
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

@Carlos_Santana #HigherHopes #LowerFaith #DivineCharity #CupOfPeace @ChrisJanson @MaryWells @Santana @Morello @Springsteen #WhitneyHouston #DownWithSilverBullets #BuyMeABoat

I'm in too deep to see the surface's motion, don't know where I am, in an ocean yet I'm afloat
Pertaining to nothing special, the air comes in and out of me, thank you ma & pa for the boat
It's movin' right along, not stoppin' too long, never can admit to bein' wrong, recalculate free
Mirrors all around so, there's no doubt that you're ALL there is that matters to atomic energy.

Beginning at the finish line, common denominator comes alive from a top ten rotation of Ilk
Muscle bounded, skinny bones that everyone has, all 208 of them are risky business for Love
Spirits move the things themselves until they go caput, heartache or soul takes them all away
From you and yours, I come to you for a view of the rear guard's cover up, A Void is the Way.

Picnics & holiday banquets to remind us all that it's here & soon it'll be gone, God's chain/ball
Now hear this, supermen never reported to the planet, that was an imaginary figment of It all
What is asleep and still moving the things themselves, remaining at rest, the nature of a beast
To be or not to be is NOT the question, it's the answer wondered to it's happy infection yeast.

She sang about me in a song that her daddy picked, he wanted me to be beater of his sad kids
Her guy she called me yesterday, we stuck together like birds of a feather, ne'er to be plucked
An honor and pleasure to be with this other half yang to my ying, pure & awesome skul-gasm
Offered a sacrifice upon the altar, innocent lamb, dead offering to an offended divinity worm.

Handsome face & beautiful form of the body leads to the multiplication of the division's chit
Fallen and invisible soul, moving the rocks that can't roll without the Thing Itself, you know It
True of the Ending and the Beginning, nothing can be false if you know, wisdom rules divinity
I think, I'm a man, all too human one, she calls & I respond, I'm a guard of the treasure, "SHE!"

Movies make the stars look closer than they are further than they want to be, all life on Earth
Lives and dies without regard to reason and rationality, organic matter alive for a period's part
An era comes & goes as quick as lickity split man, near the end, you'll be sorry 'bout It, Fooled
Wanting to live forever isn't a guarantee of the matter, as a fact, everything else dies, not you.

Say it now, honey you loved me more than the sky's empty black & blue, far away outerspace
Attached to my back, we fly high above the feather beds in deep purple velvet's soft interface
Pills and smoke down the hatch, breathe in & breathe out the smoke of mountain's bud tops
Formula for the preservation of ticks & tocks is all, scratch on cave walls, you're dead, It stops!

r j j  stephan, i 
c.  FREEZEMBER XXIInd, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 4:44 AMMST
{ Generated from zero gravity at soul level, while listenin' to my wife's favorite song, #MyGuy by @MaryWells on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/4WT7nBGX5eU & @EStreetBand @Springsteen/Morello #HighHopes link @ https://youtu.be/z03Ms69MB_8 }

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

RHYTHM IS ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT #DontBeDoBe #YoMamasAlrightAlrightAlright #ApemanSlowRide

Communication between those who are not sentenced to live in the tower of Babel is cherry man
Nothing can beat the success of being understood by the One and the masses of sheeple at once
Go to the store, go to your mate's friends' dens and you'll see the memories of the elder apemen
Who randomly chose to fall in love with someone like their mater & pater, it ain't my fault man!

Don't shoot the messenger, don't pull your blade on me either, so skilled at the art of takin' verve
It's a matter of Time in this Space I'm in, you're visiting and we're goin' separate ways to a curve
It's an algebraic calculus of geometric proportions, at One & in an infinite, subatomic nucleus of It
What It is?  That's the 64 hundred thousand billion question, it's the energy, star combustion chit.

Gods never come home because the fact is the Gods are home, the Gods are all there is for real
It's a fact of life, my father told me so, my mother listened to find out too, it was Christmas' deal
A man was born under divinity's direction due to the need for being saved from a holocaustal fit
Bombs away, turned the entire rock & roll venue into glass beads of the end game, leftover chit.

Punks here and there, moving and collecting the product of cosmic, illusory perceptions, a dream
In a dream within a dream, there're idiots and morons who abide by learned disgust with wisdom
They will know who they are, everyone will know who they are, as soon as their mouth is agape
Last gasp for O2 & the visions of sugar plums, tap dancin' & doin' the Tango on a seedless grape.

