
Thursday, July 01, 2021

#LivingEasy #DyingHardlyBleeding #ZorroRocksAndRollsDonJuan @Santana @Zorro & @StevieRay


What we all need to do is, well, be the conscious mind & take a breath, chill, this ain't no disco
Your choice in the matter is the form of ghost you undertake before an undertaker moves on in
Lucky to have the species' members who make business deals to profit from the Ends of our kin
A coffin or a casket or an urn on top of the fireplace's ledge, where bad angels always fear to go.

In the name of the father of me, you and every other human form of being, that's the God's son
I am a mere speck of dust in the cosmos in subatomic form, Nothing is far beyond my ego of fun
All I ever really wanted to do in this life was live without pain and suffering, once in a while I did
The unbalance tilts toward the Will to Power failure of the singular ego I was programmed to be.

In many years of watchin' the four seasons wobble around beneath and above me, we will abort
A conclusion that's undeniable even by the dedicated skeptic who doesn't have a lick of faith cred
All of the assumed premises are absolutely true, therefore the conclusion, the deduction's it, dead
To you and I and every other rational being in the universe, whatever that means, Life's too short!

Humble without any expectation of Good, Evil or Indifference, I too have Pride, lions have a Pride
Monkeys in the jungle or out on the savanna with the zipper mouths who didn't become extinct
Everything that breathes the gas in and out, all of the things of all forms that reproduce for food
All of It is what we all are, cosmic relief of gravitational collapse, we're in Singularity mode, dude!

This is very old news & it means that the Earth has atrophied and has become what you see y'all
Countdown is entering the final phase and momentum of Time and Space is out of your purview
Hang on tight to something, keep your eyes closed and feel the End for One moment & then . . .
Deputy sheriffs and the marshals have turned in their badges, retired and gone rogue, in heaven.

End of Times has Earth in tiny chunks all still circling the Sun in ecliptic orbit, It Is All, too human
For the purpose of just trying to be entertained during one's ennui of being alone, a star, no fans
Oh mama I'm in fear for my life from the long & short arms of outlaws forcing two burned hands
Royal flush deleted from the lexicon, even priests & nuns know where I am comin' from, so Amen.

Taught me about the demons and the angels before I could imagine them on my own, un poquito
I didn't want to believe that there is something Unknown to humanity, to my brothers & mothers
Now's the last moment I will to power and silently voice my opine to the ears of the babes, sisters
Amazed at the self realization that I am the same as I was before my Ma & Pa concept, #eggricoh!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, July 1st, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 0830 hours
{ Drafted while listenin' to #SopranosHittinHighNotes on YouTube @ https://youtu.be/4nyPvjcRs0k }

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

#Creepin'Y'all #DeadAndGone #SheGotARockAndImGettinStoned #TheSnakesAsp @TheSopranos

Dogs in the House of Huskies where Siberians fear to go with or without you in the bag
Isolated the men from the mice and you with the rats in the traps, tryin' to hang the hag
With the comedy and the tragedy at hand, here on this plane of animated evolutionary tic
On the way to either the fiasco's finale or the shocked awakened ones' deleted idiots' toc.

In & on the subjects predicating the objects with prepositions, conjunctions & interjections
Cuban cigars and Cuban heels were featured on that prom night in '69, on a deadman's hand
It hurt like Charles Dickens meaning like a hero & a villain of the identical saga of mortal sins
On these settled contents, the oil rises to the top, the chaff sinks to One Void, a DNA strand.

You and I will both get what's comin' to us in the end, whatever that means, it's tautological
Means nothing at all but the Truth of what will be will be, #QueSeraSera like the Day of Doris
Sang like a sweet bird, recorded in the field of dream states where your godmother & God Is
Out of your mind and out of sight and sound and even the taste and odoriferous smell on call.

Between four walls, below one ceiling, upon one floor of being there's Nothing but ice freeze
On all of the other apes' backs the burden is a herd of beasts, an entire species of cro-magnon
In the burning, hot heat of the sunlight there is an afterburner I sense is overheated to seize
It's not your fault that you're you, now you're responsible just because you're 18 or 21, son.

Into the military, a steady job movin' up from base pay of an E-1 to an E-9 in an Air Force toy
Fruit salad begun and ended in four years, overseas for Lady Liberty and the ol' Bowery boys
Where the saps sink into oblivion just like the dead heroes and leftover bums & a cub scout
Simple minded grind is life and up to the bitter ends, let's give 'em somethin' to talk about!

