
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

#CROSSHAIRS #YouCantHandleTheTruth #Rockplast @GovtMule concert1 & #BeerForMyHorses RIP @Toby_Keith @ChristopherCross @KrisKross

God got drunk the night that Time ran out, Earth ceased to function in the Space
Ran the clocks and sundials into the ground, flew by before anyone knew it expired
Flames all went out and only the frozen cold atoms survived the revolution’s faces
Utter annihilation by invisible hands of the guilty pleasure, all sexy & newly hired.

Clipped in the rear end to finalize the resolution, nothing to see here or there either
Don’t like to look for what cannot be found, I find everything since I created the ether
Who I am ain’t as important as knowing I’m your neighbor at the dawn’s early light
Bring your best defense & offense since this time, you entered a terminating fight.

Blood spilled until the breath departed the subject and object, worldwide love of It
What It is, the substance and form of the Matter in Space, as fireworks mock the chit
Blown to smithereens, like our sun, a star in supernova mode, black hole on the way
Filthy as stardirt leftover by the Big or Tiny Bang, I am what I am, a dirty bird, I’ll say.

On a low merry-go-round or high monkey bars, I forgot to hold tight and fell Up to die
No fear of the danger in the next moment, having fun, laughing, glee in the inner soul
Birds that don’t fly die at the beaks & jaws of the killers who eat raw or cooked whole
You all worried about it, now forget about it, memory’s in the way of holy, black hole.

Known the unknown and forgot to recollect its nature, the unforgettable regret of mama
Died before I could talk to her about my papa, what the hell were they thinkin’ makin’ out
To conceive me & my brothers and sisters for the right or the wrong reasons, a tax write-off
Grand is great, 1,000 hits of subjects that predicate the immovable objects, you a stupkoff?

Just one question, rhetorical at worst but an expectation of grandeur for infinity’s conscience
Why horizontal bop phuqin’ is the only way to procreate the species, it’s mitotically in division
Sparked by chemicals reacting with our 208 bones that hang the skin until it’s decrepit as sin
All at once, now hear this, it’s all melted down into an amorphous blob of fools, All is golden.

It will be lead too, the gold is unstable like the mind of a man or woman in denial of surreality
Reflection in the mind or in a mirror, either image can trigger the entry of yo' mama’s reality
Opened the eyes in the womb before birth through labor & pain, I knew I got sucked out of it
My head and feet were stuck in the womb that nearly became my tomb, my memory of chit.

Gods invisible yet impacting the blind faithful minds allowed to see the light, black & white
Marked the game board with the start & final finishing line, players moved taking the turns
Square and in clockwise motion, the time will stop the desire to be alive, there’s no choice
Fear & loathing of the thing itself and the forms it takes when transubstantiating God’s face.

Little boys and girls grow up to make more of themselves, there’s no reason why, it’s classic
Spirits and what they look like if seen, the ghosts without skin and bones, they all fly & surf
Waves of wind and pools of the rain, the oceans & seas surfing above and beyond thin air
Crypto currency I save since I back it with my life’s gold, cashin’ in for the hippy long hairs.

Know & believe it, guess about it but brace yourself for disappointment with Truth socially
Frequency of the idiots and morons reproducing their own kind is out of control, on the way
To extinction of the genome, to save the environment’s foundation of wisdom & knowledge
Complex simplicity in One word, it’s OM, that’s all, just OM, vibrate your wild thing’s edge.

Knowledge of subject matter is a secret, hidden wisdom that morons & idiots cannot fathom
Higher or lower your targeting for a bullseye, there’s a million yards from the trigger’s bullet
You know this, you’re perfect and you have no other choice other than suicide or martyrdom
Each of the terminal destinations nobody can return from, not Buddha nor Christ, it’s no S#it.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, July 16th MMXXIV Anno Domini 333 AMPST

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Syncopated Syncopation #MileAMinute #SixtyMilesAnHour

Once and for all, there’s a shadow upon the black light of a black hole, it won’t be light again
Darkness for the rest of Time on Earth, a big thing for each & means Nothing, to my chagrin
I see, I understand what you mean yet, you’re an imbecile or moron without a sense of logic
Using language predication of subjects & objects in our #Woke awareness, it’s part of a Dick.

It came in unexpected but welcome to initiate reproduction of the species variant, a mutant
Of humans in the dreams of thugs and miscreants who cannot fathom any golden rule to guide
Right there is the problem of survival yet a relevant tool to extinction of species, man & ant
Snakes and worms slither and dig underground for shelter from radiation of a sunny god tide.

