
Sunday, July 14, 2024

Syncopated Syncopation #MileAMinute #SixtyMilesAnHour

Once and for all, there’s a shadow upon the black light of a black hole, it won’t be light again
Darkness for the rest of Time on Earth, a big thing for each & means Nothing, to my chagrin
I see, I understand what you mean yet, you’re an imbecile or moron without a sense of logic
Using language predication of subjects & objects in our #Woke awareness, it’s part of a Dick.

It came in unexpected but welcome to initiate reproduction of the species variant, a mutant
Of humans in the dreams of thugs and miscreants who cannot fathom any golden rule to guide
Right there is the problem of survival yet a relevant tool to extinction of species, man & ant
Snakes and worms slither and dig underground for shelter from radiation of a sunny god tide.

Hems on your skirts have come down to cover your knees, can’t handle a sight of calves’ bone
Yes, I have been blinded by the ultraviolet and infrared light, I’m easy to see in a screen phone
Friendly suggestion to move out of the way before you become a casualty of the peace’s ending
Son, daughter, y'all won’t hear this again, that said, there’s no way to take it back, so I’ll sing.

Rhyming alphabets’ conflagration yields the form of wisdom in modulated enunciation twang
Call it prosaic and poetic, possible to plagiarize the mamas & papas who let it all out to hang
Your miserable neighbor of nicotine-full cranium & burning-acid heart, can’t evolve stinking
You look far away from here, it ain’t your fault, thing is decomposing the shape of my Timing.

If you’re hungry, there’s food, if you’re thirsty, there’s water & wine, we got it all over here
Beyond good and evil, I can’t say a thing, speculative at best, never Nothing but the Truth
Because the jury is out until each of final gasps of O2 from the sphere of Adam’s teary eye
Just because there was no example for obedience to #FakeNewsLaws, the genome expired.

Here, today, a moment of seconds ticking off the minutes, hours, days, weeks & a holy year
Clean or dirty, thoughts & words of material possession and the ignition of enlightenment
To recollect what has been forgotten and not shared with the descendants still unconceived
When they come and play angel out of nowhere, there’s no remedy for the presence of fear.

Parted right down the middle of your cranium, your dead hair is a feature of a divine coverup
Soul food spiked with acid makes the hogs’ guts a trip on the wild side of the disturbed mind
It’ll self-destruct either right there in the same space it was born or somewhere else in a book
No matter what you think about this & that, One thing you’ll bite, a full-blown trouble hook.

Last ditch effort to keep the palate clean and all cavities deleted in the food choppers, I say it
Now hear this, repeat, now hear this, as an electric shock provides the impetus, old sparky G
Word’s still up, the whippoorwills comfort my disturbed memories of cheaters and the losers
Winning man as I am, I’ll always be thankin' my parental guidance. Love to eat the stank chit
r j j stephan, i

c.  Dimanche, July XIVth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST

{ Alien Contact #Disclosure complete!  Drafted while smashin’ the headphones to @RareEarth #MidnightLady CD, cut #WineWomenAndSong link @ https://youtu.be/3aUgxvArlk0?si=jTZ9vVogoBcr1YRC }


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