
Monday, August 19, 2024

#IngrownHairyFur #SkipAFreakinRopee @JoeBonamassa @CarnegieHall #ShockTheMonkey @KennyLoggins @TraceAdkins @LukeBryant @AnimalFarmMovieAndAudioBook


For the middle of the pack, it’s leftover carrion you’ll whiff with napalm before dawn
It is still above & below the mud, blood & beer, so you’ll be able to access the spawn
Mothers, brothers & fathers will all die in a century even if they’re draining’ 8 balls
In all cases, nothing but scratched headstones, tombstones & pyramid corpse walls.

Harmony cannot be the substitute for chaos, the natural state of the universe’s being
You are not in charge of a delicate hallucination nobody can see but you & naked apes
If there is no king, then there’s no queen & nothing else but pure dumb luck happening
Before you jump the shark or jump to invalid conclusions, assume you exist on tapes.

Knights on either side of the royalty of bishops, queens & kings, tucked between rooks
Interference of the pawns in front of & in attack mode behind the power, king in check
You’ll be unhappy to get your brain and mind checked for ability to rationalize spooks
Compromised the living and the dead with a disputable philosophy of a train wreck.

On your holy honor, get on your mark, get set & GO, don’t stop until you get enough bad
 News from some anonymous source, may or may not be a rumor or propaganda fodder
Sons and daughters will fall for the dupe and think they’re being good lassies and lads
You love the sea, be a sailor, you don’t love the sea, don’t be a sailor, be even better.

Call the shots like a general or admiral of the followers of orders, obedient to 3.14 pi
Court martial would be the remedy for the disobedient traitors and the idiots who dote
With all their blessed little hearts, all in the blind faith belief that some men never lie
Truth is a lie and lies are true, it’s the meaning of the Animal Farm’s dirty Earth boat.

House of nobody’s representatives with the electoral college educated 1st round picks
With your blind faith and the blind luck accompanying you & your kin, you got my six?
Survival of the most fit is the rule, you’ve no free choice in the matter, Live or Die trying
Young infants, toddlers, children up to elder adults, all at the mercy of a wedding ring.

I’m alright so nobody I know or am related to needs to worry about me, ‘cept holy chit
What I’m saying, what I mean in a nutshell is, we’re all gonna die, buried bones in a pit
Punks get justice just like the holy ones, the priests, nuns, ministers of the Word, OMG
Philosophy, all you get from parents & orphanages, middle way, narrow tightrope wire

Frozen tundra and melted iron combined to end the expansion of the Big Bang bongo
Civilized personality mr. radioman, mr. television star, you’re nothing from the Congo
Of smoke from an infinite Oneness, an invisible spirit that y’all claim to feel with chills
Fine as the epitome of perfection, dream is real, reality is the One’s surreal H2O spills.

Expect anything unexpected to survive the assaults of predators that masticate bones
Our 208 tinker toy-like bones crunch for the contents, that marrow is all golden stones
Even if you don’t know, future is already the past, present comes & goes in purple haze
Like the blink of an eye, that is quick silver fast, high or low, I know it’s gone sideways.

Fill your empty head from nativity to decrepitivity with the cliché responses to idiocy
You figure it out, logic & reason rule the roost, do not govern the rebels who 3rd eye see
That motion will haunt future locomotion, extinction of species is a theory not a policy
High in mind’s thoughts about good, bad & ugly things, breathe in & out, trinity three!
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, August 19th 2024 Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{ Shocked by the monkey on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/8z74lr3txUk? si=w11U6rI5Q_8J0Vks & @Joe_Bonamassa #WokeUpDreaming @https://youtu.be/HM1M6p1fiUM?si=t3AXf-b442LP8Y9U }

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