Hems on your skirts have come down to cover your knees, can’t handle a sight of calves’ bone
Yes, I have been blinded by the ultraviolet and infrared light, I’m easy to see in a screen phone
Friendly suggestion to move out of the way before you become a casualty of the peace’s ending
Son, daughter, y'all won’t hear this again, that said, there’s no way to take it back, so I’ll sing.

Rhyming alphabets’ conflagration yields the form of wisdom in modulated enunciation twang
Call it prosaic and poetic, possible to plagiarize the mamas & papas who let it all out to hang
Your miserable neighbor of nicotine-full cranium & burning-acid heart, can’t evolve stinking
You look far away from here, it ain’t your fault, thing is decomposing the shape of my Timing.

If you’re hungry, there’s food, if you’re thirsty, there’s water & wine, we got it all over here
Beyond good and evil, I can’t say a thing, speculative at best, never Nothing but the Truth
Because the jury is out until each of final gasps of O2 from the sphere of Adam’s teary eye
Just because there was no example for obedience to #FakeNewsLaws, the genome expired.

Here, today, a moment of seconds ticking off the minutes, hours, days, weeks & a holy year
Clean or dirty, thoughts & words of material possession and the ignition of enlightenment
To recollect what has been forgotten and not shared with the descendants still unconceived
When they come and play angel out of nowhere, there’s no remedy for the presence of fear.

Parted right down the middle of your cranium, your dead hair is a feature of a divine coverup
Soul food spiked with acid makes the hogs’ guts a trip on the wild side of the disturbed mind
It’ll self-destruct either right there in the same space it was born or somewhere else in a book
No matter what you think about this & that, One thing you’ll bite, a full-blown trouble hook.

Last ditch effort to keep the palate clean and all cavities deleted in the food choppers, I say it
Now hear this, repeat, now hear this, as an electric shock provides the impetus, old sparky G
Word’s still up, the whippoorwills comfort my disturbed memories of cheaters and the losers
Winning man as I am, I’ll always be thankin' my parental guidance. Love to eat the stank chit
r j j stephan, i

c.  Dimanche, July XIVth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST

{ Alien Contact #Disclosure complete!  Drafted while smashin’ the headphones to @RareEarth #MidnightLady CD, cut #WineWomenAndSong link @ https://youtu.be/3aUgxvArlk0?si=jTZ9vVogoBcr1YRC }


Saturday, July 13, 2024


S L A S H  or  M A S H?
Stipulate my position in the front or the back row of the show, exit is left, stage right
If you don’t mind, your property is mine, the dirt of the Earth ain’t a minions fist fight
What and where the thing itself will be is an open book secret, gonna rock & roll it all
From the opening fret pluck to the final E-string twang, it’ll be the pedal to the metal.

Coming in with the knowledge & wisdom & leaving with none at all, that’s the gist of it
A Poe dream within a dream is not an inside job, a conscious mind in a perpetuity skit
Prime timing is everything in every case, you only get lucky once in a great while, rarely
It’s complicated yet simple to comprehend once the premises assumed, it’s me see.

Traffic is heavy in the ant’s hills, many species of a crawler everywhere in Earth’s spa
Brewed after grown from scratch with pot seeds you bury in stardust leftover asteroid
Invoiced twice, double-crossed and double-paid, Timing is everything, ask Pink Floyd
Not much on the dark side of the moon other than pitch black darkness’ penumbra.

Fancy yourself looking invisible to everyone with eyes to see through you, look here now
Nothing to see here, move along, I was teasing you for the reality yet to come, all below
Grounds of dirt, a wooden or metal box or urn, for bones & ash need containment form
Not you any longer, not anyone any longer, it’s all One & the same thing, God’s a worm.

Think about it, there’s a deep bench for the divine, but the kinship of God is tentative
Depending on each poor soul’s behavior in the form of the human body & mine alive
Full responsibility required to be accepted even though it’s a conceptual miscarriage
Didn’t mean to begin the mitosis of the human, yet it must be the way it was, outrage.

Abort the conclusions since the assumptions are one and all, false and not true too
In someplace, somewhere outside of this solar system, there’s a quasar that’s blue
I know since it’s the origin of my concept, imaginary egg & DNA burnt morse code
Taps, ticks & tocks test the strategy, the plan is known by no one, it’s a lonely road.

Perpetrate the violation via the loophole found where the sun doesn’t shine, so low
Forthwith and hence, I shall not allow any pie in the sky to enter my eye, a high blow
Been above & below the mojitos and frozen lattes for a decade or more, maybe less
I had no trouble with all causes I initiated; every effect was a result of being ruthless.

