
Tuesday, November 09, 2021

#CoolLosers #BraveBabies #FallenLeavesForTheFirstTimesAdInfinitum #BrianWilson @ZZT @BareNakedLadies @KoolAndTheGang #SeptemberFusciaFugue

It's not my mistake that there's a malfunction at the junction of Lippincott & Main boulevard
I got here in a rush of blood and a place in space that a baby couldn't handle, cacoon ace card
But it was a necessary function of the coming to be a baby, all too human just like l'il ol' me
And you well, you're far ahead of where ever I've been, I'm still makin' lovely mistakes I see?

Skirts swayin' to the backbeat & rhythm that nobody can buy, it just comes out of nowhere, Sings
As if it's something Angels put forth without even gettin' credit for it, oh my, sharp dressed Wings
A sound of the voice with the melodious syncopation, ringin' in all dusty ears, clearin' all the Way
Can't be let down from the fierce beats of whatever comes when the conception knights the day.

Top hats & top coats, black shirts, white gloves & then she comes out the darkness of never was
Always will be the Way of the warrior's middle path between the gods' goods & the living's deal
It's all about the #HotShot of #Hotsie who walked down here in the middle of the god's phqn mud
Blown tops, pole to pole, all around an equatorial, planetary malfunction of the asteroid cow cud.

There is not going to be another world after the one you got right here & right now, don't see It
Don't have the blind faith of the poor and rich humanitarian deists or polytheists, ever an athiest
What is happening in the mind of the ultra trained parochial boy of mumbo jumbo, danm nihilist
Gone nowhere on Earth after bones don't animate on a gravitational pull, I'm spin cuz, mama's Is.

Grounded out of the womb, in love's arms of one, shocked face of my first human expose, mama!
From there it was all gravy to seventy when I started kickin' and screamin' about leavin' vs. my Jill
To be or not to be, the Dust, Jesus left Chicago bound for New Orleans, it IS all about Jack & a Hill
For, by & of the People, got paid a pocket full of change for a Bad Smell's parkin' cars for grandpa.

Hey, I'm lucky they told me not to swing for the fences, so I didn't or well, at least I read G. Orwell
From Chicago to Texas, Mississippi, Montana, Washington & California, where It all dead stopped
With or without who & what I came with to the foothills of invisible forty niners fool's gold scrum
Lived on top and spread it on down to the Sierra's rock bottoms & a whole species of fat bottoms.

Why and where you come and go, between your work & your home, in between two stored nuts
Safe place, safehouse or somewhere too high & dangerous for felons & farmers to cut deeper ruts
From some point of view other than the one you get when you're asleep, dreaming fake, I'm all in
A moment in Time's Space, gone way back, bare, naked & hot light all around, invisible, bare skin.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER IXth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 6:55 AMPST, #MardiGras every day!
{ Blew out of my blowhole this AM while jammin' to @ZZT HITS link @ https://youtu.be/8tMRbEeCL9g & @bAREnAKElADIES #OldApartment & HITS @ https://youtu.be/Pv7kodfFXpA?t=1 }

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