
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

#TimeEnoughToDie #IDontCareAboutSpace #Deaf #Kate & #ENDS #DontStandAChanceInHellFire

Guitars cryin' to be shredded like a family in a refugee camp, you and me
Then out of nowhere, an ego emerges to end the force from without, see
It's not always on the radar, it's an underground current like electricity sin
Against the powers that be, what makes the orbit continue, cut your chin.

That bleeding wound will let loose the thing itself, back into the mix of 98
Girls & boys began One thing, movin' on by itself, no way to stop Id's rule
Surviving punks and junkies, doin' pickpocketing and looting to survive It
Monkeys look to eat, defacate, sleep, repopulate & ponder all bull's chit.

Loved the wind blowing on my ocean drenched bare skin, smooth as satin
Black flavors & red neighbors ready to fight for nothing but a snap button
Pride inherited from the proud and undeserving descendants of the Poors
Wealth to get by on the planet's lonely journey helps, cannot open doors.

Movie stars & celebraties of the TV & Cinema are bright, fate is sundown
Last breath, last tick of the big muscle, all that you get, sorry, don't frown
All gonna be taken care of by your survivors whether you know or not, yo
You'll be burned, bound, buried or blown to smithereens, y'all may glow.

Smooth as silk, greased metal or the in and out of the thing you do, gods
All of them major and minor of the plethora's complement, all that I am
It's not a big thing that I'm in charge of my own life and nothing else, chill
Oil the ilk you elevate to the epitome of authority, pope & king of the hill.

Running amok, Westside, untrained, undisciplined do, a species' 0 defect
Inside RNA of DNA, there's a code to abhort species, COVid19 side effect
Nothing to worry about, a little guy on TV said, trust the Science Comedy
We're the poor & the rich, open your eyes, 'devil is lived' backward, see?

Now look at the room you get inside of your prison cell, nevermore free
Life behind bars, kept locked in due to your being a misbehaving hoodlum
Knowing the morality and ethics of the species, eyes blinded by the Scum
Neon or freon in the tubes, glowing & showing the narrow way, my scree.

Spirit all wound up in an electircal coil, generating power to be, a ghetto
Of mice & fatherless men who were fearless boys in a war of snow blow
Dangerzone with everybody doin' a WTF acapella act in a 'hood's red sea
Paradise won more than lost, Blues' Life ran amok, I won, love you Baby!

r j j  stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER XXXth, MMXXI A.D.  Mardi @ 6:66 AMPST
{ Jammed while listenin' to the buzz between my audio receptacles & tracked in the way back machine by @CHICAGOtheBand #25&6TO4 & #HITS @ https://youtu.be/7uy0ldI_1HA }

Monday, November 29, 2021

#WhosMaria? #ILoveHer #YouWouldToo #WhereIsSheAt? @CarlosSantana @KickBrooksAndRonnieDunne ... ON THE UP & #UP @UP

Inside of the fiddle sticks and the glory hole funk of you ma & pa, you come in a hot mess
Blues ain't a thing way down in the bottom of the holy water lake, jump in the deep end
Don't hit your head on the bottom of the pool, diving deep down into the no return bend
No way to know the reasons and why the rhymes don't sound right on dead man's best.

Princes turn into the queen's paupers and walk in alleys until their thoughts fall to trash
Stinkin' and rotten like the rest of the dead things we eat and don't eat, garbage stache
Any aliens from other planets systems' galaxy or anywhere in this universe, all extinction
This dark star, this white dwarf or red giant is indistinguishable from the Black Hole Sin.

Mother Earth put the verve inside of my bones to remark regarding this pitiful, dried teat
Nearly put the poor, innocent idiotic moron in the pit & a pendulum, he got away with IT
Wraith was closer than he'll ever know, when the sky gets black & thunder comes, oh oh
Maybe rewind that decision to confront your maker before you knew, death is your blow.

Anyways...here we go again, no threat here and now, nobody's bones to blow down here
I'm talkin blown to smithereens not to the ecstasy of the mothership's exhaust, shot, beer
Sooner than later, my love of wondering who looked at me #funny took over my love today
On being all too human, I am one who can see trouble and never, ever look the other way.

I see someone lookin' my way, I walk over & confront them & ask them to look away or else
"What are you lookin' at fool?"  It's about time I got asked the question, I answer, "Nothin'!"
Yes, I meant that the man was as good as nothing at all to me, I was lookin' at him, it, nothin'
After One punch, first poke in the eye balls with that moby in my face, I dropped hell's bells.

