
Monday, October 25, 2021

#SpidersOnAnAllNighter #XrayGauranteedToLookWithin #KickedMyOwnArseIn


For one thing, this is not what it appears to be, this is the form not the essence of Id’s It

Subtraction of the addition to multiply the division is all we can do, y’all get to go, Exit

This room and the house’s floors, walls and ceiling, basement and top shelf, two by twos

For no reason or for any reason, the Earth continues the rocks-a-rollin’ under the blues.

All the way under the whole shebang, there’s nothing but the air and space of the hot womb

Empty of atoms and without the babies of Eve, interstellar Void is the gyst of the grim tomb

Where the mothers’ fathers lie under soil and grass, in an aluminum room with no bunkbed

Cannot get out no matter how you try, full of formaldyhyde anyway, hard to live deadhead.

Who knew what nobody ever could fathom, that God was the Gold, all mystery is all of that

Last calls for alcohol over here by the heavenly bar of stars and empty thirteen stripes of fat

Very large people eating all of the fried food, candy sticks for stupid kids, lickin’ it, my food

Throwin’ the projectile to a bull’s eye where nothing ever goes alone, woke up with wood.

Wondering why we’re all here and now, or maybe we know why we’re here, to live to die

Like all the food we eat that was alive before it died, same for us except we’ve not been ate

It’s a Game of Life, survival and extension of the breathing, heart beating to the unholy finale

No ma or pa ready to help you kill the thing itself, suicide, free choice, God’s dead in Tripoli.

Hopelessness for  hapless minions, babies, innocent teens and DNA denizens, that’s cruel see

Compare this to the alternative, heaven haven or hades of the burn, stayin’ alive, Dogod folly

If not you then who will carry on the species’ genome, don’t worry just to be so dang happy

Worry more and feel the sadness & the gloom of being dead in a tomb, rocks don’t roll, see?

I spun the tops and the yoyo’s with nowhere else to go but down in a street, in the yard hole

I walked the dog and rocked the baby in the cradle for maybe two minutes, into a rubber soul

Boys clubs and paper routes, music lessons, preschool onto college, I enculturated fake blood

For the Time and Space allowed, it’s all you can and that’s Be The Ball, I’m Earth’s Manhood.

In a few short days and nights, you and I will move on to the end of the line, nobody to care

Out of our hands, this is all that it is, a moment in Time to see what nothing looks like to me

Then report back to noone but me because I am all that I am and all of that but I don’t care

I beat snakeskin in a Void of Nothing, don’t tell me What IT Is, smoked blunts of it’s not fair!


r j j  stephan, i

 c.  August 3rd, 2019 A.D. @ 12:12 A.M. PST Saturday, my day, all mine!

{ drafted while listenin’ to the mighty Towerofpower.ca #WhatIsHip & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/SN8pWdZhVaM }



Sunday, October 24, 2021

#TrueLoveYouHad #FakeNewsYouGotSome #Oreilly #DeGrasse #Frey

Picking axe for your team was a big mistake but I'll play the sax once again
Moving about on the chess board to the checkers that never get the kings
Losers can win sometimes when winners die, eaten in a lion's den of zen
Treating the tricks like they run the dozens on the corner of 3rd & Vine.

What does Ricky & Lucy do for a living, nothing special goin' on, God's silk
Men and women bottom out in a New York minute's momentus occasion
It's the day that the Earth stood still and the mamas & papas sang or sung
Like the other six days, it's just another spin in a circle jerk, mother's milk.

For the first and second time of the orgasmic charge of ecstatic creation
There was the Awe awaiting the punch in the face, to repeat ad infinitum
Not just because of the feel good feeling but because of the thrust to Be
Me & you have no idea why but there's a reason if there ain't any but one.

True love of the universal Oneness that's broken in a million pieces just in
To the freedom of the blowin' sax and plucked out of the freedom cesspool
Where our fathers, brothers, mothers & sisters died for the rhythm of blues
Long lost and frequently underappreciated for the Truth's consequences.

Muck and mire here and there, common decency ruled out by black & blue
It may be a inspiration but I doubt it, copycats pick up the beat & roll a mile
From the treble and the bass we get the melody and words up a cool wazoo
A ping on the screen indicates that place in space to fire the guided missile.

Fear to loathe you but it comes around goes around in a wet-dry CoVid19 bat
Hard to find in the darkness since it's the way to the light of a nite-light mouse
For the nature of the wild beast is to kill & eat to live & die, a gasp of bull scat
Sting you and you'll hurt forever, you know the Truth now & it's a full house.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, ROCKTOBER 24th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 11:11 PMPST
{ Drafted with #TrueLove in a loop by @GlennFrey on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/mUM4x4Bl_Ic }

#ShesAllINeedTonight #TimeIsStillInFocus #SpaceIsOutOfsightsfocus #MoonbeamMyWavelength @TomPetty @VanMorrison @AynRand & philosophy

All in the game, in the family, it's inside the DNA's acid, there's no God's OM in the pi Aster's dust
I want you back & if you don't roll the rolls royce, bring me the maserati fuel key, I love it you see
I'm gonna drive that baby right into the pavement, up the turnpikes & expressway to the freeway
Making love or causing a Big Bang for only one reason, to release the gaseous phart of a big One.

There's no way out of the corner, it's the nature of the beast to be there & struggle to survive It
This here life in the complex of fools and wise ass men, I mean educated pHd's, sorry doctor chit
You know you're hurting & it's because you're alive & eating stardust meat on decks of The Poop
Cancel me, you and everybody else on the seven continents and the islands' volcanic cosmic soup.

Be back in front when the time comes to get down to brass tacks, no more fooling around at play
It's no game we're playing therefore there aren't any rules, it's an ethical conundrum of a history
Of the men who gathered the information they couldn't be certain would be passed on to us all
We salute them, the philosophers and priests and their scroll recorders, their office staff of B.C.

So, go jump in the lake, Michigan if it's close enough, I never knew what my mom meant by that
It certainly is clear now that I've graduated from the university honoring America's 1st POTUS call
Washington with the wooden teeth, better than the rotten ones of inheritance, B- vitamin blood
Eggs which can't hatch without being inseminated with 1 seed of life, it's All we got from a hood.

Destiny will insult the presence of Time and Space, it's just a dream within an eternal dream, a Ga
Common denominator of an infinite numerator, surnamed 'X' as the unknown number's top digit
It's one, two or three up to nine & then repeat ad infinitum, again & again until it's too late, Ra
Purpose of this trip to exist on this planet is to be here and now without losing your head's spirit.

Aunt Annie & Gertrude gave us their' all, as did Josie, Betty & Dolores, pictures told the story, eh
Came to Jesus just to save the innocent from the guilty, makes gods smell the funk in spirit today
Pictures tell the stories if words can't come down from above or below, axis and poles add to two
Astrological and psychological, conceptual analysis of the monks gave us all the dream of a screw.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  ROCKTOBER XXIVth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 11:11 AMPST
{  Follow it here is one conclusion possible, there's "I WON'T BACK DOWN & i'LL STAND MY GROUND," while I was jammin' to @TomPetty #RIP @ https://youtu.be/0szQMjwXQVM } ....