
Monday, November 29, 2021

#WhosMaria? #ILoveHer #YouWouldToo #WhereIsSheAt? @CarlosSantana @KickBrooksAndRonnieDunne ... ON THE UP & #UP @UP

Inside of the fiddle sticks and the glory hole funk of you ma & pa, you come in a hot mess
Blues ain't a thing way down in the bottom of the holy water lake, jump in the deep end
Don't hit your head on the bottom of the pool, diving deep down into the no return bend
No way to know the reasons and why the rhymes don't sound right on dead man's best.

Princes turn into the queen's paupers and walk in alleys until their thoughts fall to trash
Stinkin' and rotten like the rest of the dead things we eat and don't eat, garbage stache
Any aliens from other planets systems' galaxy or anywhere in this universe, all extinction
This dark star, this white dwarf or red giant is indistinguishable from the Black Hole Sin.

Mother Earth put the verve inside of my bones to remark regarding this pitiful, dried teat
Nearly put the poor, innocent idiotic moron in the pit & a pendulum, he got away with IT
Wraith was closer than he'll ever know, when the sky gets black & thunder comes, oh oh
Maybe rewind that decision to confront your maker before you knew, death is your blow.

Anyways...here we go again, no threat here and now, nobody's bones to blow down here
I'm talkin blown to smithereens not to the ecstasy of the mothership's exhaust, shot, beer
Sooner than later, my love of wondering who looked at me #funny took over my love today
On being all too human, I am one who can see trouble and never, ever look the other way.

I see someone lookin' my way, I walk over & confront them & ask them to look away or else
"What are you lookin' at fool?"  It's about time I got asked the question, I answer, "Nothin'!"
Yes, I meant that the man was as good as nothing at all to me, I was lookin' at him, it, nothin'
After One punch, first poke in the eye balls with that moby in my face, I dropped hell's bells.

Got rid of the corpse, just left it to bake in the sun, BBq for the buzzards & maggots to beat
Monkeys don't eat what stinks, it's got to be warm and smell good, kept away from poisons
Anything to kill me isn't comin' inside or near me, if I have anything to do with it, if I say I do
Intent and focus on the thing & the things after that will create Reality before it says no go.

Inside the head, in the skull there's a mind functioning due to brain waves, stop?  Me & you.
That's it, caput so get your P's & Q's in order, you've got some Time, keep movin' along high
Roads are low but stayin' high keeps you goin' when skies are grey 'til they turn stoney blue
Love this ground we're on, Big Bang monkeyshines from nobody's thanksgiving, God's a guy!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER XXIXth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 4:20 AMPST *Its 420 somewhere here, now!
{ Drafted while sound asleep, in the darkness' light of the empty, drained black hole & listenin' to @BrooksAndDunne #Maria in an infinite loop, #MOG is Earth, Nothing else matters!  B&D link @ https://youtu.be/fZSiBj4vCiY  }

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