Not so full as the whole shebang, in fact, empty of it all but I’m here for the party too
High as above Earth’s atmosphere and as low as the inner core of the middle of Earth
Flies winging it from leaf to leaf, gold and silver collected in the rock form, love so blue
Heart’s broke, I am as ignorant as I was at conception and birth, death in store for you.
Rolling from the mountaintop to the foundation of the inner core of stardust, holy hell
As if you didn’t know, pretend that you’re naïve and don’t know better, ring-ring a bell
Double Eagles don’t fly, they’re in the bank with the #QuantumFund, you and I are we
Meaning nothing more nor less than dissolution of everything, plunge into a holy city.
Color-blinded into the black and white, everything faded to silver & black, like a Raider
In Vegas or the Bay, either way there’s no way to win it all, never, not now and not ever
Supreme courts and their inferior pretenders declare freedom is slavery & reverse achoo
Nothing to sneeze at, it’s a humdinger and nobody ever sees it comin’ drivin’ the screw.
All wings on the right and left of a high-flying Eagle bird from a nest to rest, a flip-off to all
Funds not registered and can’t do business investing in increasing something from nothing
Beef is the dead meat, chicken is the dead fowl and water is the leaking gas of Outerspace
Knowledge is important and impossible, it takes forever to discover you’re only your Face.
Your name, your life from birth to death, your history before & after you died, that’s all gone
Gone beyond anywhere you’ve ever heard of, so you wouldn’t grasp the intricate conundrum
Fade into a black hole Singularity, nobody gets out alive, Freedom’s all about being up in hell
Miscreants and the followers of foreign language texts, sticks and stones mighty shock shell.
Herds move to and fro, followers of the head leader of the pack, followed by death and dirt
Graves or ash dumps for the corpus dillecti full of seeds of extinction & survival of the hurts
Coming around the corner, up the back hill or just like a ton of bricks out of every nowhere
Gone like you never had one moment to spare, faded to black-backed voidness, over there.
Can’t buy thrills once they’ve depleted their inner sanctum storage of magic potions of GA
Magicians with magic words & potions of mixed up matter and energy knots, say: Sha Na Na
To be alive, to exist breathing and recycling matter, as we’ve gone for eons, that’s survival too
Only the strong and very fortunate can lay claim to success, I think, hence, I am nobody’s fool.
Goofy dog, I’m all me, caught that redheaded honey, sweet as sugar beets on mama’s table
Where it all comes from is an ephemeral mystery, a dream come true, like it or not, I’m able
Prepare to be It, as you’ve been trained to avoid the termination of your living thing to be
Can’t rise above a deception perception of blind men & women who see It, Nothing’s free.
A shoe box with a humming sound, lights emitting burnt waves of the tides’ psyche
A triple hit on your brain reverberates inside your bones and sinews on a motor bike
Lie back in your sissy seat, go faster than a speeding bullet through a dead portal slick
You & I can’t go back and forth between life and death, somebody can, ghosts’ tac-tic.
Junk got into tiny veins & arteries of retro-evolved lumps of fecal matter, nuclear war
Dreaming of fools I relate to, being a fool myself, once I wake up, it’s Hell way too far
Never knew that a sharp knife could end the dream with a slice, choice cut and a stab
In the movement, plunge to resistance, down to the bone, twist, turn & remove scab.
It’s what it is regardless of your opinion which may be right or wrong, it is what it is, fool
Light of the sun inside of the wires & walls where the plugs commiserate with the hole
Dehumanize the children who grow up into the philosophers who join the military’s #Aps
Cause of your #LMH1 plant Forty Two, carry your mama inside her own womb, God claps.
Prick up your ears, you will die either today or some day in the future, the past is a chimera
A LMH-1 is a load of Italian bread out of the oven, aloft in gravitational collapse of Yogi Bear
Angels in the outfield comin’ in and out of the portals, peace is silence, Title A drone droppers
Red Rover Atomic Powered Missile, ready to die or not, you will terminate, mothers’ phuqrz.
Here’s a drone, there’s a drone, everywhere a drone-drone, a dimension in your head space
Silence is appropriate for the Space-Time slot you’ve tripped into today, you slappin’ my face
High and mighty, free time is missing to you, it’s all bought & sold by the aliens’ who’re at one
With all atoms in the solar system, galaxy & universe of Nothingness’ end game, 2 tons of fun.
Kicked hard right between the legs without notice, breath stops, taken away for a long spell
Pain and suffering come just before disbelief that the feeling is all there is, no pain, so no gain
Fine and dandy to write it all down but if nobody reads the words, silence shines like gold air
Higher than you’ll ever get & lower than you can go, treasure found & lost in my longest hair.
On a merry-go-round & can’t ever get off since there’s nothing but a Void above & below us
Ripped off tombstones in dirt above graves, Time comes & then it’s gone, It falls down below
Space between hard atoms, lost and found my identification, doctors and nurses cured my ills
What I am is exactly what I am, oxymoronic pair of pigeon-toed, two feet’s ten toes, It all kills.
Blood is going to bleed out of the container, veins’ arteries of the liberty freeway, at one heart
Auricle and ventricle there for the party, in & out, ad infinitum for the duration of our fake art
Walk, crawl until it’s time for deep dive, a one & a two & a three, ready, set & love God to go
Rub it in deep into the skin & bone, it’s fear of the light in the darkness, terror’s what I blow.
Mink stole, dead rat around her neck and shoulders to make her feel like a gun moll on high
Nothing to fear except for the fear of fear itself, it’s all about the Nothingness’ void, yet I lie
About all subjective objects interacting as above in heaven, so it’s the same below on Earth
Pain relief in one heartbeat, survival’s desire leftover, dark matter’s all that I am, afterbirth.
Possible that low probability events may occur and cause undesirable effects of extinction
Species all too human & some not so very much, whistle blow in the dark, God’s mortal sin
Think that you’re thinking? Persuade an idiot and a moron of the Truth, then it’s “That Said”
Deceive and perceive your ancestors on the left, right, above & below the living & the Dead.
You know, I know nothing & you think you know most of it or all of it, organize chaos’ crime
Subjects & their predication causing undesirable effects, termination of blood lines on a dime
In one ear and out of the other, the bullet passes through like a cut blade thru Ends so bitter
High tides, low down to the core where gods never went, made-men need Mafioso babysitter.
Mirror image, I see nothing, I am nothing in a world of things, noun without predication chit
Dream fading, lights turning off, fading bit by bit until I’m used to the darkness, it’s mortal sin
I’m here & now, in a D.O.G.E. just cut from the bloated teams of five & ten in a seven-eleven
Found what was never lost, can’t get all you need for the soul’s spirit, I chew tobacco & spit.
r j j stephan, i
Lundi, 2-17-2025 Anno Domini @ 333 AMPST
{ Kicked this out the bed this AM around ‘3’ for no reason I know of other than, just because & listenin’ to #JustBecauseYouThinkYoureSoPretty on youTube link @ }