It may not be the best or worst of things but one thing's for sure, it's the one and only thing
Nothing more nor less than what's right there in front of you, a keen smell's gourmet tasting
Food being the dead that used to be alive, plants and animals, let's be honest, we're #Pacman
Eating everything in sight, above & below to the left & the right, until the A-team's all chosen.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, June XXXth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 3:33 PM PST
{ #BookEmDano drafted while watchin' #EveryDeathInTheSopranos on YouTube link @ https://youtu.be/ZPKSP6IE3Gw }

#Physics & #Chemistry = #LifeOnEarthInHeavenAlready #NobodyCanTellYouWhyBut @TheEaglesBand


Stupid is as stupid does, somebody blurted out the Truth in your name & you don't know it either
If you allow the unthinkable, you may get old & you may die young but it will be a dirty, rat killer
On the field or the court or the rink, the sport of the mask of Zorro remains all that lovin' tips
All of the rest of humanity has masks off, nothing to hide but a big nose and misshapen tulips.

Jumping up and down, go into the formidable monkey stance, be the ape of the grape vine
Wine to die for in bottles and carafes of tooty fruity grape vine blood, recycled water-wine
Simply the best of the hot fun in the summertime, once the harvest is done & the party hits
In @Pink or in #Blues of the southern Mississippi created from the only way to survive s#itz.

Keep an eye on the prize 'cause it cannot disappear, it's created from hocus-pocus, all out of focus
For the sake of all dreamers coming after you, write down the thing itself, get it all, copy's a must
You have no choice little brother, the older sisters await the Word, they hang on for one, last drip
Of water turned to wine, drunken in the safe with God's baked, thin hose of a body, a holy LSD trip.

The content was just plain old sauvignon, not cold blood of a savior of heaven or earth, oh my God
Or in a manner of speaking, the flow is an amazing bit of trucking up & down the freeway turnpike
Finding fuel in between the star trek of apes full of themselves and their iconic mythology, train me
Oh, that's right, they did, the nuns, priests, father, mother, my friends & hell, love me some enemy!

Muscle memory is in the genes or it's not, that's a byte of free wisdom that will be unheeded by all
It's not their fault because it's the nature of the beast to approach the impossible & go with the flow
Nothing can be done about it, north pole to south & all around the equator's underground nest blow
Among youngsters who won't grow to affect the tilt of Earth, it's up to the left overs who get the call.

A day before you die, think about the nature of being and why you were here to watch the world spin
Being on it every moment of your life gave the ultimate experience in feeding caged monkeys for fun
It's just the way it is when the funk becomes a soprano singer in a baritone world of mean, wise guys
Hung the good with the bad, they were all hung up with the meanness of hurting, as they were spun.

Mothers and fathers do this to their children and then attempt to blame them for deeds they never did
A hit man runs around killing everyone he's told to kill & gets away with the crime once it becomes hid
From minions who judge others before they've been judged, shoot & kill everyone who is out of tunes
At the end, Ends will be a challenge for you, survivors bleed to death too, idiot morons on sand dunes.

Here & now as Space & Time are measurements of your duration of consciousness' of days & nights
Forever and a day will be about the moment you conceive that the dream is ad infinitum, good fights
Reason and logic have Nothing to do with anything at all, random collisions of rock makes us all roll
To the rhythm and the beat just like it ought to be, on every planet, forever, in the name of the Soul.

Poles aligned accidentally on purpose by the Fear and Loathing of being left alone without parents
Godless and in charge, it's the all too human functionaries of mankind, the demons in clown suits
Representing the clan of fire worshiping mouth breathers who follow 10 commands of the Sting
Moderation to the malfunction which will be done but in due time, when I'm done with My Living.

As you lie dying on my front room rug that's never been cleaned, now you've died on top of the shag
I won't weep for you 'cause you didn't want me to, you wouldn't know it anyway even if I did you jag
It's a matter of knowing what's known & unknown, that's the ticket man, sing a song of a wooden leg
Pumped up behind the scenes, only the Sopranos die young except a few & my Mother-in-Law, Peg.

r j j  stephan, I
c.  Mercredi, June XXXth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 8:38 AMPST
{ Drafted watchin' #EveryDeathInTheSopranos @TheSopranoClan https://youtu.be/ZPKSP6IE3Gw }