
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

#TimeEnoughToDie #IDontCareAboutSpace #Deaf #Kate & #ENDS #DontStandAChanceInHellFire

Guitars cryin' to be shredded like a family in a refugee camp, you and me
Then out of nowhere, an ego emerges to end the force from without, see
It's not always on the radar, it's an underground current like electricity sin
Against the powers that be, what makes the orbit continue, cut your chin.

That bleeding wound will let loose the thing itself, back into the mix of 98
Girls & boys began One thing, movin' on by itself, no way to stop Id's rule
Surviving punks and junkies, doin' pickpocketing and looting to survive It
Monkeys look to eat, defacate, sleep, repopulate & ponder all bull's chit.

Loved the wind blowing on my ocean drenched bare skin, smooth as satin
Black flavors & red neighbors ready to fight for nothing but a snap button
Pride inherited from the proud and undeserving descendants of the Poors
Wealth to get by on the planet's lonely journey helps, cannot open doors.

Movie stars & celebraties of the TV & Cinema are bright, fate is sundown
Last breath, last tick of the big muscle, all that you get, sorry, don't frown
All gonna be taken care of by your survivors whether you know or not, yo
You'll be burned, bound, buried or blown to smithereens, y'all may glow.

Smooth as silk, greased metal or the in and out of the thing you do, gods
All of them major and minor of the plethora's complement, all that I am
It's not a big thing that I'm in charge of my own life and nothing else, chill
Oil the ilk you elevate to the epitome of authority, pope & king of the hill.

Running amok, Westside, untrained, undisciplined do, a species' 0 defect
Inside RNA of DNA, there's a code to abhort species, COVid19 side effect
Nothing to worry about, a little guy on TV said, trust the Science Comedy
We're the poor & the rich, open your eyes, 'devil is lived' backward, see?

Now look at the room you get inside of your prison cell, nevermore free
Life behind bars, kept locked in due to your being a misbehaving hoodlum
Knowing the morality and ethics of the species, eyes blinded by the Scum
Neon or freon in the tubes, glowing & showing the narrow way, my scree.

Spirit all wound up in an electircal coil, generating power to be, a ghetto
Of mice & fatherless men who were fearless boys in a war of snow blow
Dangerzone with everybody doin' a WTF acapella act in a 'hood's red sea
Paradise won more than lost, Blues' Life ran amok, I won, love you Baby!

r j j  stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER XXXth, MMXXI A.D.  Mardi @ 6:66 AMPST
{ Jammed while listenin' to the buzz between my audio receptacles & tracked in the way back machine by @CHICAGOtheBand #25&6TO4 & #HITS @ https://youtu.be/7uy0ldI_1HA }

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