
Friday, August 23, 2024

#FeelinSexualHealin #ExceptPriestsAndNuns #CappedWhileCapsized @kIDrOCK

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Whatever you feel inside of your head’s mind may not be reality to all minion-slobs
Think about your future moments after you divulge the Truth in the middle of mad mobs
Be your own conscience, trip along on your suicide mission to live past rigor mortis’ fate
Songs sung but hard of hearing & ultimately deaf & dumb, no idea how to communicate.

Placed dead last in Infinity’s dark place, atomic negation of omnipotence by germ DNA
Now or Never’s the Time in Space, can’t miss the one & only chance to be able to be It
Perfect timing is required 24/7, Earth doesn’t cease to wobble around the ecliptic, growl
As the stomach generates acid to transform matter, you grab the sandwich of high RNA.

Alive moment, dead in an unknown progress of animated development & degeneration
Of all men, all living things, plant and animal, there’s this star dirt to manufacture the sin
Original, mortal and venial violations of commands and theorems of the calculus’ matrix
Deduce, induce, conclude with confidence or a fair deception to trick Mankind’s l’il dicks.

Now then, this is no time to cast aspersions to the appropriate bulls’ eyes, yet we must
Do what needs to be done whether we like it or not, there’s no free will involved in dust
All we are, all we’ve been & all we’ll ever be is what even blind and deaf men can see
Bless the irreverent for the opportunity to double check certainty, we’ll cover the fee.

Just the two of us know the difference between the Truth and the fabrication of reality
Keeping the secret information on file for recollection of your dreams of the nitty gritty
Who & what, why & when are good questions with answers you need to know right now
Without answers you’ve no leverage on bad guys who mean harm to you & y’all gents.

You have crimes & misdemeanors to hide behind as the wayward winds’ blow me down
Beating your con is a matter of time, confidence in the lies as blinded faith is overblown
Cram the data into One hard drive, stuff the mother board with squeaks of men in debt
All gods everywhere in the universe, in every galaxy, every solar system, every planet.

Roll the die, you’re on a cliff and you’re all alone, there’s no help to assist a sorry arse
It doesn’t matter if you beg, borrow or steal everything everywhere on Earth, not a bit
You will die, sooner or later, working hard for a pension or larceny reward in the Penn
Where bad boys & girls go to succeed at absurdity, that God is indeed, all too human.

Equation between known measurements of Time & Space is quadratic or nothing at all
Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry & the advanced Calculus let’s the gods fall
Down here to the top of the dirty planet’s rocks that provide a place for cosmic dust rest
Always ready at any moment to either atrophy or gravitationally collapse in on my chest.

Fairness has no reality in the nature of any beast, only the strong not weak will survive
Be a survivor or be annihilated but either way, our lives are transitory, you’ll take a dive
Sprung a diving board high dive, jumping over 20 feet above the surface, down 16 feet
Could this be all there is? No heaven, purgatory or hell, it’s been a ruse of pope sheet.

Many have already come and gone before this day, more will come & go as mortals do
No free will on that account, the hope that your idea of who you are is immortal is true
But a hope isn’t proof of existence, here & now on any planet in any galaxy’s gold dust
Controlling your mind is as easy as starving-feeding your head, it’s a white rabbit fuss.

Black curtains around us all down under or up yonder, laugh or cry matters, gonna die
Y’all don’t like it but you’re lucky you got this 1 chance at the transitory consciousness
Smelling the roses, trippin’ on sunshine, drinkin’ water, eating plants & animals to shyt
No other reason for the recapitulation than I can only win, there’s no loser in my byte.

Angelic arpeggios attracted demonic morons & idiots, ‘I’ survived abortion ladder rungs
They’ve come and gone in a whisk of polluted air, it goes in & out of your silly ass lungs
Where can you prove on paper that you say nothing but the truth? You can’t, it’s all BS
You’re a lame duck and you can pass no law, you’re a dictator, you’re a fool in distress.

Pin cushion to stick points you’ve made into one spongy, ball of super soft sponge stuff
Dreams came true yesterday, it’s how I got here & now today, I’ll be gone in a pot puff
Popping and annihilating every atom from the beginning to the final Singularity of pi
3.14 is a number, so is zero, one & two but the difference is you know is the third eye.

Fathers of the mothers and sisters are totally responsible for the creation of Earth’s ilk
Accidental monkeys now write down the Truth in encyclopedias in the biblioteque milk
Once you know like I know, attempt to share & you’ll be destroyed by an ignorant droid
High life can’t be down above & below what’s far beyond the way out there in The Void.

All good or a little bit evil or much beyond good and evil, in any case, it’s mortality
Fine or not, accidental or planned parenthood, you’re here & you’re gonna die too
High or low, in or out, about or around, hair grows, inherit your DNA, extinct to be
Or not to ever be again, scared reincarnated atom, free ride to the gods’ dam, Boo!

Screaming inside of our skull like a buzzing sound, same frequency all 24/7 daily too
Moody in ultraviolet blue or infrared scarlet, a spectrum display, infinite god in a zoo
Highlight to remind you what you heard, what you have faith in that suspected truth
Secret is out, high is lower than you think, it’ll end in a whisper of an ol’ spooky tooth.
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, August XXIInd MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 333 PMPST

{ Cracked this out of the crust of the Earth while jammin’ to @KidRock link @ https://youtu.be/LMKfIXdxh-U?si=s_yGnGzd2ctNkEQD } 

#FrereJacques ... are you sleepin'? #HeartBand #WARband #MadonnaMatter #BevisButtheadMenKinda @ArmstrongAndGettyRadicalRadioShow

Black is the key to the solar system's space between material things in a material world trick
You allude to the Ends justifying the Means, a spell of the witchcraft espoused by Man's prick
A sharp pin prick it was, a pig in a poke, a bird in a bush, code word's up a consonent's vowel
Park parallel or diagnal but don't double park anywhere, anytime, your chariot will be towed.

