I'm the 23 year old #USAF NCO out of uniform & out-of-line hands-on, at the finale of the Viet Nam War, I am on the Far Left (as usual) in the shadow of Itaiwan #MakeBelieveWorld outside of Osan AB, South Korea circa 12-12-1974, #Neverneverland.
All on full throttle, pedal to the metal with the full house when no four of a kind
Bet on all your family jewels that you’ll come out smelling like a sweet, rosy mind
In every semi-final sequence of your life & death animation of skin and bones
You and all of the rest of us will know what this Life is all about ala cyber iPhones.
Color blinded by the darkness and lifted into the starlight of one, 1st sun’s demise
Pitch black hole’s suck singularity in gravitational collapse, moronic Big Bang lies
Fiddle-faddle sticks & stones, pick ‘em up & throw ‘em down in a controlled chaos
Get them all up & out without moving the One, black stick with the name of fools.
Pie in the sky 8-pieces uneaten, give me a piece a la mode flying Chinese-saucer ball
Periodic chairs and tables with the entire material universe in a walnut shell, no-no sir
Due respect for Time & Space experience in these 208 bones of RNA output, here, here
Now then, there, there now, no need for panic about the unknown being Nothing at all.
Peers a microscopic clip of a whole One, the whole shebang, all of what it is, to be Man
To be any other species is an ignorant, regressive mode of extinction without a Woman
Hurts to create a disturbance & be disturbed yourself by fake sinner, masticated scat
Learned what you’ve been taught by the survivors of childbirth, host’s & hostess’ fat.
Gems shining in a pitch-black darkness where the sun doesn’t shine, all up a keaster
As above & so it is below, immersion in retweets of the twitter & alogrhythm bleeder
Have the guns & bullets that will travel with bows, arrows, knives, swords & Fbombs
Annihilated the cosmic essence that existed before the animated thing, amoeba Oz.
No wizard with a magic wand behind him or a bookie with omni power to set the odds
Still won the lottery without buying the scam, a random number flambee of the gods
Not one person wins the game when other people lose the game, it is holy scat of chit
Brought in a memory I forget the moment I recalled, decay of gums in your head, eff It.
You all died a little bit every day when you chewed the dead matter of Life, decrepit
Hot water is atom holy, ice cold water shrunk man’s kind down to size, tiny byte of It
Underwater breath, don’t blow like a whistle, it’ll stink up the room, take it to a bank
At least you’re eating dead things & some morsels that stick between teeth for stank.
Power of the thought to create a form of life without the exchange of your spit with God
Friction & gravitational collapse use the momentum for Good, Evil & Ugly smokin’ bud
Boiled away our queen’s funk in Wagnall’s version of the pronunciation fission of rooks
A thru U vowels & B to Z consonants form the written word on walls, tablets & e-books.
Prime yet tertiary old news, you live & you’ll die for certain, live free & die young ain’t It
Be a slave to the system, obey the rules generated by the dead folks’ recipe for the chit
Bake, boil, fry, BBQ it or just masticate the bloody cells from the wishbone byte bums
It takes forever to reincarnate into walking bones, in a NYC minute, I swallow chums.
Who the hell is the swallower of our chums? A disembodied consciousness or bad guy
Fine for art but not for the good, bad or the ugly, painted, penciled or CAD concoction
Shrinkage in your skin to protect your hot stuff within your bowels, all just to get a high
Between waking up after being unconscious & asleep for hours or a day, Time is a Lie.
You are not the cause of your life, you are not the cause of your death, you lie as a rug
Down flat on the floor where only the bottom can deceive the clear mind, I am the bug
Insect to crawl, climb & burrow until there’s nothing left to do except to leave a corpse
Block you until you annihilate yourself, I don’t cast aspersions unto the Big Guy force.
Predict extinction cannot occur without F-bombs & the ilk of morons, idiots & queers
Free speech, freedom to say anything except that there’s a fire in the theater to cattle
They’ll stampede one & all without regard for the herd ahead, no steppin’ on the fears
Ending in black blankness, lights go out, they burn or bury you, forget about it! Beers!
Who dropped the first pin on a map? A pirate or explorer of water & dirt, queen’s boys
Girls got nothing to do with the labor of love, they got the whole species to be the toys
Swingin’ jeans back & forth, to and fro just like the metronome tick-tock, so say please
It’ll be the thanks I get for turnin’ on the blacklights, purple hazed & mindless tease.
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, Janvier 2nd MMXXV Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Drafted in utero, while jammin’ to @Ojays #GreatestHits link @ https://youtu.be/DkP_0l0YLqI }
YO MAMA (mama mia}