
Tuesday, November 09, 2021

#CoolLosers #BraveBabies #FallenLeavesForTheFirstTimesAdInfinitum #BrianWilson @ZZT @BareNakedLadies @KoolAndTheGang #SeptemberFusciaFugue

It's not my mistake that there's a malfunction at the junction of Lippincott & Main boulevard
I got here in a rush of blood and a place in space that a baby couldn't handle, cacoon ace card
But it was a necessary function of the coming to be a baby, all too human just like l'il ol' me
And you well, you're far ahead of where ever I've been, I'm still makin' lovely mistakes I see?

Skirts swayin' to the backbeat & rhythm that nobody can buy, it just comes out of nowhere, Sings
As if it's something Angels put forth without even gettin' credit for it, oh my, sharp dressed Wings
A sound of the voice with the melodious syncopation, ringin' in all dusty ears, clearin' all the Way
Can't be let down from the fierce beats of whatever comes when the conception knights the day.

Top hats & top coats, black shirts, white gloves & then she comes out the darkness of never was
Always will be the Way of the warrior's middle path between the gods' goods & the living's deal
It's all about the #HotShot of #Hotsie who walked down here in the middle of the god's phqn mud
Blown tops, pole to pole, all around an equatorial, planetary malfunction of the asteroid cow cud.

There is not going to be another world after the one you got right here & right now, don't see It
Don't have the blind faith of the poor and rich humanitarian deists or polytheists, ever an athiest
What is happening in the mind of the ultra trained parochial boy of mumbo jumbo, danm nihilist
Gone nowhere on Earth after bones don't animate on a gravitational pull, I'm spin cuz, mama's Is.

Grounded out of the womb, in love's arms of one, shocked face of my first human expose, mama!
From there it was all gravy to seventy when I started kickin' and screamin' about leavin' vs. my Jill
To be or not to be, the Dust, Jesus left Chicago bound for New Orleans, it IS all about Jack & a Hill
For, by & of the People, got paid a pocket full of change for a Bad Smell's parkin' cars for grandpa.

Hey, I'm lucky they told me not to swing for the fences, so I didn't or well, at least I read G. Orwell
From Chicago to Texas, Mississippi, Montana, Washington & California, where It all dead stopped
With or without who & what I came with to the foothills of invisible forty niners fool's gold scrum
Lived on top and spread it on down to the Sierra's rock bottoms & a whole species of fat bottoms.

Why and where you come and go, between your work & your home, in between two stored nuts
Safe place, safehouse or somewhere too high & dangerous for felons & farmers to cut deeper ruts
From some point of view other than the one you get when you're asleep, dreaming fake, I'm all in
A moment in Time's Space, gone way back, bare, naked & hot light all around, invisible, bare skin.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER IXth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 6:55 AMPST, #MardiGras every day!
{ Blew out of my blowhole this AM while jammin' to @ZZT HITS link @ https://youtu.be/8tMRbEeCL9g & @bAREnAKElADIES #OldApartment & HITS @ https://youtu.be/Pv7kodfFXpA?t=1 }

Monday, November 08, 2021

#KidsAreKiddingYou #TheyOwnTheElders #WeKnowTheTruth #TimeFlysBackward #ShipsAhoy #PopePoopPOTUSprimetime #Mainlined

As far as up is down, everybody can see what a blind man cannot, one's reality check
You may be right & I may be wrong but I think there's a thing like pain in your neck
Brought to the end of the days and nights with 1, 2 or 3 maybe 4 that you love for real
It's neither here nor there but a thing worth nothing in the end, it's undertaken zeal.

Down to the brass tacks once again, it's what is not going away today or yesterday
Now, tomorrow is the x factor, the unknown torture of fear & loathing for doomsday
A non-sequitur, a forgone conclusion, an inductive assumption aside, it's God's face
A creation, life living is shaping a form out of collisions of Matter, collusion in Space.

