
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

#ALLSuperBowl2025Commercials you are so lucky! #CommercialGenii

R.I.P. mama mia 
Salvatrese maria Alfano Stephan
peace & I love you baby!  XOXO
I’ve got news for the old folks, the young folks and the #WokeFolks in the bleeding
Broken laws come first after ten commands, you can’t be a good human, no felons
Your OP parents were either never there or there & shouldn’t ‘ve been there, DING
Ethical decisions based on traditional morality of right & wrong, good & evil sons.

No daughters are allowed to be evil, they are all the product of semen of the men
Just a solitary egg wondering about nothing suddenly hijacked by RNA without Zen
Harmony when atoms collapse into black holes beneath the Milky Way’s day tripper
Hidden within star systems’ planetary orbitals, none with life as we know it, a zipper.

Stop my watch, your time is up & it’s all goin’ down to the bottom of the holy dumbbell
Bums & stoned junkies hired to judge, umpire & referee the ball game, avoid inevitable
Until death will strife then part your 208 bones, blood & consciousness to die for any day
Idiots & morons runnin’ to head the show but the jig is up & naked kings are all but gay.

Brow-beating your master’s mama until you’re released and freed from being indentured
That’s the only way to succeed at annihilating your slave mentality, inherit from a cool fool
In or out of your home, above & below the ground we share with all plants & animal herds
Everywhere, anyplace, anytime including eternity out of Time, pretend that it is all One too.

Let me assure myself before I reduce my ego to the essence of being’s reduction, poor ol’ Id
Professional and amateur have equal but separate visions, one to enrich & the other to enjoy
For nobody can anybody die for, whether you have a notion to do it or not, it’s impossible too
Just sayin’ it’s a long road to the top & quick jump off of a bridge or a cliff when killin’ the kid.

Nobody cares if it’s Albert, Anthony, Zeke or Zachary, from A to Z, you’re flushed to the guts
Conception & then abortion, it’s the human’s extinction mechanism for Mother Nature’s cuts
Safer & at risk like your daddy & mama were, it’s inheritance to swill like Tennessee whiskey
Portholes open without glass barriers, the ship goes down, poop deck from fore to aft, at sea.

Silly brothers fighting like cousins and their choices of mate, it will never, ever begin again
You know deep down that the Truth is, you were fortunate to be conceived at all, pray Zen
No free choices other than to follow the cause & effect system of the down & out, hurry up
You may run out of time or be already gone, fly like an Eagle, win an NFL championship cup!

Queer is different from the Norm, which is what evolutionary variation of genes is all about
You get picked up hitch-hiking, believing that human beings are all good, none of them evil
Eyes wide open when you are forced to terminate the threat of being incarcerated by a lout
As above the ground is wide open, so below the ground, all the same, above & below gravel.

Crickets rubbin’ legs for the attraction to reproduce its own kind, no reason for that bull scat
It’s the nature of the beast, evolution for the most fit who reproduce a lot, the predators eat
Holy ghosts remain when things themselves eek out their mortality, decrepit ashes in an urn
All sights out of sight, all sounds hard of hearing, tasteless because they're odorless, feel a burn.

You won’t feel a thing after the pain dissipates, nobody feels anything after it’s all gone to hell
Believe the dead folks when they return to the psychics who explore the black hole in a bell
Loose as my old lady Lucy or up tighter than a drum, up here on top, ain’t no big thing, so high
Bluff it for me and difficult for y’all, a lucky draw from a holy deck of 52, got a full house, I lie!

Plaid & polka dotted shirts and skirts, long sweaters of wool and synthetic silk, all in my head
When you are forced to skip a rope & you’re the best of the rest, single or double-Dutch uphill
Inside of a river I stepped into, I immediately reflected, wouldn’t step into the flow twice devil
Backward spelling of the diablo is ‘lived,’ there’s no doubt, devil is lived with corpses all dead.

Squirt the fluid out the container, envelop the origin in the code of an original garden snaking
I’ll get up your leg, gone up every mother’s leg near my pheromones that waft in the dead air
You know what I know, it’s nobody’s secret that we’re alive & we’re all gonna die, sooner here
Immortality in a conceptual, bizarre world as we know it, ash remains can’t drink ale or beer.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, 1-XXIXth - MMXXV Anno Domini @ 808 AMPST
{ Killed the Lead, Buried the Lead, Drafted this Ditty while jammin’ to the @Eagles #LongRoadOutOfEden on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/5nhM1BJOHu8 & the #Creators Anunnaki, Gods, Ancient Aliens

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

#AppleJackGold #Schism #WhenHadesFreezesOver #YoMama

What the gods hack with ease!
Whoopin’ Man’s ass sometimes!
Whippin your mare or your Philly won’t do the trick, obedience is earned with kind causes
Gone up and down with the roller coaster’s tracks, might be four or eight, up to the bosses
I ain’t the one that’s been here since day 1, I wasn’t even gonna show up until it was all over
Yet, here I am, holding my ground to the folks who step across the line, back step one, lover.

Pensions come & finally come to an end, comin’ out your cash bottom line, freaks in charge
Of the gunpowder that the Chinese figure would make noisy explosions to share the Large
It don’t hurt one bit to be scared for a second, makes you laugh or gets you cussin’ a might
Bits of pieces come apart & return back to it’s original sin state of disobedience to the fight.