Common idiots born to any man and woman on Earth, y'all roll the dice and you'll see the light
Power to the people, we think that's the way innate power is, so GTF out of the way with might
Honor and perfect timing result in success every moment you suck a breath in, so die in peace
Day after you ain't in an alien's Petri Dish, memory fades from an imaginary drawer, squeeze.

Pinched my own behind to check my six, I thought I was awake but I was in a dream, I awoke
Walking around in the fog of war, trying to figure a way out of the connundrum, shucks bloke
You will not know what I mean when you don't jump off of a balcony down to your end, man
Do you know the answer to the question of "Should I jump or not?"  Answer honestly human!

Last gasp of wind, the sun shines even when it's nighttime dark outside your side of the Sand
Spins around clockwise if you looke down from the northern hemisphere, you're killin' me so
Minds lost in the mix, it's the shooting stars and the wobbling angle of the dangle, trust me bro
Or don't if you want to go through the breach yourself, experience fear & loathing firsthand.

Heads to feet, 208 bones calculating time left before the deep six down to Davy Jones' locker
Remotely possible that rotting skin, organic matter & bones get incinerated in hell's hot cache
As a holy bible said, we go to Hell, OMG I never thought about that, cyberspace launched ash
Pulverized, stuffed into a holy urn for the spread back to where you never were, ever forever.

Paid invoices, even steven from now 'til doomsday, hidden nowhere anymore, out of sight 'I'
Seen, heard, tasted, smelled, felt deep down inside out to the tips of toes and upturned nose
Shut your lips when you speak the words coming out of your mind's eye, to be One, I chose
At the finale, the curtain drops on the stage, characters fade to black, you all are gonna die.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, VIII-XXIII-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMCST
{ Whatever it takes, you will give it, as I did drafting this while jammin' to @WARtheBand link @ https://youtu.be/pukC3E0XxcE?si=FDRE0_Kx6SK57B4o }

Monday, August 19, 2024

#IngrownHairyFur #SkipAFreakinRopee @JoeBonamassa @CarnegieHall #ShockTheMonkey @KennyLoggins @TraceAdkins @LukeBryant @AnimalFarmMovieAndAudioBook


For the middle of the pack, it’s leftover carrion you’ll whiff with napalm before dawn
It is still above & below the mud, blood & beer, so you’ll be able to access the spawn
Mothers, brothers & fathers will all die in a century even if they’re draining’ 8 balls
In all cases, nothing but scratched headstones, tombstones & pyramid corpse walls.

Harmony cannot be the substitute for chaos, the natural state of the universe’s being
You are not in charge of a delicate hallucination nobody can see but you & naked apes
If there is no king, then there’s no queen & nothing else but pure dumb luck happening
Before you jump the shark or jump to invalid conclusions, assume you exist on tapes.

Knights on either side of the royalty of bishops, queens & kings, tucked between rooks
Interference of the pawns in front of & in attack mode behind the power, king in check
You’ll be unhappy to get your brain and mind checked for ability to rationalize spooks
Compromised the living and the dead with a disputable philosophy of a train wreck.

On your holy honor, get on your mark, get set & GO, don’t stop until you get enough bad
 News from some anonymous source, may or may not be a rumor or propaganda fodder
Sons and daughters will fall for the dupe and think they’re being good lassies and lads
You love the sea, be a sailor, you don’t love the sea, don’t be a sailor, be even better.

Call the shots like a general or admiral of the followers of orders, obedient to 3.14 pi
Court martial would be the remedy for the disobedient traitors and the idiots who dote
With all their blessed little hearts, all in the blind faith belief that some men never lie
Truth is a lie and lies are true, it’s the meaning of the Animal Farm’s dirty Earth boat.

House of nobody’s representatives with the electoral college educated 1st round picks
With your blind faith and the blind luck accompanying you & your kin, you got my six?
Survival of the most fit is the rule, you’ve no free choice in the matter, Live or Die trying
Young infants, toddlers, children up to elder adults, all at the mercy of a wedding ring.

I’m alright so nobody I know or am related to needs to worry about me, ‘cept holy chit
What I’m saying, what I mean in a nutshell is, we’re all gonna die, buried bones in a pit
Punks get justice just like the holy ones, the priests, nuns, ministers of the Word, OMG
Philosophy, all you get from parents & orphanages, middle way, narrow tightrope wire

Frozen tundra and melted iron combined to end the expansion of the Big Bang bongo
Civilized personality mr. radioman, mr. television star, you’re nothing from the Congo
Of smoke from an infinite Oneness, an invisible spirit that y’all claim to feel with chills
Fine as the epitome of perfection, dream is real, reality is the One’s surreal H2O spills.

Expect anything unexpected to survive the assaults of predators that masticate bones
Our 208 tinker toy-like bones crunch for the contents, that marrow is all golden stones
Even if you don’t know, future is already the past, present comes & goes in purple haze
Like the blink of an eye, that is quick silver fast, high or low, I know it’s gone sideways.

Fill your empty head from nativity to decrepitivity with the cliché responses to idiocy
You figure it out, logic & reason rule the roost, do not govern the rebels who 3rd eye see
That motion will haunt future locomotion, extinction of species is a theory not a policy
High in mind’s thoughts about good, bad & ugly things, breathe in & out, trinity three!
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, August 19th 2024 Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{ Shocked by the monkey on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/8z74lr3txUk? si=w11U6rI5Q_8J0Vks & @Joe_Bonamassa #WokeUpDreaming @https://youtu.be/HM1M6p1fiUM?si=t3AXf-b442LP8Y9U }