
Tuesday, January 07, 2025

#DonnyHathaway #NeverMyLove #TheAnthology


You never know when you might need to have an ace in the hole, it’s all in the game I know
From birth to death the alpha & omega display all there is in Time’s Space above & below us
Liberty, as it was before your conception, your imaginary presence postmortem, my son
Finishing the lines on the mirror, you’ve bled out your inferior nasal conchae for no reason.

Pierce your skin from head to toe, insert dye into the would for the stains that ever last it
It all fades to the dust allowed by the undertaker, traditional incineration or shell burial
Pretending that the shell left behind was the thing you loved, it was the spirit inside moves
Of wisdom and experiential knowledge of all that happens from pole to pole’s dirty grooves.

Music and silence preferred over the banging noise of the pots & pans without pasta fazul
Singing and blowing into tubes, plucking strings if not rubbing friction in & out or act the fool
Known limitations in mind, skipping the losses & entrenching in the wins, all that I am, high
Schooled beyond the need to know, ignorance annihilated in the end, I know I am the guy!

Leftover banquet’s cuisine is as good as it gets, trophies for all just to participate in the glee
On a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the best, this is here & now, as good as it ever gets yo me
Maybe not to you or anyone else but you know, it’s all about being in love with L.A. suburbs
Big homes, small hoods, no projects towering above stone-asphalt, there’s no other words.

Mic up your voice so that everyone may enjoy the content of your thought, bring it on down
As you’ve always known, nobody knows anything about Nothing, let them know all about it
Christening the Christ in the Christian heathens who are kids believing their folks’ bull s#it
Not their fault it’s all they gleaned from the ancestors they descended from, it’s all there is.

Powerless in the finale as it was at the prologue before Act 1, hence curtain drops The End
Now then, unknown is known, no secrets or insoluble conundrums’ nightmare in a dream
Watch as the time pass without stopping, always forward & never in reverse of the stream
Past is all gone, forgotten except for warnings gleaned to avoid pain God’s bloody scream.

Spirit invisible within you & without you, it’s a fact of life you’ve been warned & it’s cool
Regardless of whether you like circumstances or not, it is all what it is, y’all are but a tool
Nobody cares about that either unless you’re imprisoned as an innocent or a genius Man
Breeze through exams & procure advanced degrees & prognosticate, be all too human.

Mind over matter is the illusion to accept to participate in society or you’ll be imprisoned
For life or some nights and days less than the whole shebang, nature will be four seasoned
Good, Evil & Ugly come as close as any creator or savior would want to be, it’s all a put-on
A play for the energy blown out to emptiness by an exploding red giant, immortal shotgun.

Sensational yet demure and at the same time off-putting as the refuse you’ve defecated
Holy gaslight fills the tragedy with comedy, if you can’t laugh, you’re gonna cry a deep river
Like it or not, as far as we know, this life we are lucky to be living is a gift from Gods that be
Nothing to be seen, form nor shape of matter to compare to your Ma & Pa, you are all of It.
r j j stephan, i

c.  Lundi, Janvier 7th MMXXV Anno Domini @ 1919 hours PST

{ Secreted watching @Prometheus @ https://youtu.be/nB-I8i6y6II?si=MKnZDl06twEHou7m & listenin’ to @RandyNewman #ShortPeopleGotNobody link @  https://youtu.be/T3W4ZOlA08g }


Monday, January 06, 2025

WORD DOWN TO THE UPPERS #NeverForgetNineNineONE #Picasso & #911 #GetReady #HereWeGo #HereWeGo


Can I be frank here Frankie & Johnny since you can’t be, y’all are too afoul of stench and stank
My God & your gods are at war in the final fiscal battle for all of the gold in the dead lead bank
Cope with the next ten minutes & you’ll be good to go, bull’s eye on your heart not in the back
Dead air is underneath your wings as it should have been as your head’s been injured by crack.

Motherless and father in heaven, there was only One virgin left to come away with Life on Earth
Hear the scream to come into the oxygenated Space below the heavens, luck got the high hand
Queens over aces are the full boat you screamed about in Reno, cheated the house’s Black Jacks
Moved around until it was later than midnight’s manufactured night moves, I worked on backs.

Massaged until the cash register rang up the price to pay for the feeling of ecstatic “Eye DGAF”
Use a calculator to figure out the following equation when “x” & “y” equal subzero holy muck
Linguistic certainty of believing with Blind Faith that we’re here & now yet in some dire strait
A dream within a Poe dream, night’s mare of being innocent & powerless on a first love date.

Recollect the symphony playing Strauss in your headphones as you picked up the mellow riff
His mother named him Richard after his father’s uncle Rich who wandered onto the RR track
High to low,in 208 pieces all about being shattered in a NYC minute, if you know, you're a stiff
You know that it’s all manufactured scat from a bull, a dog or cool cat, on the 4 corners’ black.