Got rid of the corpse, just left it to bake in the sun, BBq for the buzzards & maggots to beat
Monkeys don't eat what stinks, it's got to be warm and smell good, kept away from poisons
Anything to kill me isn't comin' inside or near me, if I have anything to do with it, if I say I do
Intent and focus on the thing & the things after that will create Reality before it says no go.

Inside the head, in the skull there's a mind functioning due to brain waves, stop?  Me & you.
That's it, caput so get your P's & Q's in order, you've got some Time, keep movin' along high
Roads are low but stayin' high keeps you goin' when skies are grey 'til they turn stoney blue
Love this ground we're on, Big Bang monkeyshines from nobody's thanksgiving, God's a guy!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER XXIXth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 4:20 AMPST *Its 420 somewhere here, now!
{ Drafted while sound asleep, in the darkness' light of the empty, drained black hole & listenin' to @BrooksAndDunne #Maria in an infinite loop, #MOG is Earth, Nothing else matters!  B&D link @ https://youtu.be/fZSiBj4vCiY  }

Sunday, November 28, 2021

#AThingOrTwo #SightsUnseen #ComeOnCowboy #JacksonBrowne #BrooksAndDunne #KickAndRonnie


Sorrow comes and goes like the wind, the Earth's wisps of infinite movement, a miracle you live today
It could have been a little bit worse if you had no intelligence and there was no counter intelligence pay
For the purpose of getting to the end before it begins, let me apologize for the happy ending sadness kid
These things happen when you cannot predict the outcome and you put your life's virus in one's COvid.

Atmosphere in the heavens is much different when you're lying face up on the ground, toes tagged too
A moment you decided to confront your demon, he/she/it moved around in the cacoon & you got blue
No blood runnin' in your bloody system of the down, where you wanted to be, unknown to the sherrifs
It was all on digital cam, live for the world to watch from the internet's world wide web of the parrots.

They pass along the dreams they dreamt while asleep on a pillow and a bed, or cardboard & blankets
Finding the peace in the war where the good, bad & ugly argue about dominance for their extinct kin
All of the ones whose dead bones populate the terrestrial gas, liquid and solids left in the pure toilets
Souls all gone when the bones can't stand up straight, can't breathe air, can't beat a heart, caput man!

Hoping in vain for a different outcome than the inevitable is all there is left, keep it up, alright, alright
Alright, maybe it's just a way to keep us all in training to be the gas that will Supernova, come on man
You think you have a soul for Buddah or Jesus or Allah?  You've got another thing comin', it's a VOID
Comin' for you soon, sooner than you think, you may not know it's comin' & it will smash your KID.

Not the son, not the father but the holy ghost, the spirit of the Black Hole, where Singularity is not
Where the persons, places and things don't exist in perpetuity, just a whirl of swirl, a rockin' infinity
Ninjas and apemen have no concept of the analysis required to assume fake truth of bogus premises
If this & then that, come on man, if is not certain, it's an uncertainty, it's a discovered principle diss.

Ships sail if they float, if not they sink down to the bottom of the sea, Davy Jones' God property
Nobody gets out of here alive, nothing from the amoeba and paramecium to the flying dinosaur
All too human as the saying goes, an old, dead philosopher said it then & I repeat it respectfully
Dreaming of the source of your pity & sorrow, I #woke the hole's holy dream, farm crop whore.

Trivial pursuit of the end of Time gets you right to it, it's there, always waitin' near a twilight fair
Get ready to fill the hole with your self and all you know, a threat presented is a dime dropped on
Your head, your back, legs, arms & your invisible, rubber soul's backside are to appear on the air
For blues and the rest of the jazz comin' out the horns and drums, strings and 88's, I call this fun.

Getting a stranger human than myself to follow the bouncin' balls is a treat in itself, quicken payday
Bums and junkies can fill in the blanks with their history's Time in this Space, to die for 52 Sundays
Or Monday, Tuesday all the way to the Friday & Saturday, blues will end, don't worry, bones freeze
You will be free, eventually, got here for an #NYC second, skies blue or grey, so get on your knees!

r j j  stephan, i
{ Drafted while listenin' to #JacksonBrowne 1978 #BBC bcast on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Fz6nETd6jZw & 2021 #JacksonBrowne 2021 #BarricadesOfHeaven  link @ https://youtu.be/7923AHiJ_U8}