks
Response to the answers without questions, just pabulum that infants need to survive little dicks
Going from the first to the last gasp in a New York minute or an L.A. woman's brief sojourn, son
Vulgar words, phrases & paragraphs of theoretical conundrums perfecting a cool obfuscation.
r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, August 20th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 9:11 AMPST
{ Crushed out of the soda pop I didn't eliminate this AM, now it's on the altar of sacrificed lamb waiting for the Rock & Roll gods like @RickyNelson @ }