La vita is all there is, dawn ‘til dusk, then it all ends in a penultimate finale, freed free
Hits or misses the mark, the bull’s eye right smack in the middle of it all, arrow points
Mark this momentary lapse of the ovum’s benediction as initiation smokin’ the joints.
Higher than any woman or man should ever be, you know it if you know it, if not, well
Then it is what it is, you may never know, you may pass away without the Nirvana pill
Not many receive it non-gratis except the worthy due to relation to the innocent gods
Before birth all in flesh & blood, the unknown was known, forgotten phuqin’ hot rods.
We didn’t have to be here learning how to love and beget more of the many, too many
A geometric progression from two to too many is the modus operandi for extinctions
Species already gone in perpetuity and will be gone whenever the atom splits energy
Not only but also every single one of the many has it all & nothing more than A to G.
Talkin’ sharps, flats, sevenths & diminished, all the chords in rows of stanzas from high
Above or below the clouds that coverup the action nobody could handle & retain sanity
Enjoy the trip we’re all on, hit any name in the book from A through Z, in synchronicity
Hope and Faith determine the opportunities at random, until It all becomes One to die.
We’ve all been up and down depending on our luck being raised in this vacuum’s Space
Good, evil, beautiful & ugly, ungifted random DNA recombination formation of the face
It’s the animal attraction of the form to recombine the DNA without regard to free wills
This MO was required to civilize the animal nature within, in search of climaxing skills.
Angles within the triangles leave the complementary outer angles the difference from 180
You cannot make this theoretical any clearer, you’ve got to get an angle on the shebang
All of it, not just some of it, little or nothing, unacceptable cause of extinction, cross the T
Nothing for the cure, nothing is the cure and there’s nothing less than this hot bang-bang.
Man on Earth, please stay down there, quit sending the protoplasm far above the rock world
Where gas turns liquid and flows from poles to equator in streams and rivers of love curled
Knowledge is wisdom to proceed everywhere in stealth mode, in the light and in the darker
Places from pole to pole, the imaginary places unseen because they’re the process’ marker.
Graves, stones of memory to survive the skin and bones, souls and spirits created in grace
Just because the Divine wanted to pretend not to be Divine, experience Life & Death’s face
Solo or with the ones who pretend to be friends and enemies depending on your awareness
Being a hermit, introvert at One with Being, atom to nebula, never, ever love y’all any less.
Required for happiness is the air you breathe and the freedom you feel to say and do it all
No holds barred and there actually never were holds, it was all in the programmed of minds
Ones who left the commandments and theorems for study and implementation, pass the ball
Shoot to thrill, bull’s eye there at dead center, let it go, point enter goals and holes’ shrines.
Meat & all it is, dead animal remains’ filet or patty, all too human way to be God’s carnivore
Pressure outside of the protected limit of influence, nothing to worry about, it’s a broken back
What you see is what you get, it’s not a promise but it’s an educated guess, in & out the door
Flocks fly in for the season, that’s the suspense of reason overwhelms even a loving La Flaca.
Daunting future coming whether you see it comin’ or not, even if you do, there’s no escape
You came to conquer the nature of the beast, now is your chance, first or last, conceived rape
Baby into enculturated protoplasm to enhance the culture & leave nothing but ash & smoke
Fire burning, heart beating, circulating the hot blood in a puddle of mud, all in a back stroke.
Your gold is good and everybody takes it with a grain of salt, that’s not the biochemistry plan
What it is today an yesterday is the same as it’ll be tomorrow & on to the finale, barcode scan
Squared to the cube, 2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate? Historical bookmakers, angels in skits
No existence for you or me without them, the odds are you lose to the house, pay your debts.
I’m listening to your voice but I neither hear nor understand what you’re saying, speak softly
Carry a big stick, make it pointy on one end in case you need to make a point a bitter strongly
Looking within for the response to the query yields more of the above and less of the below
Talking, to anyone and everyone except your Self, that is the Way, narrow, fly like a sparrow.
r j j stephan, i
Mercredi, March 5th MMXXV Anno Domini @444 PMPST
{ Complicated this rendering of #ThoughtOuttaNowhere with
more word salad fodder for Truth kindling, & listenin’ to @MichaelJackson #Xscape
version on youTube link @