No concrete or blacktop in the dust, glass and wood build the scat that One’s fire will toast
Burnt to a crisp, all dried up every atom of H2O & we’ve turned into Mars’ dead-dust roast
Neither astrophysicists nor philosophers posit a trick to being able to accept Truth well-said
Knowing it all & knowing nothing about everything there is, matter & energy in a box, dead.

This ain’t your fault so never to worry your little head’s mind about it, just forget I said it
You’re all woke-up with the attention to picayune items like what you’ll do if sharks chit
Or if Dick & Jane like you or not, as if that matters in the finale, one final gasp of O2 gas
Nobody takes anything with them, rich, poor, young, old, unborn abortive, atone nice _ss.

Apes walk, talk, collectively consume & annihilate the thing itself, birth to death’s fiasco
Hey man, give up some love and loneliness for the Void, you’ll know someday, just blow
Whistle like your papa to come home for supper, you know your seat at the dinner table
Someone told you it was time, you forgot all about Time history, early or once too late.

Fear and loathing inside of the rooms of every mansion & hovel in a cave, lost & found it
Watered down to the basic element, it’s all Gold & Silver spoons of the eternal dreamer
Asleep upon the altar of the sacrifice in the form of a lamb or human virgin, a final offer
To be or not to be, blind faith in something or other when you can’t figure out jack chit.

You played my instrument & I sang a song with words used, a rhythm & rhyme to go blind
Drums, strings & blown tubular bells that have no ring, it’s just a Void to avoid in the mind
Hello I say to Hades called Hell, what’s taken you so long to come around, no spark to blow
Sorry for the sorrow, you win some & you know when you’ve lost it all, ain’t no late show.

Bums and junkies flow from the tops of the hills to the dregs at the bottom of the Earth core
Lava hot rocks roll from mountain tops to the salted sea, some just a deep sound of the bore
Like your mother dropped you on the floor when she didn’t even know you were inside her
Between her legs came the new life, just like the old life, a reincarnated being, a drunk driver.

Neverland passed into forgotten territory, with or without you, I’m here for the party of One
Multiply your division’s quotient by zero and that’s precisely what you’ll get, that ain’t no fun
Therefore, follow the premises to the inevitable showdown, indubitable conclusion deduced
God’s nobody man, it’s like this & like that y'all, a Strauss’ symphony 2 in F minor, “Bruce!”

Stow away rolled stones you’ll need when you’re emptied of all the power of the sticks n’ stone
You may be good, bad or ugly and you may be all of the above from time to time, we’re alone
Astronauts & cosmonauts felt the pulse outside of this planet, it’s a long way to the tip’s top
Hot to trot just the way things are when a species needs extinction, cannot get boys to stop.

Bring your bag lunch & a good book to read, it’ll be a break you’ll never forget about up high
Undercover lovers move the unmoved & then abort the innocent glob nobody will ever buy
How species’ survive is the mystery, all luck of the draw, shuffle the deck well, take a chance
Try to hide, go ahead, naturally I fear the reaper, it’s a natural law, so sweet baby, let’s dance!

Forget what I just wrote, what you all just read, begin again, start over, repeat ad infinitum
I’ve already forgotten & I just wrote this a second ago, too tired even to be an old man bum
No way to survive for nothing at all, without a goal there’s no place to go, not San Francisco
Loved the Tenderloin but Marin dragged my ass down the One, coastal crust the God’s blow.

I rocked it to the hilt and the climax was quick & forgotten in my caffeination infusion trick
I like Merlot though, I’m wishin’ upon a star ridin’ on a cable car, almost there & it’s so sick
You ain’t here but it’s OK, I got saved & I’m still runnin’ on the emptiness, I’m gonna filler up
Sooner than later, ready, get set, Home for the rest of your life, immortally your phuq-up.

On my last flight in the old school, never knew I could fly on my zipper, that’s what I get too
No way other than this way, it’s narrow but it will get me to where I’m goin’ for free but blue
As it is above so it is below the Nothingness from Tennessee to California, it’s too much glee
For the sake of the music, let’s get the colors coordinated, last blink, in synch, corpse is free.

Earth is rare just like the space between your ears, neve forget The Thing they did to US
You know who did it, you know I ain’t forgettin’ with hope that I’ll jog your recollection
Of men and the mice they trap & kill by fooling them to be getting free cheese from gods
Got nothing to show, smoke & mirrors deleted, we’re left with bull’s scat & our hot rods.

r j j stephan, i

c. Lundi, Janvier VIth MMXXV Anno Domini @ 666 AMPST

{ Crafted a corpse of words to express the @RareEarth rendition of #GetReady (‘cause here I come)  on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/FEyz_WayzyQ?si=XmnCRX46NaL0Cbsu }

