Silver lining of the golden geese who laid empty bird shells, all that there
In the pink and the deep blues where only angels fear to go, trippin' fear
You and I know the same things in different languages taught by old folks
All of them dead much earlier or later than us, we survive humane jerks.
Now on with your own journey to the Ends of your conscious awareness
The day you die is a momentary lapse of rational thought, innocent rest
From the First Cause's Unmoved Mover syndrome, divine God complex
Immortal mortals with skin and bones that walk, run, fly and to have sex.
Maybe for nothing or something that's not clearly the finale of a hit play
Bull's eye aimed at and hit in the center of the target, home runs of a boy
Out the park over left-center & right field fences, 2 homers, switchhit too
Juiced bat with taped grip, got hit 40 times, pitched a few balls to review.
Early birds catch worms & the snowbirds snatch those tasty worm flow
From the holy mud downunder our footholds, matter, Time, Space & me
We all are in the same proverbial boat, like it or not, you're not gonna go
When you turn the switch ON & you see nothing igniting, repeat let it be.
Screaming bloody murder on a bloody Sunday will raise eyebrows a bit
Silence required to fill in the spots between noise & chaos' orgasmic hit
Base, double, triple, homer, walk or sacrificial flies in cosmic, soup stew
Mints of green color, spear or winter twix all whitey's red, black & blue.
Birds of a feather flock together & the same holds for apes' loaded glocks
Most species on Earth don't have a species-wide WAR, this world's droid
Killing the threats, absorbing the ways and means to increase the g-flocks
Supernova the result in One Singularity's Black Hole, be a Zero, The Void.
r j j stephan, i
c. May XIXth, MMXXII @ 1500 hours PST
{ Produced while out of production of baby formula, so I made it myself, water and baby geritol, orange flavored link @ https://www.amazon.com/Pack-Haliborange-Toddler-Liquid-BUNDLE/dp/B00URRDTZY/ref=asc_df_B00URRDTZY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=510945040761&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=341185328418344582&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032550&hvtargid=pla-1263221967245&psc=1 }