
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

#MusicalScalesRootsDeeperThanTheEnds #UraniumIsNothing #NothingLastsForever

It was a simple mind broken off from the almighty, just a chip off of the old block, some say sonny
What's a categorical imperative?  That's what she said & here's what I said about that there honey
You and I began in the fog of war, a tug between birth & abortion, no cruel cyberworld is ready yet
For One supernova comes prematurely, after that first Big Bang, all over a reverse counterevolution.

Incapable of sleeping & dreaming while wide awake, I can't see the forest through trees, so, so
This x-ray vision has no function other than looking through the matters at hand, to the hambone
Seattle to Miami, Bangor to San Diego, the Way is narrow and your mind is empty, ruby red rover
Monkey has been groomed for the life after death, pray to the gods, to Ala or the blue moon river.

Complete annhilation of seven continents and obliteration of the seven seas, it's not subatomic
Monks & priests help nobody but their holy infant selves, all hell's broken loose, Adam's a hick
Racists or the New World Order of some of the mutant humans without a clear vision of cream
Up above or down six feet below the ground of our being here and now, for the people sceams.

Cracked up and moving to and fro without any purpose for the End of the show's movie, I'm nuts
It's in my DNA, all of my grandfathers and grandmothers were thoroughly out of their mind ruts
Medicated until their last breath, in or out of cowboy pain in the boots, almighty gods all set free
Not here and I'm not there either, don't bother to look, you hear me, I smell the taste I feel in me.

Young timers all alone without wisdom's treat to past errors of fathers, stepmothers and sisters' sons
It'll all fade in The End, it'll be fine y'all no worries, I know you know the reason we live, sticky buns
Amazing swimmin' among the black stars to return from Void, no finishing nails or pointed thorns
On the tree of life, the silence is deafening, nobody is there but me, myself & I, all zytogitc unborns.

r j j  stephan, i
 c.  #Mardi, September 28th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 1:11 PMPST
{  Dropped the ball I didn't even know I had & drafted this epic slice of life while listenin' to @MorganWallen #HITS @ https://youtu.be/FjBp30kjzTc & @LukeBryant #OneMargarita link @ https://youtu.be/YEq-cvq_cK4 & #TheWayITalk @ https://youtu.be/pbKM-6k2cHg  }
URANIUM - "Uranium is a silvery-white metallic chemical element in the periodic table, with atomic number 92. It is assigned the chemical symbol U. A uranium atom has 92 protons and 92 electrons, of which 6 are valence electrons. Uranium has the highest atomic weight (19 kg m) of all naturally occurring elements."

#Eye WillSayNothing #TheEyesHaveIt #TIME

I got my shotgun and pistol out of the closet where the sun don't shine, cocked & fired
I had to hunt, I was hungry and thirsty but the blood and meat would suffice, I'm wired
Must have been something I ate, that's no joke folks, it ain't funny at all, don chu know?
Apes and worms, all that's left to recover the original sin, Eve's is gone, the snake blew.

Contents and the emptiness of the Void will keep you busy for a hundred years, maybe less
I go from zero to sixty in 8 seconds, I can run a mile in less than four minutes, I'm in a race
Against Time and Space and every face I see, every look I get from friends and strangers
Inside or outside of the dream, it's all One, I have no control & it's not my fault, blame her!

She gave me a bite of the apple, I didn't want it since I wasn't hungry for fruits of the loom
But I bit it anyway and now here I am, with you reading this sollioqey of star dirt's mothers
Yours and mine, dead or alive, they got us here and here we are now, makin' noise on hers
She hears it all, every word of it, sentences, paragraphs and the thesis of the Origin of Boom.

Sky is an illusion, it's what Space appears to be when you're blinded by the light of Sonny's sun
Dad of the walking, flying and burrowing, the creator of red and black dirt never left, I am One
Many are also the One, it's not my fault you became lost in Space, I found you in Time, now fly
Out of this world's two cents about your behavior and theoretical synopsis of why women cry!

Babies hurt the mothers when they're born in Space, some die & some live longer than the baby
All of them gave all of themselves for nine months, give or take, some had one & others so many
Some mothers had twelve or more, that was the wife of a man who got all twelve rolls in the hay
In bed or not, it all came out in the wash and we through it back in the trash, black or white lady.

Ends come to all, enjoyed the ride or not, it matters that you paid off Karma, good, bad or ugly
Apes and snakes moved the revolution & a Big Bang was the ultimate goal of subatomic sprees
Invisible wisps of wind without a First Cause, just the thing that happens when you spin around
Wobbling, passin' out & I've got no pulse left, bumps & grinds, species extinction is this sound...

r j j  stephan, i
c.  September 28th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 1:11 AMPST
{ Jammed out of my noggin while listenin' to the @ChambersBrothers olden jam #TIME on youTube in an infinite loop link @ https://youtu.be/hIqwzQ7g-Cc }
FINIS  #CantYouSee?

Monday, September 27, 2021

#ThereIsNoGodDogOrMan #DrunkenUFOs #SomeKindOfALIEN #SayItLoudALIENS

There came a time in my life when God told me why this was all goin' down from birth to death
Words come off the top of my head & light illuminates tunnels of darkness with green lanterns
Of kerosene and fire we move in the darkness from the #GetGo where we all ran away to spoon
We owed something that nobody recollects, something to do with being an ape, maybe a goon.

Bent on the bums and junk they brought with them to the riversides & under the freeway roads
Drunks and thirsty, starving babies and mothers who had no birth control for their makin' toads
Near the swamps and creeks that left the liquid to dry up into the dust of the dead star's plasma
Neither yours nor mine, an emptiness that fills everywhere around this planet is God's ma & pa.

Dogs and worms do it just like the cats and humans, monkeys get all of the leftovers, it's all over
Water is dryin' up because the sun's heat is getting ready to turn Earth into a satellite ash lover
You never know when you'll need a hand, when you're in a difficult position of kung fu kin pain
Hunger & thirst for the only reason for being here & now begins to wane as aging goes insane.

I've got you covered in an invisible envelope of fused plasma, got 208 bones inside of she, I'm IT
Ten fingers, ten toes, two arms & two legs but all that ain't worth a damn if you're too GD stupit
To see the Truth and pass the time as you ease the pain once in a while, phantom pleasure fit
Prices paid, overcharged and ungauranteed, it's all there is though, this, that & my tune of spit.

Stand down & get down before it's too late, you'll know when the Time runs out, stiff upper lip
Maybe today or tomorrrow and yesterday is all there is to it, Earth revolver of pins in a wobble
Days & nights fulfill the need to bleed from zygote to corpse, smelling, tasting, hearing the trip
No more hind end sitting down, puttin' hooks in the casket box, boots off the street's bubble.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  9-26-2021 Anno Domini @ 3:33 AMPST
{ Drafted in the 208 bones of a gunslinger without a bullet, listenin' to @LynyrdSkynyrd #GimmeBackMyBullets on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/SM3jgkChV6M, this ROCK is what got me through the #Jug in the #Bush of the #SKOR hookers, now you know what happened! }