Now to deal with the discourse of deductive reason, I think & therefore we all are
One and the same thing you were before your conception, now your deception star
All you have is what you've leaped the faith for, a magic spell of a farmer in the dell
Maybe so but if not then the sky is NOT the limit, the whole shebang is a hell's bell.

Of these humane foreign objects, as I am only one of many who follow suit & trump
When the time comes to count the points for the pinnochle hands, you're a chump
You never lose and feel guilty if you win, as if you cheated the loser yet you didn't
It was always for the cybercache, out of sight & mind, in a New York state of mind.

Wait up, one more thing before I actually desert backstage, exit #ALTright uplifted
I found nothing in or out of my heads, absolute vacuum of metadata dust unsifted
Nothing more safe than an unknown combination that opens an empty wall's hole
Without knowing what matter and energy are, the dream ends anyway for a tool.
r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOWVEMBER VIIIth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 4:20 AMPST #SomebodyBetOnTheBay
{ Trash and garbage recycled from the parochial training of my #Poorboy noggin from 6-17 Years old in the city of bad smells, say no more... inspiration from #SacredSpiritDrums of David & Steve Gordon link https://youtu.be/Xby4ytMVjoU }


Sunday, November 07, 2021

#HappyBirthdayJackJohnStopka 11-7-1950 @WARtheBand #OldMenLive #SMOOTHERsilk @Santana @LosLonelyBoys @CorazonEspinado @Nickelback #KeepTheChange #EarthWindFire etc, etc, etc... #StapletonRockin' probably...

No species survives evolution's jump off of a cliff, not One Ape or Woman
It's a different time in Space to remind nobody of anything at all but Zen
Just be aware the evil in men comes for your life and livlihood daily & then
You react in kind, in self-defense & expiration of a soul who wanted yours.

What it is when nobody will tell you before it's too late, it's a prisoner fate
To know the law or be ignorant of the regulation has no bearing on a fact
That you are present and not denying the allegation is cause to imply guilt
A verdict that's at best, useless with teeth, at worst, ado about the killed.

Some innocent humanity, others guilty of being human's inhumanity Sin
A bubble inside which the thing itself, evolved & flourishes in good & evil
Bad things and good things happen without repercussions to a Causal skill
Function of a game, if you wanna play is ignorance of reason's conclusion.

So, I'm thinking, I think I am. so I hear a Moody Blues' tune of satanic signs
Why aren't they in black satin?  It's gotta be white because it's color blinds
Nobody sees color but human beings hence, hide all color & lick the boots
Godsons & daughters marry mine & then an all too humane Man's roots.

So liberty from tyranny is the function of being by and for the people, so
What gives the power to rule other than the ancestral behemoth struggle
To figure out why you're alive here and now & what'll happen post lives
All of the ones, the many who preceded us, RIP & you & I, doin' hand jive.

Signed by me, myself & I which are the only three to agree, ego, super & Id
Wildest dreams are while awake, you cannot wake from those of a big kid
But awaken you must before the final inhale of dust and exhale of spirits
All of the whiskey, gin & vodka comin' up the reverse of the gag's big-tits.

All just because you thought I was so pretty, so handsome to be in a jam
Yet I was never all alone, I was with you before you knew what I'd done
I cast a spell on you from a half a mile away, t'was more than a wish, son
Listenin' to my loud yell, she heard something in one ear & out the other.

Nonsense comes from all of sensational battles with one another, ce live
With or without the amoeba and paramecium, mankind cannot survive
Lack of blind faith in this maxim is the ticket to the Limbo paradise of gods
Nobody gets a promised land, e-facts, "Aww pop," daddy told me, egads!

r j j  stephan, i  *This One's for you pops!  #Grati @Santana
c.  BLOVEMBER 7th, 2021 Anno domini @0600 hours PST
{ Accomodate the blood, sweat & tears for the Earth's Wind & Flame, drafted listenin' to @EW&F link @ https://youtu.be/yHG5W4miMTM & @Santana #Smooth & #SomewhereInHeaven link @ https://youtu.be/9YxwANaLnVA  }