
Sunday, October 24, 2021

#ShesAllINeedTonight #TimeIsStillInFocus #SpaceIsOutOfsightsfocus #MoonbeamMyWavelength @TomPetty @VanMorrison @AynRand & philosophy

All in the game, in the family, it's inside the DNA's acid, there's no God's OM in the pi Aster's dust
I want you back & if you don't roll the rolls royce, bring me the maserati fuel key, I love it you see
I'm gonna drive that baby right into the pavement, up the turnpikes & expressway to the freeway
Making love or causing a Big Bang for only one reason, to release the gaseous phart of a big One.

There's no way out of the corner, it's the nature of the beast to be there & struggle to survive It
This here life in the complex of fools and wise ass men, I mean educated pHd's, sorry doctor chit
You know you're hurting & it's because you're alive & eating stardust meat on decks of The Poop
Cancel me, you and everybody else on the seven continents and the islands' volcanic cosmic soup.

Be back in front when the time comes to get down to brass tacks, no more fooling around at play
It's no game we're playing therefore there aren't any rules, it's an ethical conundrum of a history
Of the men who gathered the information they couldn't be certain would be passed on to us all
We salute them, the philosophers and priests and their scroll recorders, their office staff of B.C.

So, go jump in the lake, Michigan if it's close enough, I never knew what my mom meant by that
It certainly is clear now that I've graduated from the university honoring America's 1st POTUS call
Washington with the wooden teeth, better than the rotten ones of inheritance, B- vitamin blood
Eggs which can't hatch without being inseminated with 1 seed of life, it's All we got from a hood.

Destiny will insult the presence of Time and Space, it's just a dream within an eternal dream, a Ga
Common denominator of an infinite numerator, surnamed 'X' as the unknown number's top digit
It's one, two or three up to nine & then repeat ad infinitum, again & again until it's too late, Ra
Purpose of this trip to exist on this planet is to be here and now without losing your head's spirit.

Aunt Annie & Gertrude gave us their' all, as did Josie, Betty & Dolores, pictures told the story, eh
Came to Jesus just to save the innocent from the guilty, makes gods smell the funk in spirit today
Pictures tell the stories if words can't come down from above or below, axis and poles add to two
Astrological and psychological, conceptual analysis of the monks gave us all the dream of a screw.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  ROCKTOBER XXIVth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 11:11 AMPST
{  Follow it here is one conclusion possible, there's "I WON'T BACK DOWN & i'LL STAND MY GROUND," while I was jammin' to @TomPetty #RIP @ https://youtu.be/0szQMjwXQVM } ....

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