What you see now is what YOU get, nothing, now you see me & now you don’t, hence
Just like the moment before you breathed in & out of your mama’s holy apple offense
You got the message, you’ll be long gone & forgotten in a hundred years, ain’t my fault
The narrow way is the only way & there’s no other option other than extinction’s halt.

Balls are on the field & the court, roll ‘em, bounce, throw & kick ‘em above & beyond
Goals, safeties, touchdowns, homers & game, set & match, in the end, that’s all son
Nobody gets out of this game alive, lucky to have mooched a bit out of universal aid
Particular as I am, you were & everybody was forever & a day late by a half a decade.

Beware as I was of the big dogs in the yard, I walked down the alley makin’ ‘em all bark
Believed the dogs liked me & were all barkin’ for favors to let ‘em all out the gated park
When I didn’t comply, it was more like they’d knock me down & bite in a big dog’s fight
It’s the highlight that blinds you, astronauts on Earth know it, dark is a perpetual night.

Stuck or slippin’ right into the darkness is the end, man, boy, girl & woman, it’s curtains
The finale is hopefully a century away, you never know about that immortal fight of sins
Hey man, it ain’t my job to save jawbones & your family tree full of jewels, get a good grip
Bouncing balls, sliding pucks, spiral passes for Time and Space to button your damn lip.

Marked with x’s & o’s because they’re easy, 2 lines crisscrossed & 1 line in circular jerk
Deduce this pack of inductions and your conclusion will be your inherited genetic perk
Have insight with a third eye’s vision beyond Form’s holy Substance of it all, good sons
Bad or evil is living in reverse, on the way to terminating the breath’s blood circulations.

It is the thing itself animating the photons in this star, it’s light is the thing itself, it’s Dei
On the other hand, it is a deep dive & a deep fake that you can steal away from history
Punks use things and throw away the colored, invisible trash refused to be eaten away
Inside of the bowels of animated skin and bones, it’s where glory resides, divine today.

Nobody named the liver because it was dead, it’s alive & if it died, your Soul’d GTF out
I know, I’ve seen the soul’s leave people’s bones, mouth agape, eyes both wide open
Calling names of the friends and enemies won’t help, been here thrice before so I pout
Y’all gonna cry but I guffawed hysterically as realized, A Life’s either a joke or a dream.

Gods don’t see you, they’ve got no human senses, no eyes, ears or linguistic crypt
To fall way down the rabbit hole to the crypt, you’ve to have faith the in FedEx ship
It gets the job done since the humanity is below the level ability to avoid extinction
“Help!” yelled from little girls & grown, adult men, they knew not what to do it all in.

We will all probably make it before too long, less than a hundred years under control
I discovered a secret; I forgot what it was and couldn’t remember it was a black hole
That holy place where each & every single one was conceived before the sex act pole
Up & down, in and out until the eruption of the source of being, God Damned Who?

Mash to slash and option between a squeeze and a blade cut are a free for all to see
You get what you pay for, if it’s free you’ve got it free and have no investment to be not
Neither success nor bankruptcy will move this unmoved mover, what I am I is, all me
I’d know if we all were in a multi-dimensional universe, it’s a deadbeat extinction key.

Full of the scat left over after the BBQ and the banquets refused leftovers in the dump
One stretch of the imagination should display the nature of the human beast pump
Teats from which only some of us come, some of us have nothing but a formula of X
Like the vitamins and minerals metabolizing in my bones entering my pie hole’s hex.

Fish swam upon my plate to masticate, good and bad but ugly without a head or fin
Wondering how it swam without a map or rudder, realized my knife took care of Sin
Cut right through the skin and bone, just because I wanted a meal to survive on sea
Of the hair on my chinny chin-chin, you can’t catch me there or anywhere else, see?

My number is unlisted and I’m livin’ underneath the bridge with the other trolls’ bullets
They do sorties during the middle of the night, shaking inside your boots, I’m dead seats
Sixth man as I’ve always been on a five-man team, easy money cashin’ in the blue chips
Walkin’ through the casino, I bet a C-note on a green ‘0’ & after 21 turns, it locked my tips.

Won bank and the House put it all together, gave me high roller chips on a roulette table
Who are you and why are you even breathing & thinking about being satiated by a fable
That we’re all gonna die and go to Nirvana whether we’re good, evil or just an idiot droolin’
Could be I’m one, maybe you, POWER of PRAYER, you may be an anomaly and just a fool.

r j j stephan, i

c.  Samedhi, July XIIIth MMXXIV

{ Complicated narrative while jammin’ to @Bruce_Springsteen #LetterToYou on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/dOHIcl-ztE0?si=qCd-R1vyePQ8SmI1 }
