
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

@Carlos_Santana #HigherHopes #LowerFaith #DivineCharity #CupOfPeace @ChrisJanson @MaryWells @Santana @Morello @Springsteen #WhitneyHouston #DownWithSilverBullets #BuyMeABoat

I'm in too deep to see the surface's motion, don't know where I am, in an ocean yet I'm afloat
Pertaining to nothing special, the air comes in and out of me, thank you ma & pa for the boat
It's movin' right along, not stoppin' too long, never can admit to bein' wrong, recalculate free
Mirrors all around so, there's no doubt that you're ALL there is that matters to atomic energy.

Beginning at the finish line, common denominator comes alive from a top ten rotation of Ilk
Muscle bounded, skinny bones that everyone has, all 208 of them are risky business for Love
Spirits move the things themselves until they go caput, heartache or soul takes them all away
From you and yours, I come to you for a view of the rear guard's cover up, A Void is the Way.

Picnics & holiday banquets to remind us all that it's here & soon it'll be gone, God's chain/ball
Now hear this, supermen never reported to the planet, that was an imaginary figment of It all
What is asleep and still moving the things themselves, remaining at rest, the nature of a beast
To be or not to be is NOT the question, it's the answer wondered to it's happy infection yeast.

She sang about me in a song that her daddy picked, he wanted me to be beater of his sad kids
Her guy she called me yesterday, we stuck together like birds of a feather, ne'er to be plucked
An honor and pleasure to be with this other half yang to my ying, pure & awesome skul-gasm
Offered a sacrifice upon the altar, innocent lamb, dead offering to an offended divinity worm.

Handsome face & beautiful form of the body leads to the multiplication of the division's chit
Fallen and invisible soul, moving the rocks that can't roll without the Thing Itself, you know It
True of the Ending and the Beginning, nothing can be false if you know, wisdom rules divinity
I think, I'm a man, all too human one, she calls & I respond, I'm a guard of the treasure, "SHE!"

Movies make the stars look closer than they are further than they want to be, all life on Earth
Lives and dies without regard to reason and rationality, organic matter alive for a period's part
An era comes & goes as quick as lickity split man, near the end, you'll be sorry 'bout It, Fooled
Wanting to live forever isn't a guarantee of the matter, as a fact, everything else dies, not you.

Say it now, honey you loved me more than the sky's empty black & blue, far away outerspace
Attached to my back, we fly high above the feather beds in deep purple velvet's soft interface
Pills and smoke down the hatch, breathe in & breathe out the smoke of mountain's bud tops
Formula for the preservation of ticks & tocks is all, scratch on cave walls, you're dead, It stops!

r j j  stephan, i 
c.  FREEZEMBER XXIInd, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 4:44 AMMST
{ Generated from zero gravity at soul level, while listenin' to my wife's favorite song, #MyGuy by @MaryWells on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/4WT7nBGX5eU & @EStreetBand @Springsteen/Morello #HighHopes link @ https://youtu.be/z03Ms69MB_8 }

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