Sisters and cousins can’t comprehend the nature of the beast, it’s the original G on trial too
Yo’ to the gallery, later to the crass & ignorant, high & mightier than the get-go-gangster fool
Pants on the ground, dago T’s tucked in to baggie blues or greys, no choice to be in the herd
On the corner or between the blocks, the streets’ asphalt too hot to go ala barefoot furled.

Right to the Left, all learned from the leaders of the herd, elected or dominated by fearing
Every command of the mighty absentee creator of heaven above & Earth below, it’s a show
To be or not to be is not only a question but also the final gasp of wind in a sore cutthroat
Too severe to repeat ad infinitum, angelic Singularity’s black hole, everything’s everything.

I’m slidin’ on ice I didn’t create, just visiting for a spell, no choice to be created in the Lust
Married or not, the two become One, here we are, all from the duality of the divine Trust
Quiet silence fills the empty room, see the reason for the nucleus is to create the nuclei
Nothing to do with rewards and punishments for observing rules & theorems to be Free.

Spirit outside of the skin and bones, infused into the granite stone-rock cross & years here
On planet Earth’s dirty ground, gold & lead leaking out from the finality of the star we were
Earth’s a dying star, think about the Truth, no choice to want peace, you’ll die anyway boss
It’s all there is blinded buy the Truth, here today in my Cadillac, gone tomorrow, God’s loss.

Inside of the head’s skull, a brain’s mind mills over the good, the bad & the ugly faces of men
Each one created by the isolation of One Egg, coded RNA for survival of the fittest, God amen
Hey man, you gotta go when you gotta go, toilet to hide the defecated & urinated below us all
Now, Time’s almost all gone, years of decades fading into the forgotten Truth, why angels fell.

You have all twenty breaths left in your lungs, don’t say a thing unless it ends, “I am so sorry!”
All you thought about & everything you did is all in your mind, as it dies, you’re all gone too
Wishing it was different but there’s some unknown reason for the madness, it’s all the Story
Saga and tale that can never repeat, it’s a One & Done, tribute to the power that is, The Boo!

r j j stephan i
c. Mardi, 1-28-MMXXV @ 444 AMPST

{ Lettin’ Nothin’ slide, Your Pity & Sorrow has no effect, High Road taken & drafted this gem while repeating a loop of #TrueLove by @GlenFrey on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/mUM4x4Bl_Ic?si=M0_IV1iQKp1wsv_y & some @Stewie link @ https://youtu.be/S74h3U7rISM }



G O L D  applejack

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Four Score I Think Is A Double Sawbuck, Anyway . . . I ain't Crazy, God Forbid... #WhoopAmanSometimez




What Would Jesus Do?  Ask T

To Die For Neighbors & Enemies.


Speedbumps every 20 feet you roll on down highway 1 on the coast, too many “S” curves too
On any given day or dark night, there is nobody I’d rather drive on the One with other than Boo
She knows who she is, I don’t want to drop names to impress all 80 I know in the peanut gallery
Mercurial drive far from a Kauai farm of pocololo, drivin’ the sport Bentley, Weed to Monterey.

In some way shape or form, lucky or not, y’all get down to Santa Cruz’ beach’s elder boardwalk
Get some chowder & crackers & sit down to watch the sea gulls & assorted wildlife dive for fish
Most people will never see what I saw, what many but not everyone has observed, on the cuff
Hearts broken into a trillion pieces, the reward for a Valentinian love is rejection in the hot buff.

Nevertheless, it’s automatically going to be a problem for you & I because everything is just that
A problem is our problem to solve & move far away from the cause of the conundrums of fate
Maybe this or that, fill in the blanks to predicate the subjects & objects, adverb adjectives
If prepositions & interjections go too far, just use the first conjunction that comes to your mind.

All the above, tools for the control of the narrative, better me than you or anyone else, all good
Imagine you were one seeing things from the point of view of a 73-year-old man, you’d be rude
But anyway, it’s good to know for certain that the kids can return to classes, state slaves all back
Hostages taken no more, it’s what happens when the imagination fails to accommodate a stack.

What will you do when an illegal immigrant comes to homestead in your house? Cry or guffaw?
Self-Defense for the offense allowed, it’s me, myself & I for the triad of nominees nobody saw
Coming or going whether you like it or not, grim reaper has no choice but to reap what’s sewn
Seed to fruit of the vine, everything is everything, ad infinitum, no lies, mortal job is all blown.

Bury the hatchet deep, in a manner of speaking meaning just forget about it, ain’t no big thing
On the other hand, fate even awakens the woke when a final gasp of gas comes in & goes out
A moment of silence to gather your fixed agenda of cause & effect, mindless clutter, jib jabber
It is difficult to solve some problems, the conundrums without solutions that burn my rubber.

Creating exoplanets and animated life forms inhabiting them, at least here on Earth, that’s Life
It’s all just what is dust on my boots when I’m down after being high in April, up/down in May
The demi gods are in charge of causes and effects of Life on Earth, conception to last watch
Completed contract-mission is what I stand up for, attention General Quarters, go get a wife.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, 1- XXVIth – MMXXV Anno Domini @2111 hours PST
{ Proof that you are nobody but the 208 bag of bones you were born with, take an MRI to be certain, count back from 100, like 1, 2, 3 or 3, 2, ! for the return of your property most foul & spinnin the notes with @TraceAdkins #HITS #YaGottaWoopAMansAssSometime #GodForbid on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/rMnqPpHParo }
