
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

#DebateInThePitOfHell #YouMotherInseminators @ChamberBrothers @EdSheeran @WARtheBand #NegateNaziBenghazzi

DEBATE HIPPO KNIGHTS?  #LetsRoll  #KillerGodsBikinis
Son of the bastards and bitches of the wars of God & the pantheon of dictatorship reserves
Common and uncommon both have their season on this Space, in this Time, unpredictables
You and I have nothing to do with the outcome being a mere tool for the mechanic in charge
Ear, nose & throat rings around the rosy, red pit of hell that will burn the ice off of the surge.

In control of hailing the idiots out of the agar petri dish of germs and viral bacterial infections
Some fun and some nightmarish, troubling negativity will consume the rest of humanity's sins
Who loves and who hates has no bearing on the spin and wobble of your mind's eyes, breathe
In and out until you can't anymore, it ain't your fault, it's the way it is, it's the Nazi topaz teeth.

Proof of you and I and the rest of humanity will be extinct can appear to us before we die
Regardless of the way it happens to us and the others in or out of our lives, it will be done
Reasonable and logical is all it is, from the premises we are led to a presumptive conclusion
Nobody knows anything to begin with, yet how it appears to be is, firing up Key Lime pie.

Pound sand, hail #Faucism and the death marches on the way to obscure sickness to death
Fully engaged in the trip, evolutionary essence of the species' genome take-way, bad breath
Gargled and pulled the incisors, canines and bicuspids but the rest was left to chew the cud
Everything alive needs to eat something, ash and dirt will not suffice, only the LIVE is food!

Disguised in garnishment and porridges but the source of the verve we enjoy, life's Earth song
Until the inevitable, I hate to keep bringin' it up but it's at least as important as right & wrong
Balls shot, thrown and bounced on walls and grounds, into and over nets into bleacher seats
On the one hand, silence for eternity and lucky to have been here for CoVid19 flu, bat's beats.

So sorry that y'all ain't a Hippopotamus because we have immunity, we have natural immunity
Now, you know it's a secret and you shouldn't tell anyone, therefore the world will flee The City
In the garbage and trash of the alleys and dumps on the outside of the townships, death's smell
Bad smells of the city fanned off of The Lake's windy hawk blows, a holy whirlwind spin in hell.

Blood flowed in the past and it's contained this moment within you or outside of This One
Shape of your body and soul are just a figment of your activated imagination's communion
With the universal oneness introduced by the failed reverence of priests & nuns in the play
Eve & Adam we think, another debate with #Thug English, forked tongued Fool eggs of DNA.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, August XVIIIth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 7:11 AMPST #LetsRoll
{  Drafted while listenin' to @WARtheBand #HITS on youTube link with a #GardenHose @ https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo }

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