Bums & junkies takin' it easy becasue there's nothin' more to do except take this slow ride pull
From the ground below, then above, then below again, leftover chicken bones & a human skull
All there is, all there was and all there's gonna be from now until infinity mends the black hole
Gambling with your sons' cache, all the rage, all mine, nothing's mine, rollin' rock mind to blow.

Discover it, forget about it, ad infinitum, until you remain constantly at rest, just like the One too
3 persons in One God, it's a thing about nothing, impossible to be coherent, deduced inductions
Rhythm's left rockin' all night with or without you, One's fine, rockin' all alone, One's last 7th son
Slowed down matters little, BABY, shapin' Time's Space, good-evil Gold, man, y'all a #NUG one!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  FREEZEMBER XXIst, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 5:55 AMPST
{ Drafted while listenin' to @Foghat #SlowRide long version in a loop, on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/GcCNcgoyG_0 }

Monday, December 20, 2021

#HOUSTON #WeGotsLotsOfThrillsLeft #SevenHolesWideOpen @Santana @JoeBonamassa @BBKing @JoeSatriani #IWishItWasChristmasToday #SRV #SNL

Montgomery's rouge tide to the edge of Tacoma's awesome Red Horde, unarm sortees
Crimson humanity has up & gone from the shores to ground burial under red dirt's seas
If you're a moron or an idiot, don't take this personally but you're either One or another
Friends of your wife, your husband, your offspring and the whole herd are o'er for BBQ.

Now then, who's birthday is celebrated once every year?  Yours?  Mine?  Gods?  Christ?
Who has the day named after themselves by their survivors?  It ain't me babe, a wise kid
Mouth like a truckdriver drinkin' tequilla in a cantina, where yo' mama stopped the skid
Your father abandoned you too, as God abandoned a creation of Earth & It is starkissed.

Bend over and kiss your hind end of the bone that got bent, backbone of the jelly fishes
Bumping into each other in the light or in the dark, same old story, I didn't see you there
Cause is way gone, it's all gone and out of foresight, hindsight and insight, it's outta sight
Monkeys, apes, snakes, armadillos, arachnophids do their thing, make holes in the dirt.

Pinstripe, buttondown, necktie and stud, satin black shoes and hot pink shoe laced Cons
Way it was and the way it will always be, to me, inside of my miniscule mind on loan too
From heaven above & earth below, it's all I'll ever know, points in Space & Time I'm into
Out of all people, black & blue, like any other divine being conceived of a seed, hey man!
Stop in the name of any Love God or a man or a woman, not a dad or a stepped on mom
Yet, inner desire to keep pushing ahead remains, One first thing to come & the last to go
He wrote about the murders that she wrote down in an ahistorical, no blood Uncle Tom
Miscegenation of generation leaves the reconfigured nation that appears, a job to blow.

I got down with or without you, I preferred you to the mountain streams, I knew it well
Awakened with your golden smile in my silver dream from California and Nevada's hehl
Still one day, you're gonna come my way again, poor & nomadic on Earth's faked liberty
Pretty & beautiful, killed by ecstasy in the GAME, scum and beauty of anthropomorphy.

Dancin' in circles, orbiting the solar explosions, the light thunder head to toe, jumpin' it
Bones for me and for you to move until they get burned or buried in the garbage's pits
Deeper than the honeymoon you took and never returned from, diving down to the end
Begun out of innocent ignorance, now that I've reopened the gash, I return what I sent.

My heartbeats, my thoughts think for themselves, I'm beyond being yours until The End
Jumped off of the bottomless pit's cliff without lookin' down, didn't know exactly when
I'd it the ground either running or getting familiar with the empty, black hole that I am
A Singularity for the cowboy inside of me, movin' the horses and cattle to a god's dam.

T-bones and capons on broke whiskey bottles and cowboys from the city & country long
Kissed when I'm gone right there on my picture on the wall, it's all that's left, ditty song
Horns won't matter in the fight, don't use them anymore anyway, all out of good times
Love light was shining brighter than ALL stars, then...and then...your kisses were gone.

Tell me what's on your mind so it will be on my mind too, I'll help with a happy ending
Nothing you can do can make me stop loving you, even if you stop & change partners
I'll still be the One I know who loved unconditionally, even when hate was topgunning
In crosshairs, words of honor, life, existence of a conscious mind's mother, Phuqurs!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  FREEZEMBER XXth, MMXXI Anno Domini  0400 hours, Lundi's waning gibbous moon
{ Destroyed eternal PAX of this AM's mind & drafted out of the deep psyche's mass while listenin' to #Lucille shred by @BBKing #TheThrillIsGone & #IaintGonnaBeTheFirstToCry on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/UIM429YTrMY }